whats the federal maximum limit for growing dope these days?
ZERO plants??
ohh my.
i'm california medical compliant, and yet i too could be jailed for life if i get a federal prosecution.
my six plants makes me a drugs kingpin, my guns (which have nothing to do with my pot plants) makes me a violent narco-trafficker, and the fact that i dont sell my weed doesnt matter, since NOT selling weed is just as much interstate trafficking as smuggling a 200 pound bale of dope across the border.
yes that's right, NOT selling weed is considered exactly the same as interstate trafficking, since growing dope for personal use increases the "interstate commerce" supply of dope by you not buying dope from the black market.
the feds dont give a fuck about facts, logic, common sense, state laws, local regulations or even rationality. they just want potheads in prison.
and barry seotoro is the top man in the federal government so HE is the one directly responsible for what his appointees do.