Obama's "Justice" Department Trumps Up Charges On MMJ Grower, 80+ Year Minimum

I'm a nice fucking guy, Sky. loved by many. a pillar in my community. for real.

the only people I hate, are the ones that join factions, or demonize me because I can pass for "white." (in Winter)
One thing I was surprised about was the amount of white people from the central and south american soccer teams and their fans at the world cup.

I know they are probably the wealthy in those countries, like they are in Mexico, but a great many are actually white.

The ones who migrate up here are not white.
One thing I was surprised about was the amount of white people from the central and south american soccer teams and their fans at the world cup.

I know they are probably the wealthy in those countries, like they are in Mexico, but a great many are actually white.

The ones who migrate up here are not white.

some are..take a look at the guys who do your yard for one example.
state limits vary and how far over your limit you go has a lot to do with it. certain states are more lenient with overages than others too. that was all i was getting at with my original statement.
again, since your head is lodged so firmly in your own ass,


even colorado, which has legalized recreational pot smoking cannot prevent federal prosecutions of cannabis crimes.

state laws and state acceptance of pot is not even permissible in your defense under federal prosecution.

i know it chaps your ass to see that The Brahmin In Chief has lied his ass off over weed, and his attack dog Eric Cockbreath Holder is still prosecuting potheads while smuggling guns into mexico, but pretending that state laws have anything to do with federal prosecutions is just retarded.
red will be by shortly to call you a liar.

bucky IS lying.

when the feds prosecute you for growing/possessing/smoking/selling dope, the rules regulations and laws of your state are IRRELEVANT.

he knows this, YOU know this, but you are trying to create a fiction by repeating the same lies over and over.
One thing I was surprised about was the amount of white people from the central and south american soccer teams and their fans at the world cup.

I know they are probably the wealthy in those countries, like they are in Mexico, but a great many are actually white.

The ones who migrate up here are not white.

The ones you notice are not white. I would postulate you simply are unaware of the ones that migrate and are white...
ooooops..little over huh?
whats the federal maximum limit for growing dope these days?

ZERO plants??

ohh my.

i'm california medical compliant, and yet i too could be jailed for life if i get a federal prosecution.

my six plants makes me a drugs kingpin, my guns (which have nothing to do with my pot plants) makes me a violent narco-trafficker, and the fact that i dont sell my weed doesnt matter, since NOT selling weed is just as much interstate trafficking as smuggling a 200 pound bale of dope across the border.

yes that's right, NOT selling weed is considered exactly the same as interstate trafficking, since growing dope for personal use increases the "interstate commerce" supply of dope by you not buying dope from the black market.

the feds dont give a fuck about facts, logic, common sense, state laws, local regulations or even rationality. they just want potheads in prison.

and barry seotoro is the top man in the federal government so HE is the one directly responsible for what his appointees do.
bucky IS lying.

when the feds prosecute you for growing/possessing/smoking/selling dope, the rules regulations and laws of your state are IRRELEVANT.

he knows this, YOU know this, but you are trying to create a fiction by repeating the same lies over and over.

whats the federal maximum limit for growing dope these days?

ZERO plants??

ohh my.

i'm california medical compliant, and yet i too could be jailed for life if i get a federal prosecution.

my six plants makes me a drugs kingpin, my guns (which have nothing to do with my pot plants) makes me a violent narco-trafficker, and the fact that i dont sell my weed doesnt matter, since NOT selling weed is just as much interstate trafficking as smuggling a 200 pound bale of dope across the border.

yes that's right, NOT selling weed is considered exactly the same as interstate trafficking, since growing dope for personal use increases the "interstate commerce" supply of dope by you not buying dope from the black market.

the feds dont give a fuck about facts, logic, common sense, state laws, local regulations or even rationality. they just want potheads in prison.

and barry seotoro is the top man in the federal government so HE is the one directly responsible for what his appointees do.

awwwww poor doc..peaches aren't in season?
