Obama's people are starting to leak.

when is that check from Mexico going to clear so we can start building Dear Leaders Terrific Wall?
184billion a year is spent on illegals. Building a wall and kicking out the rest of the illegals back to China and Europe would be a good first step

A country is defined by its laws and borders.

Mexico has a nice stout southern border.
so you are more concerned with the leaking of treasonous acitvities instead of the treasonous activities?

got it.

What treasonous activities?
The only treasounous activities I've seen is the Clinton's. Love to start listing them for you. This is a fight you cannot win as they are some of the biggest criminal minds the world has seen. Almost at war with NK thanks to Bill giving them the ok just like Obama and Iran.

Here is just 2 of the scandals they are involved in.



You guys can thank your heroes for helping North Korea get their nuclear weapons since Clinton signed an agreement with them for us to build their nuclear reactors for them. Yes that's right. And idiots will continue to side and vote in these people who want to enslave you.

What treasonous activities?
The only treasounous activities I've seen is the Clinton's. Love to start listing them for you. This is a fight you cannot win as they are some of the biggest criminal minds the world has seen. Almost at war with NK thanks to Bill giving them the ok just like Obama and Iran.

Here is just 2 of the scandals they are involved in.



You guys can thank your heroes for helping North Korea get their nuclear weapons since Clinton signed an agreement with them for us to build their nuclear reactors for them. Yes that's right. And idiots will continue to side and vote in these people who want to enslave you.


i can't argue with this. infowars is your bullet proof source. i give up. now i'm going outside to watch for chem trails.
i had to google search that one. too fucking funny.

doesn't the vinegar and the tin foil hats have some type of chemical reaction though?
I don't know but if you put potatoes au gratin in a cast iron pan and cover it in foil it does. After 12 hours in the fridge large parts of the aluminum were just gone.