Obama's people are starting to leak.

Oh I don't know... maybe hacking the DNC as per Trump's request? Or hiring 15000 internet trolls to post false or misleading information on social media, as well as on internet forums like this one? Have you been asleep for the last 2 months?
Prove it!

They have no proof who hacked the DNC if they did it would have been out before the election. Internet trolls? Really? I seem to remember a lot of trolls being pro Hillary like @UncleBuck
Got Leaks?

Prove it!

They have no proof who hacked the DNC if they did it would have been out before the election. Internet trolls? Really? I seem to remember a lot of trolls being pro Hillary like @UncleBuck
So, when and if proven they did, you will be reconsidering your position on this, I take?
Clinton who?.....who is she?
trump is POTUS and needs to be locked up.....for the good of us all
Tampee can't get over how bad Trump is and has chosen to remain in 2016.

Meanwhile, even Hillary has moved on. From Mao - style pants suits to an even more hideous fashion statement.

I'm sure @tampee can't get enough of that.