Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?

Wow..cant believe your daddy sticks his cock in that filthy mouth...now run along princess...your outta your league...lmao
you're in a league?
bush....maybe....you're just another guy too invested in your hate and hypocrisy to see the truth...and like the others, you manufacture your own version of reality that supports your version of events....until reality strikes home, and your house of cards falls...the foundation is shaking hard....must be another sheriff at the door with another indictment.....
Note the contrast between Roger's and Bug's posts. One wants to focus on the issues, the other wants to talk about anything but. They just want to salvage their wounded pride to restore their self justified conceit.

How do you know they weren't hacked? You are such a liar.

Regarding all your work to try to salvage your lost pride. The only document that is valid, true and represents what Cortez wanted to say is in the copy submitted to the Congressional record. That's what I linked to and is the only document worth discussing. But no, you don't want a real discussion. The other crap is just fakery and tearing down at a person's character rather than what they are trying to do. As @Roger A. Shrubber said, "meanwhile we see our coastlines flood ten miles in." You want to quibble over wording in an irrelevant document while real tragedy for millions of real people is unfolding before us.

What a dickhead. Prideful dickheads are why we aren't making enough progress..
Her chief of staff put out a statement. Grow up.
No, he appears homophobic to me as well.
Yes, yes, I get that you'd rather lie than discuss real issues.

Now then, show me where it says "welfare for people who don't want to work" in the document that Cortez submitted to Congress."

Her chief of staff put out a statement. Grow up.

I told you you'd get laughed at if you referred to any document other than the one she submitted to Congress. I knew you would try to weasel out with some BS and even told you ahead of time to not even try. So, what did you do? Stepped right into it.

Too funny that.
Yes, yes, I get that you'd rather lie than discuss real issues.

Now then, show me where it says "welfare for people who don't want to work" in the document that Cortez submitted to Congress."

It was in the first draft given to NPR, not hacked, yet you claim I invented it. Not sure I know what to tell you at this point, go have a nice day.
You made shit up about the ten years. You have no credibility to lean on, you have to prove what you said is true.
You asked me to prove I did not make this up and I did so. I understand you are too invested in your ego to acknowledge this.
It was in the first draft given to NPR, not hacked, yet you claim I invented it. Not sure I know what to tell you at this point, go have a nice day.
Yes, I get that you want to deflect from what Cortez meant and said in the only real document that represents her statement about the New Green Deal. You are so predictable. You can't stand to talk about real things so you go to character assassination. As I said at the beginning of this thread, NPR got it wrong. They should have checked the final draft. An out of date earlier draft is no news.

But that's what Trump's Chumps like you and med4meth want to talk about. Not real issues but fear, character and lies.

Not going there Chump. I told you ahead of time that you should stick to the only real document and you so quite dumbly and predictably didn't. Cant you even laugh at how predictable and adorable your kind are? And to top it off, you think you are smart.

Yea thats a hot mess goin down in flames..
But id still like to creampie her lil potareekin ass...nomsayin?
It's not going down in flames. It's in the Congressional record and will be up for debate. All you guys are doing is trying to take the issue down with a bad argument. No, just because a draft that contained the wrong text, for whatever reason, was released doesn't make her argument about the need for action on global warming invalid. I've listened to enough right wing talk radio to know that that kind of crap is pumped up your asses 7/24 but you aren't even talking about the issues. Your are going after character using a fake argument.

Your kind are adorable, how you act as if you think you are being so smart. I was watching five year olds play and they think they are smart too. So cute.
Yes, I get that you want to deflect from what Cortez meant and said in the only real document that represents her statement about the New Green Deal. You are so predictable. You can't stand to talk about real things so you go to character assassination. As I said at the beginning of this thread, NPR got it wrong. They should have checked the final draft. An out of date earlier draft is no news.

But that's what Trump's Chumps like you and med4meth want to talk about. Not real issues but fear, character and lies.

Not going there Chump. I told you ahead of time that you should stick to the only real document and you so quite dumbly and predictably didn't. Cant you even laugh at how predictable and adorable your kind are? And to top it off, you think you are smart.

I have not moved past your false statement that I made up the language in the draft released to NPR by her chief of staff. If you wish to pretend that we are discussing something else, that is your prerogative.
Wow a libertarian homophobe.rare breed i think theres room for you to move up to repub status ..i read your post a couple times..couldnt really make sense of it...prolly jus me
Nothing homophobic about his metaphor

Metaphorically you are taking it up the ass from donald