Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?

I knew you'd pull up some bs crap. I didn't know an unedited and probably hacked version would somehow make it out of her office but I knew something made of slime would appear. So, I linked the only true statement from Cortez's office, the only version that was submitted to Congress.

Also why I warned you that you'd get laughed at when you tried to pull your slimy bullshit.

Because liars lie.

When shown up for those lies, liars deserve to be laughed at.





one guy keeps saying it was "erroneous and doctored"....i don't think it was doctored....i think they fucked up and released a version they didn't intend to, and now that it got out there, they're trying to cover their asses....like all politicians do.
i'd respect her a lot more if she just came out and said it was a prior draft that the didn't like, and altered...
Let me guess all lizzy warrens cuzins?
The only thing red bought her was her face when she got caught lyin about her minority status at univ of penn
Thought you didnt like liars?
are you seriously a big enough motherfucking goddamn hypocrite that you can have lying fucking trump in office, a man who can't fucking say ten words in a row without 5 of them being a lie...that you're riding warren's one fucking little ego trip all the way to the ground?
maybe she lied, maybe she believed an old family story...trump definitely lies, every fucking time he says anything, at all, ever, anywhere...he can't go to the fucking shitter without telling the bathroom attendant a lie...
trumptards have so fucking little moral ground to stand on, surely you don't want to erode it by calling anyone else a liar......
If it passes, most certainly the science denying Republican Senate will be on record of being the culprits for the floods and environmental disasters that are taking place now and getting worse. Cortez has already won in that she documented a plan that is getting attention and discussion. You lose.
that will be comforting while we all starve....and the coast is now 10 miles further inland, and we still have old infrastructure crumbling around us....instead of doing something now
The meta data on the initial NPR documents show they originated from AOC's chief of staff. They were not hacked, just drafts that were not supposed to be made public, but rewritten prior to publication. A fuck up.

I'm curious why the initial NPR story did not call out the language calling to support those who are unwilling to work. Seems liberal bias is at play. At least they kept the link up to the documents.
are you seriously a big enough motherfucking goddamn hypocrite that you can have lying fucking trump in office, a man who can't fucking say ten words in a row without 5 of them being a lie...that you're riding warren's one fucking little ego trip all the way to the ground?
maybe she lied, maybe she believed an old family story...trump definitely lies, every fucking time he says anything, at all, ever, anywhere...he can't go to the fucking shitter without telling the bathroom attendant a lie...
trumptards have so fucking little moral ground to stand on, surely you don't want to erode it by calling anyone else a liar......
Well..i really dont give a fuck about it but will say on the hypocrisy issue that you have no problem counting and cataloguing trumps alleged lies....but one of yours get caught and called out and you come unglued....thats the hypocrisy rub i see...if you dont like trump for lying cuz lying is repulsive...shouldnt you be repulsed when lizzy lies aswell?....if not then the hypocrisy lies with you....

Just watched some of pocos speech....am i the only one that feels like im being yelled at by the library lady?, with her delivery?
Very hard to actually listen to what she is saying....
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maybe she lied, maybe she believed an old family story...

She's on record as saying it was an old family story.

I had a "paw-paw" when I was very young. My mother left me with him while she went off partying for a while...about 2 years. He was ancient. I mean, ANCIENT. Nobody really knew how old he was. He was Cherokee.

He used to tell me stories about when he was young and scouted for the United States Calvary. He told me the biggest mistake the U.S. ever made was making California a state. He remembers still seeing men in their worn out, striped down, Confederate uniforms because they had no other clothes to wear.

I'd sit and listen to him all day. We'd work in his garden and he'd tell stories. I was never really sure if they were true. I was a kid. I believed him.

Years later, when I was in my 20's, I wondered what had ever happened to him. He died in 1978. According to the local paper, he was 117 years old. But they weren't quite sure exactly how old he was. They guessed from his oldest child's birth certificate dated 1878. They figured he must have been at least 17 before he had a kid.

But I never believed he was a relative. I never assumed he was, at any rate. I most certainly didn't look at my white face in the mirror and then go out and claim to be Native American based on stories I heard as a kid.

Elizabeth Warren did exactly that: based a thought on stories. To make it worse, rather than be the adult in the room and let it go, she kept on and on about it even going so far as to have DNA testing done to show that she has as much Native American ancestry as an Indian Motorcycle.

Her campaign was over before it started. She has NO chance in hell and should never have entered the race.
Well..i really dont give a fuck about it but will say on the hypocrisy issue that you have no problem counting and cataloguing trumps alleged lies....but one of yours get caught and called out and you come unglued....thats the hypocrisy rub i see...if you dont like trump for lying cuz lying is repulsive...shouldnt you be repulsed when lizzy lies aswerll?....if not then the hypocrisy lies with you....

Just watched some of pocos speech....am i the only one that feels like im being yelled at by the library lady, with her delivery?
Very hard to actually listen to what she is saying....
Unlike Trump who has the hypnotic voice. The voice of a demented old man struggling to read the teleprompter Obama was blasted for even using. Go report someone else to the admins, chickenshit.
Unlike Trump who has the hypnotic voice. The voice of a demented old man struggling to read the teleprompter Obama was blasted for even using. Go report someone else to the admins, chickenshit.
Maybe you should talk to some of your buds bout that
Swing on someone elses nuts
Yea seen it typical smart ass trump stuff...kinda funny i guess...trumps stupid tweets are made more for you guys i think...hes got you guys hangin on every tweet every mispelled word ....you guys get so caught up in it you cant look away...hes got ya

As far as the TRAIL....could be a hit job...but just hangin it out there on its own gives him plausable denial and keeps folks talkin bout him...
Maybe givin him to much credit for linkin up trail of tears stuff...tweeted on a friday...forgotten by monday
Maybe pay less attention to what hes tweetin and more on what hes signing....hes makin some big changes in government while folks are readin and bitchin bout some stupid fuckin tweets
Your call...
Trumps tweets give actual Americans a target rich environment of his mindless drivel
Buy a Trumpy Bear and enjoy the show because the new Democratic President will do the will of the majority of Americans in 2020 and undo all Trumps terrible decisions MAGA
The science on why the climate is warming is settled. The world's climate is warming rapidly due to carbon dioxide build up and its heat properties. If you don't like the cost of addressing the mistakes people have made over that past 100 years then you will be shocked at the cost of not addressing it.

The objective of the New Green Deal is to shift society away from carbon emitting sources of energy to non emitting sources without concurrent decline in living standards for the 99%. This isn't going to hurt, it should help you. I understand that you are scared but you clearly simply don't understand.

Al Gore left a pretty big "carbon footprint" in his own mouth didn't he ?

i'm not laughing at her....i think she's biting off way more than she can chew, and that takes time...that could be spent on something that will actually make a difference now....dreams are great, but dreaming about dry land while sharks are biting you in the ass isn't going to get you to the beach.
i'm not taking her very seriously at the moment, because of this "non binding resolution"...i'd be much more impressed if she started going after some of the people making the problems happen. yes, the resolution has a purpose, and it's a good purpose, but i don't see it having the effect you do...i see it fading into history, quickly...and business as usual going on like it always has...you have to MAKE businesses change, whether they like it or not, you have to FORCE change, or entropy will eat your efforts....start going after polluters, start going after inefficient energy producers, start forcing auto makers to make more efficient vehicles, with something like the cafe standards, but give them some teeth, make it financially painful for the automakers to not become more efficient..then they'll get on it, as long as they're making money, they won't do fuck all to change anything...
i don't see anyone except some liberals discussing this...it's non binding...i see them ignoring it completely and doing exactly what they're doing now....killing the planet and all the life on it for a dollar...make some real binding legislation that stops them from doing that....till then...i got no time for "non binding"...."non binding" means more talk that don't do a fucking thing to stop anything....i'm tired of talk that doesn't achieve anything...and you should be too....

"biting off more than she can chew"

Nah!! Have you seen her pie hole? Would you just look at them chompers!!???

The meta data on the initial NPR documents show they originated from AOC's chief of staff. They were not hacked, just drafts that were not supposed to be made public, but rewritten prior to publication. A fuck up.

I'm curious why the initial NPR story did not call out the language calling to support those who are unwilling to work. Seems liberal bias is at play. At least they kept the link up to the documents.
The meta data shows you lied about 20 times in a row when asked to name a democrat who actually supports open borders you dumb bitch
Well..i really dont give a fuck about it but will say on the hypocrisy issue that you have no problem counting and cataloguing trumps alleged lies....but one of yours get caught and called out and you come unglued....thats the hypocrisy rub i see...if you dont like trump for lying cuz lying is repulsive...shouldnt you be repulsed when lizzy lies aswell?....if not then the hypocrisy lies with you....

Just watched some of pocos speech....am i the only one that feels like im being yelled at by the library lady?, with her delivery?
Very hard to actually listen to what she is saying....
Hey little nazi girl

Did ya ever get around to checking out your saviors very awesome genocide joke?
that will be comforting while we all starve....and the coast is now 10 miles further inland, and we still have old infrastructure crumbling around us....instead of doing something now
Note the contrast between Roger's and Bug's posts. One wants to focus on the issues, the other wants to talk about anything but. They just want to salvage their wounded pride to restore their self justified conceit.

The meta data on the initial NPR documents show they originated from AOC's chief of staff. They were not hacked, just drafts that were not supposed to be made public, but rewritten prior to publication. A fuck up.

I'm curious why the initial NPR story did not call out the language calling to support those who are unwilling to work. Seems liberal bias is at play. At least they kept the link up to the documents.
How do you know they weren't hacked? You are such a liar.

Regarding all your work to try to salvage your lost pride. The only document that is valid, true and represents what Cortez wanted to say is in the copy submitted to the Congressional record. That's what I linked to and is the only document worth discussing. But no, you don't want a real discussion. The other crap is just fakery and tearing down at a person's character rather than what they are trying to do. As @Roger A. Shrubber said, "meanwhile we see our coastlines flood ten miles in." You want to quibble over wording in an irrelevant document while real tragedy for millions of real people is unfolding before us.

What a dickhead. Prideful dickheads are why we aren't making enough progress..
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Settle down Simp...no need to blow a gasket...

View attachment 4279842
Yeah, this is what you right whingers want. To deflect away from real issues. What I don't get is why cunts and like you and Bugeye suck up to Trump. He represent's the wealthiest 1% and is gorging on his presidential privileges. Meanwhile the 30% who support him and the wealthy take it up the ass. I'm OK with you being gay and all that but I'd prefer you not sell out everybody else for your taste of their dicks.
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Sure did bottlenose...already responded...dont be redundant...it was moderatly funny...but not awesome
Wow that was such an intelligent thing to say.

Do you sweep shop floors for a living or maybe you do toilets? You have what? A 9th grade education?
Yeah, this is what you right whingers want. To deflect away from real issues. What I don't get is why cunts and like you and Bugeye suck up to Trump. He represent's the wealthiest 1% and is gorging on his presidential privileges. Meanwhile the 30% who support him and the wealthy take it up the ass. I'm OK with you being gay and all that but I'd prefer you not sell out everybody else for your taste if their dicks.
Wow a libertarian homophobe.rare breed i think theres room for you to move up to repub status ..i read your post a couple times..couldnt really make sense of it...prolly jus me