Occasio Cortez, New Green Deal visionary?

Let me guess all lizzy warrens cuzins?
The only thing red bought her was her face when she got caught lyin about her minority status at univ of penn
Thought you didnt like liars?
i asked you what you thought of donald's very awesome joke about the genocide of the cherokees

you've been telling us for days that 35 year old blackface pics from one state governor mean our chances are shot so surely the top guy in your party joking about the genocide of native americans means you guys stand no chance in 2020, right?
Green Energy isn’t visionary. It’s necessity. The rate of consumption we are maintaining at is not sustainable. Combined with deforestation, causing a lack of conversion of CO2 back into O2, we are driving the entire environment out of balance by living lifestyles that are not sustainable if we want this Earth to exist for our children and grandchildren. The CO2 levels and ice caps melting will change the pH, density, composition, etc. of the Oceans, causing wide fluctuations in weather patterns and biological life in the ocean. I think it’s also responsible for the increase of shark attacks and beachings and stuff.

In any case, there’s enough to go around and live happily. There is not enough for 20 people to own more of the world’s wealth than 3-4 billion other people combine, while the latter is the side that suffers. Then, when People push for change, like fair wages and purging of government corruption, medicare for all, ending the Drug War, etc., they try to paint them as fanatical; as if it’s unreasonable to ask the disgustingly wealthy to part with the representation of finite resources they probably earned by cutting corners or outright stealing so that the normal American citizen can feed their family or seek treatment for illnesses.

“Let them eat cake.”
Yep the demos....an exceptionally hot steamin mess .....hey maybe she can get it thru that mysterious 3rd chamber she thinks is in the senate...lol
its a non binding resolution. It can never become law. It may not even make it to the floor of the House. I think the pressure on House leadership will force them to send the non binding resolution up for a vote. If it passes, most certainly the science denying Republican Senate will be on record of being the culprits for the floods and environmental disasters that are taking place now and getting worse. Cortez has already won in that she documented a plan that is getting attention and discussion. You lose.

I get that you can't stand that a 29 year old woman who was a bar tender last year has a better grip on reality than the old rich men of the reactionary right. We all knew that. We just want them to confirm it in the Congressional record so that the people of their state will see it on their record.

Face it cupcake, your kind's Republican leadership is headed for the abbatoir.
Havnt heard it...i was busy readin virginias top democrats demand rapist fairfax resign or be impeached on monday
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I get that you can't stand that a 29 year old woman who was a bar tender last year has a better grip on reality than the old rich men of the reactionary right.

Havnt heard it...i was busy readin the virginias top democrats demand rapist fairfax resign or be impeached on monday
let me know when you do hear about donald's awesome joke about the genocide of 4000 cherokees as well as the rape allegations against him by his own wife, jill harth, 13 year old katie johnson, and 20+ other women who he sexually assaulted

If you say so....all i know is whole lotta impeachin and resignin an bootin outta office
And our prez is watchin i luv lucy reruns with his smokin hot og in Lincolns bed with a box of ho hos up in the big house
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Green Energy isn’t visionary. It’s necessity. The rate of consumption we are maintaining at is not sustainable. Combined with deforestation, causing a lack of conversion of CO2 back into O2, we are driving the entire environment out of balance by living lifestyles that are not sustainable if we want this Earth to exist for our children and grandchildren. The CO2 levels and ice caps melting will change the pH, density, composition, etc. of the Oceans, causing wide fluctuations in weather patterns and biological life in the ocean. I think it’s also responsible for the increase of shark attacks and beachings and stuff.

In any case, there’s enough to go around and live happily. There is not enough for 20 people to own more of the world’s wealth than 3-4 billion other people combine, while the latter is the side that suffers. Then, when People push for change, like fair wages and purging of government corruption, medicare for all, ending the Drug War, etc., they try to paint them as fanatical; as if it’s unreasonable to ask the disgustingly wealthy to part with the representation of finite resources they probably earned by cutting corners or outright stealing so that the normal American citizen can feed their family or seek treatment for illnesses.

“Let them eat cake.”

Yea about that whole global warming thing....werent we spose to be burnt up in a fiery hell a few years back?
The inconvenient truth?...indeed
350 billion and counting of your taxes thrown in the toilet
That should get ya warm round the collar
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Yea about that whole global warming thing....werent we spose to be burnt up in a fiery hell a few years back?
The inconvenient truth?...indeed
350 billion and counting of your taxes thrown in the toilet
That should get ya warm round the collar
The science on why the climate is warming is settled. The world's climate is warming rapidly due to carbon dioxide build up and its heat properties. If you don't like the cost of addressing the mistakes people have made over that past 100 years then you will be shocked at the cost of not addressing it.

The objective of the New Green Deal is to shift society away from carbon emitting sources of energy to non emitting sources without concurrent decline in living standards for the 99%. This isn't going to hurt, it should help you. I understand that you are scared but you clearly simply don't understand.
The science on why the climate is warming is settled. The world's climate is warming rapidly due to carbon dioxide build up and its heat properties. If you don't like the cost of addressing the mistakes people have made over that past 100 years then you will be shocked at the cost of not addressing it.

The objective of the New Green Deal is to shift society away from carbon emitting sources of energy to non emitting sources without concurrent decline in living standards for the 99%. This isn't going to hurt, it should help you. I understand that you are scared but you clearly simply don't understand.
Ok throw me some solid scientific data links
But even if we clean up our shit stain....wadda bout china? You gonna force them to get on board with it...if not and since they are the biggest producers of greenhouse gases...we still burn up...only we go out smellin like egg rolls
So wats the plan on that front?
Ok throw me some solid scientific data links
But even if we clean up our shit stain....wadda bout china? You gonna force them to get on board with it...if not and since they are the biggest producers of greenhouse gases...we still burn up...only we go out smellin like egg rolls
So wats the plan on that front?
I sounds as if you agree that we are changing the climate by burning fossil fuels.

each and every climate myth is debunked here by, wait for it, real climate scientists, not the people that the fossil fuel industry hire to do their dirty work. Almost all of them are not that.


Each myth has its own page. Each page addresses each myth at the basic, intermediate and advances levels.

Regarding China? They have signed on to the Paris climate change accord and are farther ahead of us in implementing a plan. But really, the problem is the US. We are only 5% of the world's population and are second by a long shot over third place. Compared to China's needs, our job is easy yet China is already working on the problem.
I sounds as if you agree that we are changing the climate by burning fossil fuels.

each and every climate myth is debunked here by, wait for it, real climate scientists, not the people that the fossil fuel industry hire to do their dirty work. Almost all of them are not that.


Each myth has its own page. Each page addresses each myth at the basic, intermediate and advances levels.

Regarding China? They have signed on to the Paris climate change accord and are farther ahead of us in implementing a plan. But really, the problem is the US. We are only 5% of the world's population and are second by a long shot over third place. Compared to China's needs, our job is easy yet China is already working on the problem.
I'm sure you've probably heard about this one, but it looks like that site needs to update their Ozone myth #126, as China made World news last year for being the culprit for producing and releasing the Ozone depleting gas/chemical CFC-11 outlined in the Montreal Protocol.

Here's a recent article on the subject if anyone is interested:

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let me know when you do hear about donald's awesome joke about the genocide of 4000 cherokees as well as the rape allegations against him by his own wife, jill harth, 13 year old katie johnson, and 20+ other women who he sexually assaulted

Yea seen it typical smart ass trump stuff...kinda funny i guess...trumps stupid tweets are made more for you guys i think...hes got you guys hangin on every tweet every mispelled word ....you guys get so caught up in it you cant look away...hes got ya

As far as the TRAIL....could be a hit job...but just hangin it out there on its own gives him plausable denial and keeps folks talkin bout him...
Maybe givin him to much credit for linkin up trail of tears stuff...tweeted on a friday...forgotten by monday
Maybe pay less attention to what hes tweetin and more on what hes signing....hes makin some big changes in government while folks are readin and bitchin bout some stupid fuckin tweets
Your call...
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Maybe pay less attention to what hes tweetin and more on what hes signing....hes makin some big changes in government while folks are readin and bitchin bout some stupid fuckin tweets

Putin's handbook comrade.
Patriot's don't deal from under the table.
I'm sure you've probably heard about this one, but it looks like that site needs to update their Ozone myth #126, as China made World news last year for being the culprit for producing and releasing the Ozone depleting gas/chemical CFC-11 outlined in the Montreal Protocol.

Here's a recent article on the subject if anyone is interested:

Yeah, I'd heard about that. There is a problem with corruption in China that makes it easy to circumvent the law for a price. Regulations are there but aren't enforced if the company has the right connections. That is, unless the higher ups decide to crack down and then somebody takes the fall.

The US can be good about enforcement but is not so good on the regulations.

We can't use China as an excuse to keep on with the same old burning of fossil fuels. We have a lot of leverage in terms of trade but unless we show that we are serious about cutting emissions ourselves the leverage goes away.

The skeptical science site is a good starting place for somebody who has been fed bs from fossil fuel lobbyists and wants to get better information. Sure some might need updating but compared to the pap that Exxon's hired guns put out it's like comparing a snake oil salesman with a trained doctor. We still get tired old lies that have been disproven for 15 years trotted up in posts around here. Compared to that, the information there is golden.
Yea seen it typical smart ass trump stuff...kinda funny i guess...trumps stupid tweets are made more for you guys i think...hes got you guys hangin on every tweet every mispelled word ....you guys get so caught up in it you cant look away...hes got ya

As far as the TRAIL....could be a hit job...but just hangin it out there on its own gives him plausable denial and keeps folks talkin bout him...
Maybe givin him to much credit for linkin up trail of tears stuff...tweeted on a friday...forgotten by monday
Maybe pay less attention to what hes tweetin and more on what hes signing....hes makin some big changes in government while folks are readin and bitchin bout some stupid fuckin tweets
Your call...
Ah, no

Not funny. genocide isn't funny. Neither is rape or blackface. It's time to leave the dehumanizing crap behind.

It's up to you to join the 21st century though. People with a modem sense of civility can only offer you a hand up.

So do you sweep shop floors or do toilets for a living? I get the sense that you never made it past the ninth grade.
Havnt heard it...i was busy readin virginias top democrats demand rapist fairfax resign or be impeached on monday

And that's the difference between Democrats and Republicans:

We demand people resign when they're facing these sorts of allegations.

You Republicans go out and campaign for them, defend them, accuse the victims and appoint them to the supreme court.
Green Energy isn’t visionary. It’s necessity. The rate of consumption we are maintaining at is not sustainable. Combined with deforestation, causing a lack of conversion of CO2 back into O2, we are driving the entire environment out of balance by living lifestyles that are not sustainable if we want this Earth to exist for our children and grandchildren. The CO2 levels and ice caps melting will change the pH, density, composition, etc. of the Oceans, causing wide fluctuations in weather patterns and biological life in the ocean. I think it’s also responsible for the increase of shark attacks and beachings and stuff.

In any case, there’s enough to go around and live happily. There is not enough for 20 people to own more of the world’s wealth than 3-4 billion other people combine, while the latter is the side that suffers. Then, when People push for change, like fair wages and purging of government corruption, medicare for all, ending the Drug War, etc., they try to paint them as fanatical; as if it’s unreasonable to ask the disgustingly wealthy to part with the representation of finite resources they probably earned by cutting corners or outright stealing so that the normal American citizen can feed their family or seek treatment for illnesses.

“Let them eat cake.”

A mandatory minimum wage laws unintended consequence can be correlated to loss of job opportunity for low wage earners, why do you want to harm the most vulnerable wage earners?

End government corruption? That sounds a little vapid and platitudinous, like something A.O.C. would bleat to her adoring army of flying monkeys.

The ONLY logical way to end a coercion based governments corruption is to end that government. This becomes self evident since using coercion as a primary operational basis IS a corruption and thus it is an integral part of the beast you want to chew its own arm off. Ain't gonna happen. Asking a coercion based government to fix itself is an impossibility if the fundamental means remains a corrupt process.

In laymen's terms, you don't put gasoline in a fire extinguisher in case you need to put a fire out. It doesn't work that way.
It is not a bill.

It is a non-binding resolution, not a bill.

Converting to renewable power in 10 years is technically feasible. There is enough power from the sun, which also drives wind, to provide enough power for this country in excess. We have the technology to build this new power generating system. What remains is the will and a detailed plan to do so. I agree this country doesn't have the will today. Yes it will be difficult, expensive and will shake up the country's social structure. The cost of not doing so is higher.

Regarding wind power and its effects on birds in particular, the Audubon Society put out their own statement in support of wind power because as they say the largest danger to birds is global climate change. They endorse and fund studies to reduce bird losses from wind energy systems because as they say the real risk is mass extinction events including bird species extinctions due to climate change. They get it, people who are on the sidelines might give them a listen.

That said, wind will only generate about 10%-15% of power needs. The largest single technology that will contribute to this change will be photovoltaic systems. But all are needed -- wind, geothermal, tide and wave energy.

California has mandated that each new home will be built with solar energy panels installed, for example. California has a law that mandates 50% of all power to come from non-emissions sources by 2030. They don't think that is impractical, they think it is necessary. That's the difference between a nonbinding resolution and a law. If we say 100% in 10 years in a nonbinding resolution and end up passing regulations that achieve 50% in 10 years, what's is wrong with that?

If Cortez's resolution makes us laugh at her but we end up with the same laws that California has regarding 50% of power coming from non-emmission sources by 2030 then the last laugh will be hers.

What that resolution does and is doing is drive the conversation. Parts of the plan will become law. Parts will never see the light of day. But it is a clear, concise set of text that people can discuss. Cortez has already achieved her goal if that was her purpose.
i'm not laughing at her....i think she's biting off way more than she can chew, and that takes time...that could be spent on something that will actually make a difference now....dreams are great, but dreaming about dry land while sharks are biting you in the ass isn't going to get you to the beach.
i'm not taking her very seriously at the moment, because of this "non binding resolution"...i'd be much more impressed if she started going after some of the people making the problems happen. yes, the resolution has a purpose, and it's a good purpose, but i don't see it having the effect you do...i see it fading into history, quickly...and business as usual going on like it always has...you have to MAKE businesses change, whether they like it or not, you have to FORCE change, or entropy will eat your efforts....start going after polluters, start going after inefficient energy producers, start forcing auto makers to make more efficient vehicles, with something like the cafe standards, but give them some teeth, make it financially painful for the automakers to not become more efficient..then they'll get on it, as long as they're making money, they won't do fuck all to change anything...
i don't see anyone except some liberals discussing this...it's non binding...i see them ignoring it completely and doing exactly what they're doing now....killing the planet and all the life on it for a dollar...make some real binding legislation that stops them from doing that....till then...i got no time for "non binding"...."non binding" means more talk that don't do a fucking thing to stop anything....i'm tired of talk that doesn't achieve anything...and you should be too....