wow! some people should get the facts straight before posting other peoples lifes on the internet! did you state the fact you guys were broken up since.... April? was it?? Did you mention that you kissed a girl while dating her? Held hands with another while supposedly sleeping? didnt think so ;] and all you other 'stoners' should wake up and get your facts straight before calling people whores and hoes!! She is NOT a whore! she is a very good person who recently almost lost her life in a serious car accident so before you start judging people you dont know you should think about the hurtful things you say! She was NOT in a relationship with you! you was in a relationship with him not for only a month but longer!!!!There is so much more to this on going 'relationship' that you guys had that could every be explained here! No need for a paternity your not the dad! & GET THE FACTS STRAIGHT: SHE NEVER TRIED TO PIN THE BABY ON YOU OR TRY TO MAKE YOU BE THERE! SHE DOESNT NEED YOU OR ANY OTHER 'BOY' IN HER LIFE TO HELP HER!! SHE HAS THE BEST AND BIGGEST SUPPORT SYSTEM NEEDED FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and everything is gonna be just fine :] promise!
Well you sound like the girl...And well chosen screen name by the way...Shaady indeed.
He never tried to say you were "Pushing the baby", we just got over excited about telling him to drop your SHAADY ass.
We didn't ALL call you a ho. I just said to run...
Car accidents happen, maybe to you maybe not. But that isn't the incident at hand, and doesn't mean he should give his life up.
He told us clearly that he had been crushing on, and with you for more than a month.
nope! actually not :] there's no whore here. just a person who is stating the facts. but missed one BIG fact. the Fact that there is NO chance it is yours! She WASN'T sleeping with you cuz of what's that word............. erectile dysfunction ;]
He stated that it's most likely not his, 99% is pretty sure.
Way to take a low shot at him. Whether this is true or not, it's not the matter at hand again.
If that is her posting as "Shaady", just look...Look....^^^^LOOK^^^^
Oh the fun I could have with this. But I will take the High Road :

: ... cn
I would rep, but "24hrs"