**OFFICIAL** Colorado Patients Party Cup Grow

Kramer Chids

Active Member
This guy! ^^^^ making accounting jokes!
A 54-year-old accountant leaves a letter for his wife one evening which read: "Dear Wife, I am 54 years old, and by the time you get this letter I will be at the Grand Hotel with my beautiful and sexy eighteen year old secretary."
When he arrived at the hotel, there was a letter waiting for him that read as follows: "Dear Husband, I too am 54 years old, and by the time you receive this letter I will be at the Savoy Hotel with my eighteen year old boy toy. Because you are an accountant, you will surely appreciate that 18 goes into 54 many more times than 54 goes into 18."

chef c

Well-Known Member
As an airplane is about to crash, a female passenger jumps up frantically and announces, "If I'm going to die, I want to die feeling like a woman."

She removes all her clothing and asks, "Is there someone on this plane who is man enough to make me feel like a woman?"

A man stands up, removes his shirt and says, "Here, iron this!".


Active Member
Totally off subject but I seen chewbertos thread on the veganics and I do use the General Organics line except for the processed squid and as far as the low nitrogen issue everything comes out super clean and beautiful. So veganics is definetley the shit.


Well-Known Member
Getting my 16oz ers' ready 2/2 casey jones and 3/3 sour cream there in rooters now they be in there cups OFFICIALLY tomorrow morning and it's ON AND I do have my speech ready for when i sweep the contest....aye kramer how is this contet judged? internet pics with a poll?we meet in person and judge?like the cup once the product is done we establish volunteer judges?


Well-Known Member
Ok guys heres my entry, just broke dirt last night:

Haha obv jk, thats a trash plant I just cant bring myself to kill, anywho I'm WAYYYYY fucking late due to a bean scramble but here we go:

Thelma and Louise.....


Active Member
Ok guys heres my entry, just broke dirt last night:

Haha obv jk, thats a trash plant I just cant bring myself to kill, anywho I'm WAYYYYY fucking late due to a bean scramble but here we go:

Thelma and Louise.....
Are you talking about Trash the strain or just a trash plant in general?


Well-Known Member
This became about genetics and not about growing a long time ago. I dont even know what my genetics are haha :P
All in fun I guess, lets do this!


Well-Known Member
Wow I didnt even realize there was a strain called trash, my comprehension is fail dude sorry. The one i'm throwing away is "Kush-18" but wasnt worth a shit.


Well-Known Member
Bcuz if we're doing clones too then i got a few more entries i got plenty of clones...how is this contest judged???


Active Member
Wow I didnt even realize there was a strain called trash, my comprehension is fail dude sorry. The one i'm throwing away is "Kush-18" but wasnt worth a shit.
Ya the strain is real, but the story behind it is pretty crazy. So apparently there was a college student in Ohio that found some plant that was just laying in a trash can/ dumpster when leaving school and decided to grab it of course and took cuttings of it then flowered it and it was some fire ass shit and thus they called it the trash or dumpster weed. Now I have seen this strain and smoked it years ago at a festival and heard the story just never knew if it was real. Anyways I had a kid that was with my homie come stay at my house during their travels and ended up finding out that kid who found this plant was his older cousin and indeed the story was true. The kid that found the trash plant also works around with the Ohio crew that created the famous Deathstar aka Lazy Eye Crew, from what I understand anyways.