Well-Known Member
I happen to like fucking cunts.Megyn Kelly is a fucking Cunt. Even when she is attacking one of her own party.
It is very clear the Republicans don't want Trump and is using Fox to attack him
I happen to like fucking cunts.Megyn Kelly is a fucking Cunt. Even when she is attacking one of her own party.
It is very clear the Republicans don't want Trump and is using Fox to attack him
MR. CLOSE THE GW BRIDGE FOR SPITE. Yeah, this is exactly the kind of psychotic hot head we need to go 'tell Putin how he feels' and start yet ANOTHER FUCKING WAR.
I wouldn't vote for Christie for anything in the world. I just respect his willingness to do what he thinks is right even though he knows it costs him votes.
So, you think that surrendering to the world leader in supporting terrorism, a completely untrustworthy Nation, one that is currently talking to Moscow against this very treaty, and adding them to the Nuclear threat list is a good thing ? How so ?
Can`t we give to our own and let those illegals with a need earn their share instead of just handing it to them ? (for votes)
Race has nothing to do with it.
Let me state that "We" used the bomb, everyone else that has it, stole the tec. I can`t see giving it to the unstable supporters of terrorism globally, but you can.
What will one more threat accomplish ? So why do it ? Pakistan is Sponsoring Saudi Arabia as we speak, not in the News because that will hurt Kerry and Obama`s plan, with Nuclear weapons, not Generators capable, but ready to use weapons. Turkey and Egypt, want in too and are now talking to Putin.
They started the Nuclear arms race again and that`s after we made treaties to reduce Nuclear weapons and stop adding to it.
Fuck you with that "we got it they should too" attitude. These Hot toys will kick anyone`s ass, you don`t hand them out for free, to just anybody, because you`re scared of the "what if`s".
You squash them while they are making them illegally every time and continue to do so. Then talk Diplomacy.
At the least, Iran, like Egypt, should have a Generator that belongs to and is operated by the Sponsor, Not gifted to them because they started a program already against the Nuclear Nations and threaten to continue without you.
He let ISIS form, gave Hot tec. to Iran, I got to keep my doctor and he didn`t invite me to the Beer Summit his big jumping to conclusions mouth started. His Czar appointing, Executive Order pointing bow to a king ass needs to go. We must never put someone like that in charge again.
Good luck with that.....Im an independent... I will never find a candidate i see eye to eye with, my vote goes to who i feel comes closest to what i want.
We all are.......
I got in a crash (backseat) and if my seat belt was on id be dead. I only wear it in the front seat of a car.
You'll not find a Democrat that supports your views on child's rights. The group you listened to last night are all you've got.
I edited that for you![]()
Your words not mine. I respect your religious views. I don't respect your stand against civil rights.I
You'll not find a Democrat that supports your views on child's rights. The group you listened to last night are all you've got.
edited that for you![]()
"Jesus was white just like Santa". Too dam funny
And yeah my grammer sucks, i skipped english class to smoke weed.
And yeah my grammer sucks, i skipped english class to smoke weed.
Sounds like you skipped logic and critical thinking class, too.
Your words not mine. I respect your religious views. I don't respect your stand against civil rights.[/QUOT
So like 30 minutes in all I have to say is that these dudes all racist and idiots.. And I thought I might be a republican. I'm still not a democrat Though.
So I'm still going with anarchist
I am not as nice as Foadog, I do not respect your religious views. Those religious views have deep rooted racism and hate associated with it. They also suppress civil liberties. For someone to conclude that a deity exist, with present evidence, lacks logic and basic analytical skills.
No, i want abortion banned except in cases of incest and rape. Not that difficult.
And yes, deport illegals... Also not that complicated.
And defund planned parenthood.
Im an independent...
The fact is... Babys... Die... Mainly because people had sex and weren't ready for a child.
Millions of people would love a child (including so many gay couples who just finally got the right to marry)
No child should have to die.
I am not as nice as Foadog, I do not respect your religious views. Those religious views have deep rooted racism and hate associated with it. They also suppress civil liberties. For someone to conclude that a deity exist, with present evidence, lacks logic and basic analytical skills.