official GOP debate #1 thread

So you are equating modern day religious observance with the pernicious slavery we practiced in this county? Really dude?

We often agree but I can't go there with you on this. To me, its mumbo jumbo, this is true. If somebody wants to step over cracks or worry about the end of days its on them not me. When the observant abuse the rights of others because their religious views are offended, then they've over stepped. If they want to gather together, quote their scripture, sing songs and donate to disaster victims in Nicaragua then live and let live. And just look at your words: ethical and moral. Where do you think these concepts were developed and brought into mainstream human society? Religion is not the problem of society today.

Zealotry and hard line literal interpretation of religious views are the dark side of religion but that's not mainstream religion today. That's just being a crank, a dangerous crank but nothing representative of whats being practiced. No more than ISIL represents all Islam. Concern yourself with religious sects and churches that are doing harm and I can go there with you.

I am not equating slavery and "modern day religious observance", as equal atrocities. I was merely pointing out, that they were both constitutional rights. Look at every conflict in the world right now. What is the underlined issue, with the majority of the world's conflicts? Religion!
I guess we will have to agree to disagree, my friend. You are well spoken and you have a way with words. I especially like how you used the phrase " religious observance". it makes it sound less threatening.
I am not equating slavery and "modern day religious observance", as equal atrocities. I was merely pointing out, that they were both constitutional rights. Look at every conflict in the world right now. What is the underlined issue, with the majority of the world's conflicts? Religion!
I guess we will have to agree to disagree, my friend. You are well spoken and you have a way with words. I especially like how you used the phrase " religious observance". it makes it sound less threatening.
I wouldn't say every conflict. They probably are all exacerbated by having a religious population that get's manipulated by any person or political party in power, including in the west, but largely, I'd argue most conflicts are about money and people use religion to justify their behavior and actions as morally right in the eyes of their selected god.

In other words, money is the cause and religion is there to pat you on the back and make you think what you're doing is right. Without one or the other, none of this shit would happen on the scale it does today and one day... One day I hope people will wake up and see this and let go of the shackles and chains..
I wouldn't say every conflict. They probably are all exacerbated by having a religious population that get's manipulated by any person or political party in power, including in the west, but largely, I'd argue most conflicts are about money and people use religion to justify their behavior and actions as morally right in the eyes of their selected god.

In other words, money is the cause and religion is there to pat you on the back and make you think what you're doing is right. Without one or the other, none of this shit would happen on the scale it does today and one day... One day I hope people will wake up and see this and let go of the shackles and chains..

I was careful not to say all. Rather, I used the word majority. Yes, currency, has a lot to do with it but if you look at the middle east, for example, what has been fueling that fire for the past couple thousand years?

What about terrorism? The majority of terroristic acts, are inspired by religion. Whether it be radical Muslims or domestic terrorism, both are inspired by religion. The radical idea, that people must conform to their beliefs or die, doesn't sit well with me.
In my opinion. The Islamic faith has an Organizational problem. There is no overall leadership, there are dozens of factions which all disagree with each other, many times violently. It looks more like a feudal society than a religion and leaves no room for criticism. Couple that with a impoverished group of followers and you have conflict built in.
The earlier post by @The_Herban_Legend seemed to me to say that religion violates civil rights. Was he also saying that people should not be observant? The observant get it wrong when they say people should behave a certain way because their religious views are offended. It all comes down to that word, should. Don't should on me. The way to enlightened thinking is not through control or force, rather its through dialogue and reason. This is one of the reasons why I like this forum on RIU, its a pretty wild and free discussion in here.

Terrorism is a political tool just as religion is. @Padawanbater2 says violent conflict is about money, I would say its about power. I don't think we disagree. Religion is a way to organize a social group and simplifies for people in that organization what they are to believe. Its also a way of controlling actions and is probably the only tool that directs thinking within a large group. People in power have always used religion to motivate the masses. Its easy and effective. ISIS is using it to get young impressionable people with a desire to accomplish great things and who feel marginalized in their native society to leave it and fight to defend Allah. The secular world offers what? Those kids are looking at the lives their parents are living and saying no thanks.

People, especially those just coming of age, deep down want more than what they already have and the material world can't satisfy this need. There are ways to fulfill this hunger through secular education or religious indoctrination. One can open the mind or close it through these means. Humans can break away from religion through secular education in science, arts, literature, history and above all critical, deliberate thinking. This threatens established power bases in religion-based social groups and reactionary right wing religious leaders attack enlightened thinking with everything they have, including the young of their followers. The trend is toward a secular world but we have a loooooong way to go.

One way to speed this process up is to stop threatening people and start reasoning with them. It isn't quick or easy nor does it progress in a linear fashion, there will be times when it seems futile but its a whole lot better than a military occupation. Defense, sure; containment, fine, but not occupation, drone strikes, assassination or other wickedness perpetrated by the western world, especially by the US.

And then there is the cost of secular education -- fund it.
I`ll just keep believing you as always.....Fox news and Politician sites always lie............"burp" !!


There's no fixin' stupid.
My belief is not religious based. I don't even believe in God.

The bible is the worlds oldest sci-fi book.

I do believe in morals though. Why kill a kid someone else will love.

you realize it's illegal to ask a woman why she is seeking an abortion, right?

that's confidential, protected information. like your medical records.

you fucking idiot.

no thanks.

without planned parenthood, retarded white trash hicks like you find themselves with HIV outbreaks in their communities.

while i enjoy watching you white trash inbred hicks die of easily preventable diseases, i'd rather not risk my loved ones mistakenly coming into contact with disease ridden shitbags like yourself.

Didnt know that was illegal. Good to know.

So i guess those stats that try to convince folks that abortions aren't just for the irresponsible women who got drunk and fucked a guy they regret are bullshit?

And i dont claim to be a legislator, there is a reason im not writing bills.

you clearly understand that there are people who are not ready for children, yet you insist on taking your 'restrictions' based upon bible beliefs, to put upon someone else?..then when that kid comes..magic fairydust is gonna somehow come by and grant all the newly minted 'gay equals' a sweet infant from adoptive?

no child should have to die?:lol:..make sure you call your rep and let them know it's okay to vote for expanded medicaid, expanded SS and expanded SNAP..then i'll believe..until then..

what ARE you smoking?..i need to grow some..straight-up.

I actually am in favor of SS expansion and Snap expansion. Kids shouldn't have to suffer. I also am in favor of a reform of those programs. Idk shit about SS, but i know at least a dozen people who will let me use their foodstamp card for 50 cents on the dollar. I also know a few people who get SS for a disability that isnt really a disability. A good friend of mine actually recieved SS disability for "anxiety" for years. He eventually gave it up because he was offered a good job and he couldn't keep both.

And yes, alot of people rely on govt. Assistance without really even trying to break that cycle. They are probably a very small number compared to the ones that use it as intended.

Someone posted that fraud was cut by 3/4ths or some shit like that (i would quote it but i can't find it... How do they get that number? If anyone knew how much abuse to the system there was.... That should stop it completely.

Also, the first time i went to jail was 2 weeks after i got my EBT card for foodstamps. I recieved 200$ a month. I spent 4 months in jail and when i was released, there was close to 800$ on my card.... So yeah, i got snap while in jail.

Edit: it was my second time in jail not the first
I think you can still sign into a homeless shelter under false name and place you hitch hiked from and get food SNAP too.

I dont know if that's true. I needed a photo id to pick up my card at the office.

I do know that you DO NOT need an ID to use a snap card (at least here in PA)
I dont know if that's true. I needed a photo id to pick up my card at the office.

I do know that you DO NOT need an ID to use a snap card (at least here in PA)

I found it hard to believe but heard they sell them for 50 cents on the dollar for cash,, they get them if...IDK.
There should be no hungry people in the USA...period. I know there will be abuse & miss use, but I don't care, the money is staying right here in America & everyone will be well fed & healthier in the process win/win....

This.^^ The good outweighs the bad.
There should be no hungry people in the USA...period. I know there will be abuse & miss use, but I don't care, the money is staying right here in America & everyone will be well fed & healthier in the process win/win....

I agree...

When was a kid, my mom raised 3 kids on her own working 2 jobs and on welfare. We were STILL broke. I know what its like to go hungry.

These programs need to be expanded but at the same time the abuse needs to be found and stopped.