official GOP debate #1 thread

I disagree. I'm all for Capitalism but not at the expense of keeping others impoverished.

When will you understand it is them keeping them impoverished. Giving away SNAP to whoever and the promise of increase for each child born after enrollment don`t get nobody out of the poverty level. It is a good way to live money for nothing and kids for free.

Chase jobs overseas and leave little but fast food and shopping centers to chose from, aint much of a policy.
I think social services like SNAP, should be structured around education and not shitty, low paying jobs. Current system is designed to keep the poor, impoverished.
Both parties are guilty of that. However, I have never heard of anyone on the left, trying to take those safety nets away from those who need it.
When will you understand it is them keeping them impoverished. Giving away SNAP to whoever and the promise of increase for each child born after enrollment don`t get nobody out of the poverty level. It is a good way to live money for nothing and kids for free.

Chase jobs overseas and leave little but fast food and shopping centers to chose from, aint much of a policy.
I think social services like SNAP, should be structured around education and not shitty, low paying jobs. Current system is designed to keep the poor, impoverished.
Both parties are guilty of that. However, I have never heard of anyone on the left, trying to take those safety nets away from those who need it.
Dumbass above you forgets to mention that only 1% of the SNAP program is abused and nearly half of the benefits go directly to children at a WHOPPING $1.40/meal!

People like him who think poor people have babies to get more food stamps have zero understanding of how the program actually works. They rely solely on the horseshit talking points the right wing media tells them "Be mad at poor people, be mad at illegal immigrants!", while they're busy removing regulations that lead to financial crisis', opposing minimum wage increases, and dragging the nation into illegal wars that cost trillions of dollars..

But no, it's the poor people that are fucking over the country.

It is time for the purge, I'm 100% serious, these people aren't Americans, they don't belong in this country.
Dumbass above you forgets to mention that only 1% of the SNAP program is abused and nearly half of the benefits go directly to children at a WHOPPING $1.40/meal!

People like him who think poor people have babies to get more food stamps have zero understanding of how the program actually works. They rely solely on the horseshit talking points the right wing media tells them "Be mad at poor people, be mad at illegal immigrants!", while they're busy removing regulations that lead to financial crisis', opposing minimum wage increases, and dragging the nation into illegal wars that cost trillions of dollars..

But no, it's the poor people that are fucking over the country.

It is time for the purge, I'm 100% serious, these people aren't Americans, they don't belong in this country.

Well said.
Dumbass above you forgets to mention that only 1% of the SNAP program is abused and nearly half of the benefits go directly to children at a WHOPPING $1.40/meal!

People like him who think poor people have babies to get more food stamps have zero understanding of how the program actually works. They rely solely on the horseshit talking points the right wing media tells them "Be mad at poor people, be mad at illegal immigrants!", while they're busy removing regulations that lead to financial crisis', opposing minimum wage increases, and dragging the nation into illegal wars that cost trillions of dollars..

But no, it's the poor people that are fucking over the country.

It is time for the purge, I'm 100% serious, these people aren't Americans, they don't belong in this country.

This is the horseshit we need to get rid of, talking out the ass without knowing. on any given day, I`m surrounded by them,...Paddy has no idea how much it costs to raise a kid and clueless when it comes to having something you know you can`t afford.

You can claim one parent is taking care of the kid and still get your share of SNAP without attaching the other parent and get the best of both in MA. A family who`s dad got laid off and mom`s job wont carry can be made up by SNAP, Why would that family have another kid ? I don`t live in the sticks, I see the volume. I`m not talking abuse, more on the SNAP is a way of life thing,...but picture paddy knew that........
Good points. Religion did help during the Civil rights movement. But I'm concerned with modern day religion. Yes, there are religious people who do good and go above and beyond the norm, to help a fellow human being. However, religious people are not exclusive to this. Lots of people help others, simply because it's the right thing to do.

The problem is, religion and civil liberties cannot coincide. What side are you on?
That's a false choice. One of the rights that we have in the US is to observe whatever religion we choose or to choose to not be religious. The right of religious freedom needs to be defended, including the attacks on religious freedom by the evangelical right. They are certainly capable of defending what they think are their rights. And they are entitled to their day in court. I'm not not completely passive on this subject however -- the next presidential election will some day decide which wing will prevail in the supreme court on just such a subject. And I want my person in office when the next supreme court nomination takes place.

Actually, in the US, more people today than ever are saying they are not part of an organized religion. The trend is against the bible thumpers. Still, about 26% of the population say they are evangelical christian and almost half the country say they are either evangelical or catholic, so the numbers can be against us. Its a good thing many Catholics vote their conscience rather than what the pope says.

As one of the tiny slice of people that would say they are Atheist, I think its probably better to just keep talking with the observant and find common ground where it exists.

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This is the horseshit we need to get rid of, talking out the ass without knowing. on any given day, I`m surrounded by them,...Paddy has no idea how much it costs to raise a kid and clueless when it comes to having something you know you can`t afford.

You can claim one parent is taking care of the kid and still get your share of SNAP without attaching the other parent and get the best of both in MA. A family who`s dad got laid off and mom`s job wont carry can be made up by SNAP, Why would that family have another kid ? I don`t live in the sticks, I see the volume. I`m not talking abuse, more on the SNAP is a way of life thing,...but picture paddy knew that........
"Myth #1: People who get SNAP don’t work.

FACT: The overwhelming majority of SNAP recipients who can work do so. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, "Among SNAP households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult, more than half work while receiving SNAP—and more than 80 percent work in the year prior to or the year after receiving SNAP. The rates are even higher for families with children—more than 60 percent work while receiving SNAP, and almost 90 percent work in the prior or subsequent year."

What's more, many SNAP participants aren't physically able to work. About 20 percent of SNAP participants are elderly or have a disability, according to the USDA.

Myth #2: SNAP is a drain on taxpayers.

FACT: Every $1 in SNAP benefits generates $1.73 in economic activity, according to Moody's economist Mark Zandi. SNAP not only helps low-income people buy groceries, it frees up cash for other expenses, such as medical care, clothing, home repairs and childcare. That benefits local businesses and their employees, which boosts the economy as a whole.

Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers."

Wrong on all accounts, just like you're wrong on everything else. Keep blaming poor people for all the countries problems. Keep supporting politicians who want to give tax breaks to the rich and build a wall to keep out the illegal thieving rapist Mexicans

When the time comes, people like you will be the first to fall
"Myth #1: People who get SNAP don’t work.

FACT: The overwhelming majority of SNAP recipients who can work do so. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, "Among SNAP households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult, more than half work while receiving SNAP—and more than 80 percent work in the year prior to or the year after receiving SNAP. The rates are even higher for families with children—more than 60 percent work while receiving SNAP, and almost 90 percent work in the prior or subsequent year."

What's more, many SNAP participants aren't physically able to work. About 20 percent of SNAP participants are elderly or have a disability, according to the USDA.
Myth #2: SNAP is a drain on taxpayers.

FACT: Every $1 in SNAP benefits generates $1.73 in economic activity, according to Moody's economist Mark Zandi. SNAP not only helps low-income people buy groceries, it frees up cash for other expenses, such as medical care, clothing, home repairs and childcare. That benefits local businesses and their employees, which boosts the economy as a whole.

Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers."

Wrong on all accounts, just like you're wrong on everything else. Keep blaming poor people for all the countries problems. Keep supporting politicians who want to give tax breaks to the rich and build a wall to keep out the illegal thieving rapist Mexicans

When the time comes, people like you will be the first to fall

Dude, I`m one of those fucking poor people,...shut the fuck up. You know nothing.....I wont get SNAP,...I`d rather stand on my own....besides, someone else might need it.
And that Buck is why you gotr your welley check and I didn
"Myth #1: People who get SNAP don’t work.

FACT: The overwhelming majority of SNAP recipients who can work do so. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, "Among SNAP households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult, more than half work while receiving SNAP—and more than 80 percent work in the year prior to or the year after receiving SNAP. The rates are even higher for families with children—more than 60 percent work while receiving SNAP, and almost 90 percent work in the prior or subsequent year."

What's more, many SNAP participants aren't physically able to work. About 20 percent of SNAP participants are elderly or have a disability, according to the USDA.
Myth #2: SNAP is a drain on taxpayers.

FACT: Every $1 in SNAP benefits generates $1.73 in economic activity, according to Moody's economist Mark Zandi. SNAP not only helps low-income people buy groceries, it frees up cash for other expenses, such as medical care, clothing, home repairs and childcare. That benefits local businesses and their employees, which boosts the economy as a whole.

Myth #3: SNAP is rife with fraud and abuse.

FACT: “SNAP has one of the most rigorous quality control systems of any public benefit program,” according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP fraud has actually been cut by three-quarters over the past 15 years, and the program’s error rate is at an all-time low of less than 3 percent. The introduction of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards has dramatically reduced consumer fraud. According to the USDA, the small amount of fraud that continues is usually on the part of retailers, not consumers."

Wrong on all accounts, just like you're wrong on everything else. Keep blaming poor people for all the countries problems. Keep supporting politicians who want to give tax breaks to the rich and build a wall to keep out the illegal thieving rapist Mexicans

When the time comes, people like you will be the first to fall

Myth one is like you say, but non workers get much more than the percentage workers get.
Myth two is a myth, but I know people with multiple SNAP cards.
Myth three, go to the offices and observe, you will quickly change your mind.....

Dude, I`ve fallen more times than you been laid,... got up and still going.
Which is one of the main reasons I think you're literally mentally retarded; you actively support politicians that oppose all of your interests because you're blinded by party affiliation. Sane, stable, intelligent people don't support the thieves that steal from them

So you know who I support ,...How, oh , you guessed, ...People like you need to fade out.

I don`t actively support one single politician, giving my thoughts about one is not supporting and voting for them, Know it all never.
So you know who I support ,...How, oh , you guessed, ...People like you need to fade out.

I don`t actively support one single politician, giving my thoughts about one is not supporting and voting for them, Know it all never.
I think you support anybody who confirms your bias'

But let's be fair here, why don't you tell me who you support and why you support them and skip the middle process of speculating. Usually when I ask people that they sidestep and try to crawl back out of the corner they talked themselves into because you and I know damn well who you support and why

But go ahead, why don't you tell me.. This should be good