official GOP debate #1 thread

Fascism is what we have for government. In 1948 a car by Preston Tucker was produced that had the first seat belts, and headlights that turned when you turned the steering wheel. 2 safety issues that would set him apart from the big 3. ultimately he was shutdown and out of business (big 3 feared people would be scared of dying in cars and sales would drop) thanks to cooperation between government and big 3 autos.

i think very little can be done to stop accidents, by very definition accidents are unintended. i do think it should be much easier to sue someone if you are in an accident that is not your fault....but then the middle man (insurance) wouldnt have the market share they see today, so they pay people to look out for their best interests/profits.
Fascism is what we have for government. In 1948 a car by Preston Tucker was produced that had the first seat belts, and headlights that turned when you turned the steering wheel. 2 safety issues that would set him apart from the big 3. ultimately he was shutdown and out of business (big 3 feared people would be scared of dying in cars and sales would drop) thanks to cooperation between government and big 3 autos.

i think very little can be done to stop accidents, by very definition accidents are unintended. i do think it should be much easier to sue someone if you are in an accident that is not your fault....but then the middle man (insurance) wouldnt have the market share they see today, so they pay people to look out for their best interests/profits.
Your argument blows serious chunks all over this site. The assertion that because accidents still happen even though there are safety laws, therefore safety laws are harmful is well, below the level of stupid. And I know where your are going with this. Regulation is stupid, right?

This in spite of the fact that banking regulators did not regulate credit default swaps in the first decade of this century and depended on banks to act in their best interest to avoid bad debt. The result was the worst banking debt crisis since 1929.

Get out of here. Regulations don't make people any smarter, it just tells smart people to not do dumb things. Dumb people do dumb things and regulations are used punish them. They then complain like you do.
Fascism is what we have for government. In 1948 a car by Preston Tucker was produced that had the first seat belts, and headlights that turned when you turned the steering wheel. 2 safety issues that would set him apart from the big 3. ultimately he was shutdown and out of business (big 3 feared people would be scared of dying in cars and sales would drop) thanks to cooperation between government and big 3 autos.

i think very little can be done to stop accidents, by very definition accidents are unintended. i do think it should be much easier to sue someone if you are in an accident that is not your fault....but then the middle man (insurance) wouldnt have the market share they see today, so they pay people to look out for their best interests/profits.
is everything a conspiracy to you? do you earn a living?
Your argument blows serious chunks all over this site. The assertion that because accidents still happen even though there are safety laws, therefore safety laws are harmful is well, below the level of stupid. And I know where your are going with this. Regulation is stupid, right?

This in spite of the fact that banking regulators did not regulate credit default swaps in the first decade of this century and depended on banks to act in their best interest to avoid bad debt. The result was the worst banking debt crisis since 1929.

Get out of here. Regulations don't make people any smarter, it just tells smart people to not do dumb things. Dumb people do dumb things and regulations are used punish them. They then complain like you do.

The free market would regulate itself far better than busy body government lovers like yourself could ever imagine. Let's not forget their is a monopoly on currency. That is the main reason for prolonged market corrections. If there was competition between currencies the best would eventually be found, and used. Market corrections would still happen but it would be far less severe and much quicker corrections.

I want the free market to regulate where as you want demonic people to regulate. The federal reserve is a private organization.... You put all your faith in people who steal from you via inflation and probably think all religious people who have faith in imaginary beings are dumb....not as dumb as faith in fractional reserve slave masters.
That's just Christie. His wife was 2 blocks away from the WTC on 9/11. They lost friends in the WTC.

You can knock Christie, as I often do, for being a hardassed, closed-minded person. But he governs as he believes he should, instead of the way he thinks will get him the most votes. And that's refreshing in politics today.

MR. CLOSE THE GW BRIDGE FOR SPITE. Yeah, this is exactly the kind of psychotic hot head we need to go 'tell Putin how he feels' and start yet ANOTHER FUCKING WAR.
I don't want to force anyone to provide for me, nor do i want be forced to provide for another. You might want to, because you are filled with greed and hate, but i merely seek to be independent from others fiscally, yet socially reserve the notion to engage in voluntary exchange with anyone.

The "problem solved" platitude is you pushing your agenda. It's what you want, that doesnt mean its right.

Right. So you want a government to provide for YOUR welfare, but everyone else's can Fuck off. You ARE a good republican, aren't you?
so you want the government to deport 11 million people and monitor every pregnancy. sounds like a job for small government.

No, i want abortion banned except in cases of incest and rape. Not that difficult.

And yes, deport illegals... Also not that complicated. They snuck in to our country with no respect to our laws, send em home and let them apply for a visa.

And defund planned parenthood.
Shoot, when I read what you said, I'm confused too.
  • How can anybody support the republicans that say they are concerned about climate change?
  • How can anybody support the republicans that say they would like to reform campaign financing?
  • What is somebody who is pro weed doing in the republican or conservative camp? Those people are the reason why its not legal today. Also war on drugs became a national priority under Reagan..
  • Where do you get the idea that the republicans are the only reason why you are able to own a handgun? Taking away hand guns or hunting rifles isn't a plank in either camp. But the NRA wants you to think so, is that where you got that idea?
We differ in other areas you list. If they are the most important to you then maybe you are better served by Republicans. On the other four issues listed above, you may find comfort that the Democratic party aligns with you and not GOP.

if you can't accept anybody unless they agree with everything you list then maybe you should throw your vote away as an independent.

Prioritize dude, what are your priorities?

Im an independent... I will never find a candidate i see eye to eye with, my vote goes to who i feel comes closest to what i want.
I'm still gonna wear my seatbelt & drive the speed limits, because it benefits all of us...

I got in a crash (backseat) and if my seat belt was on id be dead. I only wear it in the front seat of a car.
No, i want abortion banned except in cases of incest and rape. Not that difficult.

And yes, deport illegals... Also not that complicated. They snuck in to our country with no respect to our laws, send em home and let them apply for a visa.

And defund planned parenthood.

So it's not difficult for you to deny the right of a woman to control her own body. Nice.

Then follow it up with herding people like sheep...

And finally, bet you didn't know this fun fact about Planned Parenthood; it's statistically proven that having a PP clinic nearby REDUCES THE INCIDENCE OF ABORTIONS! So now you're a hypocrite, too.

No wonder @UncleBuck likes to pick on you- you really are as politically inept, immature and fascist as he says you are. Are you racist too, or just misogynistic?
So it's not difficult for you to deny the right of a woman to control her own body. Nice.

Then follow it up with herding people like sheep...

And finally, bet you didn't know this fun fact about Planned Parenthood; it's statistically proven that having a PP clinic nearby REDUCES THE INCIDENCE OF ABORTIONS! So now you're a hypocrite, too.

No wonder @UncleBuck likes to pick on you- you really are as politically inept, immature and fascist as he says you are. Are you racist too, or just misogynistic?

It difficult for you to deny a child a life?

Planned parenthood could remain open without federal funding. Let them seek state funding and funding from the birthcontrol and condom companies. What ever works.
It difficult for you to deny a child a life?

Planned parenthood could remain open without federal funding. Let them seek state funding and funding from the birthcontrol and condom companies. What ever works.

Planned Parenthood should be part of our nationalized health care system, and all of its services should be offered to anyone, free.

You say 'whatever works'- and then shitcan the solution that actually does.

Faux Spews has ruined your sense of judgement and critical thinking.
Planned Parenthood should be part of our nationalized health care system, and all of its services should be offered to anyone, free.

You say 'whatever works'- and then shitcan the solution that actually does.

Faux Spews has ruined your sense of judgement and critical thinking.

Sorry... I cant see myself feeling sorry for child killers.
Sorry... I cant see myself feeling sorry for child killers.

Read Freakonomics to get a better idea of what happens to those unwanted babies and the ultimate consequences to society.

That's assuming you can read. Thus far, you've only proven yourself capable of regurgitating Bill O'Reilly soundbites, so perhaps your reading and comprehension skills are in the same sorry shape as your judgement.
Read Freakonomics to get a better idea of what happens to those unwanted babies and the ultimate consequences to society.

That's assuming you can read. Thus far, you've only proven yourself capable of regurgitating Bill O'Reilly soundbites, so perhaps your reading and comprehension skills are in the same sorry shape as your judgement.

The fact is... Babys... Die... Mainly because people had sex and weren't ready for a child.

Millions of people would love a child (including so many gay couples who just finally got the right to marry)

No child should have to die.
The fact is... Babys... Die... Mainly because people had sex and weren't ready for a child.

Millions of people would love a child (including so many gay couples who just finally got the right to marry)

No child should have to die.

That's very sweet- yet also cloyingly simplistic. So your preference is a life where they aren't loved, they're treated like a number in the system and come out a hardened criminal- who preys on the rest of society for a living?

Check in with adoption centers, they're running flat out.

None of this justifies your forcible rape of a woman's right to choose what's best for her own life and body.
Right. So you want a government to provide for YOUR welfare, but everyone else's can Fuck off. You ARE a good republican, aren't you?
No I want voluntry exchange to be the rule, not the exception. Just because you or people like you with your agenda would contribute to charity without government force doesn't mean the rest of us wouldn't. Different agenda, remember?