Official IRS Scandal

let's see, 1 in 10 rank national security as a top concern.*30% approve of obama's handling of benghazi. 40% disapprove.

so that means out of 100 people, about 3 people's top concern was handled well, and 4 people's top concern was not.

let's do the math on that. 4 - 3 = 1 person.

so you've spent 8 months beating the benghazi horse, and what did you get out of it? 1 person out of one hundred. at best.

wow, give yourself a round of applause for that one! no way the GOP could have spent that time more productively, such as reaching out to the growing minority populations in america that they are isolating or trying to correct the damage they did with women voters.

what a formula for success!
since you're so fascinated with black cock. .


whats so fascinating?
i''m pretty sure bigoted homophobes like you offend a lot of people. must be that southern hospitality and charm that you were bragging about the other day, eh?

it's fun watching you guys work yourselves into a tizzy when really you are just pissing into the wind. voter views of benghazi remain unchanged.

and better yet, only 1 in 10 rank foreign policy as their top concern.

8 months of benghazi retardation, and what results do you have? nothing.

what a fucking joke you guys are.

This is sad because Obama just left the attackers at Benghazi slide.
He promised their capture but never caught them. He doesn't care as long as foreign policy is oki.
LOL, WTF Buck?
Who will stomp on the USA next?
Obama has never done anything, nor ever will.
Mission Accomplished!… Obama IRS Forced Several Tea Party Groups to Shut Down Before 2012 Election

first of all, that's probably for the better if you're a righty.

right wing oriented groups did so horribly in the 2012 cycle that you were better served by just holding onto your money anyway. the collective ROI of these groups was so pathetic and laughable that karl rove has had to resort to selling his virgin butthole as an act of contrition and repentance.

but furthermore, your use of the term "obama's IRS" is even more pathetic and laughable. the days of "president X's IRS" ended after nixon, and with good reason.

this is just another "scandal" that you guys are going to have to shitcan before too long, right into the pile with "obama is a foreigner!" and "obama be killing his gay lovers!".

just pathetic. but that's about all GOPers like you can hope for.
first of all, that's probably for the better if you're a righty.

right wing oriented groups did so horribly in the 2012 cycle that you were better served by just holding onto your money anyway. the collective ROI of these groups was so pathetic and laughable that karl rove has had to resort to selling his virgin butthole as an act of contrition and repentance.

but furthermore, your use of the term "obama's IRS" is even more pathetic and laughable. the days of "president X's IRS" ended after nixon, and with good reason.

this is just another "scandal" that you guys are going to have to shitcan before too long, right into the pile with "obama is a foreigner!" and "obama be killing his gay lovers!".

just pathetic. but that's about all GOPers like you can hope for.

Obama is going down!
Not enough for impeachment, he will still be around for the next 3 years but too much harm has been done to his great name.
This is rich. Fire the IRS guy that was leaving. Are we stupid? The DEMS disrepect Americans. That why I fight them and think the Pubs don't matter. The DEMS are Europe style/Canada style Parliamentarian Royalist, these days. They are not only questioning the very nature of our system, they are making steps to change it.

So, when is this just politics and when does it become Treason? It turns out that at least 7-8 DEM Senators have been writting to the IRS to encourage this since O'bam was elected. The DEMS will say, and I heard Bob Beckel say it the other day...they say there is nothing but politics and winning.

The End Justifies the Means? NO.
Obama is going down!
Not enough for impeachment, he will still be around for the next 3 years but too much harm has been done to his great name.

Yeah I don't think he is going to get in any trouble but his vision is over. He will have a hell of a time pushing any kind of agenda. Republicans have enough ammunition to show exactly why the government is to big for it's own good and gaining democrat allies.
Since this is about the IRS scandal... another interesting read:

They have been caught in so many lies already Obama is stupid thinking ousting Miller will make it all go away. He is now asking for congress to not setup a special counsel for investigation like the public trusts his lap dog Holder. He knows damn well this will be dragged out through midterms.
they're not the same people who theorized obama was a foreign commie muslim who kills gay lovers he had. ya know, the same people now trying to push the latest scandals about benghazi and IRS nonsense. you guys are so desperate, and desperation is a stinky cologne. why do you think that no one cares about this but racists, fox news lovers, and morons? why do you think you guys were an international punchline on SNL last week for this? is becoming a national joke what you consider to be traction?
You seem to care desperately. SNL? They still on? Stopped being funny 10 years ago.