Well, I guess we are in for a big F'N war then.........thanks Obama!War is great for the economy.
Are you on yours?Hahah!! Yes, even ppl from other countries are cashing in.... Love the laugh track. Uhhh, it's a comedy...... wow, are you off your medications?
Well it's hard to say ... according to the article I posted Bin Laden was working for the US government up until 911. If he did do things wrong he had the backing and blessing of the US, that's for sure. He was their boy, and high government officials are still friendly with his family ... he was probably a patsy.hey reb besides being a good coverup do u believe bin laden did ANYTHING wrong?
There are no stupid questions when it comes to exposing the truth of 911.well that was probly a stupid question but i want to know as much as possible!
Keep posting i read it all
and you are officially my new idol!!!! Good day reb!
We don't need to see the "internal structure" what the hell does that have to do with the plane supposedly external impact? So your "suggestion" doesn't explain why those cameras were confiscated. Used for propaganda? Get realThe internal structure of the pentagon is not common knowledge. They also didn't want it being used for propaganda as it is our fortress. They also rebuilt it in a month. It is an issue of symbolism mostly.
And what the hell are you? What part of your bushwhacked mind didn't understand when I said I did answer the questions ... you have yet to say what these questions have to do with the 911 coverup. Not to mention the asshole questions are something only the perpetrators can answers. How the fuck is anyone else suppose to know?YOU'RE JUST A COPY/PASTE BOY!!!!
Listen to this dummy ... I keep asking to show where they are making all this money off of us, but none of the dummies can come up with anything other than shooting their stupid mouths off. Sound like it's these guys that will believe anything. Even the impossible.There got a be a good a way to make money off these idiots, maybe write a book or make a inside job video and sell to the truthers for 1$ a piece....these guys will believe anything
Bwaa ha ha ha ... what an idiot! Check out Ilkhan's pictures ...Dude, Fire can melt steel. You throw a piece of steel in a really hot campfire your gonna get a melted piece of slag. Ever seen anyone use a cutting torch? Fire and oxygen melts the hell outta steel. Pour thousands of gallons of burning jet fuel on to a steel beam and it's liquid metal right fucking now. People that can't grasp this concept are not firing on all cylinders.
This guy is the fool. Bwaa ha ha.lol you got all the fools all in one thread. hurry now hurry man lead them off a cliff they will follow screaming and shouting if you tell them evil Dr. Cheny is down there priming his flux capacitor to destroy the world so he can feed off the dead babies
Unlike this dummy ... we have a problem disregard hard evidence.my god I didnt really think you guys actually believed that 9/11 was an inside job.
The only ones with delusions are those that buy the government's conspiracy theory ...but then why not ... they are idiots.I thought most of you just hated bush so much that this was a delusionary way for you to deal with it
Yeah ... he wishes ... we are not as stupid as this guy.your the kind of people I would hustle into my slaves, if I was into that sort of thing.
You mean like you?same kind of people who are so easily inducted into fringe cults, when all the while they take your money and sleep with your wives
It's his brain that need fixing ... we are not the ones that disregard scientific facts and evidence. He is.fix your brains. or you will be duped and taken advantage of for the rest of your lives.
Try and follow your own advice.its good to question everything, thats fine. but dont be an ass
Sound like that's the case with you.i always thought everyone was pretty much the same inteligence just that thier education or thier expiriances made them not as smart
Yeah ... and he should know! Bwaa ha ha ha.but im starting to change my mind over the years
I guess brains are like dicks maybe some have big ones and some have little ones
In his case ... most definitely!do you guys think thats true?
Wow ... and I'm addressing a super dumb person right now ... how about that!I always thought pretty much as long as you are a normal human you should be about as smart as everyone else. but i have met some super dumb people over my life and im starting to question my own theory now
Ditto.in all seriousness really. wtf?
How does he know this? He certainly didn't show his source ... could it be because he doesn't have one? Thought so.guys each plane was carrying approximatly 3500 gallons of jet fuel each
How does he know this? He hasn't presented any evidence to support his claim so it is safe to say he is blowing it out his ass until he produces something. Which he won't because he can't. Bwaa ha ha.when the planes hit the towers each tower had 3500 gallons of jet fuel that began dropping down in elevator shafts staircases and anywhere else gravity would allow it to
Ummm yes ... since it's a scientific fact that jet fuel can not get hot enough to melt structural steel not to mention there are infra red photos proving the fire cool down 15 minutes after impact. And the fact that the survivors stated that everything was normal once they reached the lower floors.do you know how much jet fuel that is? your telling me any building short of the pyramids could withstand 3500 gallons of jet fuel being poured onto it and ignited?
Maybe that's why? No it isn't why since it's a scientific fact that jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough. What part of that don't these dummies get?no other building when it catches fire has 3500 gallons of jet fuel thrown upon it. maybe thats why its not similar to any normal building fire or accidental fire
The answer is obvious ... the fuel wasn't enough, only dummies like this guy believe that shit.this was on purpose. why would the government even have to blow the buildings up when the planes already carried enough fuel to destroy them by themselves.
No problem ... Richard Gage is one of 800 engineers. Niels Harrit is another ... and the scientist in the video I posted is another. All too easy.you find me an architect that can design a building that can withstand 3500 gallons of jet fuel dumped on it
Yeah ... rightwhat takes the cake is that when u say these things you are helping the enemy
Bwaa ha ha ha ... what a stupid analogy! Try this one ... a guy in a mask rapes a girl and blames it on someone else ... wow what a concept!its like saying to an obviously raped and beaten gurl that she probably beat her own self up and staged the whole rape while her rapist is laughing all the way home preying on his next victom
Oh yeah ... the engineer merely figure a plane would simply glide into the building ... no need to include fuel in their calculations. Bwaa ha ha ha!actually the building was designed to take a hit from a 707, but not fully fueled, but allas both buildings did withstand it long enough to let most of the people escape
Says the dummy with no clue! Bwaa ha ha ha ...when you have that much fuel in one place at that speed it doesnt all instantly evaporate or turn into mist. much of it ignites and is dropped through the surrounding floors of the building through the momentom of the fuel and the force of gravity creating huge infernos on certain floors. these localized infernos on the surrounding floors would melt steel easily this is a simple fact
Complete and total bullshit. No way could that fire weaken that steel ... it is physically impossible. Proved by science.once enough time had passed for the infernos to comprimise the structures of the surrounding floors they were weakend enough to fail and collapse,
Pure bullshit ... the pancake theory was debunk long ago by Kevin Ryan ... check out page 24 post 239 ... and this ...one floor pancakes on the floor below it which is also weakend by the fire, then the weight of 2 of those falling floors hit the next and then those 3 floors hit the next floor and the next and you have a collapse of the whole structure.
No we are acting like these buildings could not have fallen down the way they did, because they were design to withstand what happen to them.its really a ridicules argument, you guys are actling like these building are infalable
Ever hear of the term blowing it out your ass?you ever heard the expression where there is smoke there is fire?
See the difference between that fire and this one?well i submit to you your own picture
see all the smoke wafting out of that building????
oooh can you really? Wow!did you know that the plume was even visible from space???
Monstrous fire? Not compared to the picture Ilkhan posted. And notice the steel is still standing after burning way longer than any of the WTC towers. Of course no mention of why this building is still standing.are you telling me that a plume of smoke that can be seen from space is not being caused by a monstrous fire??
Ummm yeah ... we have ... and the steel didn't collapse genius.you ever seen a bonfire that big??
You are right ... it isn't ... that's the first correct statement he has made thus farbut your right that doesnt look like somthing that would cause that building to collapse its barely even a scratch