Oh Hunter!

Another take with video
Hundreds stranded in the cold waiting for buses in chaotic post-Trump rally scene
I agree up to the point of financially enabling a hard drug habit. A friend of mine died last year from a heroin OD. He was a trust fund kid who struggled with heroin since high school, rehab 3 times.

Edit: to the larger point you're making: everyone is aware Joe Biden will likely try plausible deniability to hang Hunter out to dry.
Trump will leave you in the cold too sucker.
Trump Supporters Left In Cold Following Omaha Rally

Many Trump supporters were reportedly left stranded outside in cold temperatures following a rally at Eppley Airfield in Omaha, Nebraska.
This story is about Joe Biden who denied knowing of any family foriegn buisness dealing while he was sitting vice president, and how that denial is being proven false by documents, phone calls and most recently testimony from the CEO of Sinohawk who is a lifelong Democrat and a naval veteran who held top secret clearance from the DOE and NSA.


  1. a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law.
    evidence · sworn statement · attestation · 
    • evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something.
      "his blackened finger was testimony to the fact that he had played in pain"
      testament · proof · evidence · 
    • a public recounting of a religious conversion or experience.
    • archaic
      a solemn protest or declaration.

Someone like yourself who cant be bothered to look up the definition of the word "testimony" is allowed to vote in a US election, that's really scary but mostly just sad. Please stop dumbing down our great nation in this fashion, thanks.
Faik Nooz.
The Chairman is China. That "testimony" was from FOX news

"especially one given in a court of law" kinda like what i said, no?

keep trying, slugger.

Nope. Theres an email from Rob Walker specifically clarifying that My Chairman is Joe.

You said testimony is in a court of law, because I referenced testimony in an interview and you called it moronic to suggest testimony could exist outside a court of law which is easily clarified with a dictionary but that was just too much for you to handle before you spoke. Because you're a dummy. I realize you probably dont know that because noone in your echo chamber will tell you, but if you go back and study really hard I'm sure you will see it too.

I have faith in you Bucko.
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That sucks I know the feeling as many have lost someone to an Overdose, Hard Drugs are bad when abused and some people you would never know do drugs because they know how to hide it.

We need to come together to legalize so People don't have to hide it or get in trouble for using and then and only then will we be able to help them by either keeping a closer eye or therapy and real help for those who have to go overboard with whatever their drug of choice is that may be harmful.

It's a shame anyone has to die from overdosing, I've lost some really close friends to that. They were great People but the Drugs they we doing were dangerous and if they didn't have to hide in some dark place they would still be here more than likely.

Anyways Trump wants to put anyone who does drugs in Prison he ignores the issues and only cares about enriching himself and some of his rich buddies. He doesn't care about Us a American's can't you see that?

No Wall
No Insurance
No Taxes
Environmental Regulations lifted so More Pollution
How much Oil and Gas are left in the Earth before we need to rely on Green energy
He keeps lying continuously
what more do you need to see ?

Anyways good day and remember it's never to late to do the right thing.
Right and Wrong our values are on the line and trump does not care..

Big cheers on that for sure even if we won't agree on the politics of it.
Nope. Theres an email from Rob Walker specifically clarifying that My Chairman is Joe.

You said testimony is in a court of law, because I referenced testimony in an interview and you called it moronic to suggest testimony could exist outside a court of law which is easily clarified with a dictionary but that was just too much for you to handle before you spoke. Because you're a dummy. I realize you probably dont know that because noone in your echo chamber will tell you, but if you go back and study really hard I'm sure you will see it too.

I have faith in you Bucko.
tell you what jenius, when Bobuloski "testifies" under oath then I'll pay attention. Until then, he's just an asshole like you on an opinion show on fox.

and fox already went thru the entire email chain and the Chairman is China. if there was that email that you claim, you'd post it up.

another nothing berder from a year ago that only knob gobblers like you fall for. the non-smarts.
jackoff heinrich's (FOX reporter) twitter:
I completed searching all of Tony Bobulinski’s emails. They establish: •the “Chairman” is China. • NO ROLE for Joe Biden in emails/docs • Tony Bobulinski states himself there are NO OTHER MEMBERS besides Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Rob Walker, James Gillar, and Bobulinski
The FBI has had the Hard Drive for almost 1 year. Nothing Burger

The Republican Senate Intel Report concluded Bidens did not do anything wrong, and the silence was deafening when Barr's boy John Duram concluded Biden didnt do anything wrong about the Unmasking Bullshit.
Another Nothing Burger, and when Biden was exonerated, they said nothing.

Barr is a Criminal of the highest order.
Come on man, its been public knowledge for weeks the tRUmp was warned by the Intel Committee which is run by the Republicans, that Rudy was passing Russian Propaganda, and has been that he has been consorting with a KNOWN Russian SPY. Come on, youre fucking delusional. tRUmp was fucking warned by his own intel weeks ago.

If tehy knew Bidens did shady shit, the Republican Senate Intel, and Barr would be all over it?? Come on, it aint logical.
NOBODY wanted to touch those emails for release because theyre a nothing burger.
Dont you think the Senate Intel had all the info and more than the FBI? Senate Intel has NSA, CIA.
Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say
More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son.

More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

The letter, signed on Monday, centers around a batch of documents released by the New York Post last week that purport to tie the Democratic nominee to his son Hunter’s business dealings. Under the banner headline “Biden Secret E-mails,” the Post reported it was given a copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drive by President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who said he got it from a Mac shop owner in Delaware who also alerted the FBI.

National Counterintelligence and Security Center Director Bill Evanina said in August that Russia has been trying to denigrate Biden’s campaign, specifically through a Ukrainian lawmaker named Andriy Derkach who has met with Giuliani at least twice to discuss corruption accusations against Biden. Derkach was sanctioned by the Treasury Department last month for allegedly acting as a Russian agent and interfering in the 2020 election.

Giuliani brushed off concerns about Derkach in an interview with The Daily Beast this week, saying “the chance that Derkach is a Russian spy is no better than 50/50.” And he told The Wall Street Journal of the purported Biden email trove: “Could it be hacked? I don’t know. I don’t think so. If it was hacked, it’s for real. If it was hacked. I didn’t hack it. I have every right to use it.”

The former officials said Derkach’s relationship with Giuliani and fixation on the Bidens, along with Russia’s reported hack on Burisma — the Ukrainian energy company that gave Hunter Biden a board seat and is at the center of Trump and his allies’ corruption allegations — “is consistent with” a Russian operation.

“For the Russians at this point, with Trump down in the polls, there is incentive for Moscow to pull out the stops to do anything possible to help Trump win and/or to weaken Biden should he win,” the letter says. “A ‘laptop op’ fits the bill, as the publication of the emails are clearly designed to discredit Biden.”

Top Biden advisers who staffed him during his vice presidency, citing their own recollections as well as a review of Biden’s official schedules, have sharply rejected suggestions that Biden ever met with a representative of Burisma in 2015 or has otherwise been involved in Hunter Biden’s business interests.

"Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as 'not legitimate' and political by a GOP colleague have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official U.S. policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing,” Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said last week. “Trump administration officials have attested to these facts under oath.”
