OK. Are you a racist?

It is almost like these sock puppet paid trolls know they are losing their ability to convince anyone but themselves of their propaganda to get Dear Leader re-elected.
We'll see how they feel after several more months of Congressional investigations into Trump's crimes while in office.

A witness in U.S. custody is detailing a multi-billion-dollar sanction-busting scheme involving Iran and Turkey. But Trump keeps protecting Turkey.

A Turkish-Iranian gold trader in U.S. custody is continuing to provide information that could be critical to unraveling a multi-billion-dollar sanctions evasion scheme involving Iran — the biggest in recent U.S. history, Justice Department officials say.
But national security experts are concerned his cooperation may prove meaningless if President Donald Trump continues a baffling pattern of protecting Turkey and its second-largest state-owned bank, Halkbank, in his meeting with Turkish President Erdogan on Wednesday.

Current and former Justice Department officials with knowledge of the case said prosecutors had withheld an indictment against Halkbank because they were holding out hope for a deferred prosecution agreement, an arrangement given to foreign companies in the past that typically brings an end to sanctions violations without criminal charges but with typically steep monetary fines.

The "gold trader"'s name is Reza Zarrab and his testimony led to:

U.S. charges state-owned Turkish bank in multibillion-dollar sanctions-busting scheme
The charges against Halkbank are linked to a previous case involving Reza Zarrab, a Turkish banker who was arrested in March for evading U.S. sanctions.

Now, even after the indictment, it is not known whether prosecutors in the Southern District of New York will or have issued arrest warrants through Interpol to hold Halkbank officials accountable. It is not known whether prosecutors have been asked by the administration to hold back on doing so.
"Halkbank is at the center of the ongoing scandal surrounding President Trump, Rudy Giuliani and President Erdogan," Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee said in a recent letter announcing an investigation of Trump's advocacy for the bank. "They all appear to have been working toward the same goal of preventing criminal prosecution of the bank."

A name keeps popping up: Rudy Giuliani, who represents characters caught using illegal campaign contributions to grease the skids of a money laundering operation in Nevada:

Campaign finance case involving Giuliani associates reaches into 2018 Nevada races

While the indictment unsealed Thursday identifies the Nevada political candidates only as “candidate-1” and "candidate-2,” campaign finance records show that one of the indicted businessmen, Igor Fruman, gave $10,000 each to 2018 Republican gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt and 2018 Republican attorney general candidate Wesley Duncan.

The indictment alleges that Fruman and Lev Parnas, David Correia and Andrey Kukushkin funneled foreign money from an unnamed Russian donor to candidates for both federal and state office in order to curry political favor. The candidates, the indictment says, were unaware of this, as the four — all U.S. citizens — kept the source of their money secret.

According to the indictment, the defendants wanted to open a marijuana dispensary in Nevada, using funds from the Russian citizen to gain political influence. The men had missed the timeline for obtaining a marijuana license and needed a sympathetic Nevada politician — the position “candidate-1” was running for — to give the “green light to implement this.”

Parnas, Fruman, Zarab all flipped to the DOJ and gave them testimony. The links from Turkey's protection of money launderers working to clean up money from illegal oil sales by Iran and "legitimate businesses" in the US through Giuliani are worth noting. Sitting in the middle of all this is Trump and Trump, Inc., both of whom have retained Guiliani's legal services. Or were those illegal services that they were after?
It is almost like these sock puppet paid trolls know they are losing their ability to convince anyone but themselves of their propaganda to get Dear Leader re-elected.

Hanimmal, you know that I don't want trump re-elected or support him. He is a useful tool for triggering liberals. Not sure why you made that statement.

I'm "fine with killing millions"? Never said anything of the sort.

A revolution that led to the collapse of this society is about the worst thing anybody could conceive of. Just look at other recent revolutions. They ended up with brutal dictators in charge.

You are either naive, retarded or brutal dictatorship is what you want.

Your right, you don't want to 'kill' them, you just want to 'punish' them. Sorry, forgot your liberal word play. What brutal dictator will take over if democrats and republicans start physically fighting for control? I thought you guys had great morals and leaders. Shouldn't everything be just fine if the democrats won a civil war?
Your right, you don't want to 'kill' them, you just want to 'punish' them. Sorry, forgot your liberal word play. What brutal dictator will take over if democrats and republicans start physically fighting for control? I thought you guys had great morals and leaders. Shouldn't everything be just fine if the democrats won a civil war?
"punish them"? I've never said anything of the sort. What the hell are you talking about? "oh, it would be so great if the US had a revolution". No, it would not. Look at Syria and tell me that it would be great if New York were reduced to rubble as has happened to major cities in that country.

Take your revolution and shove it up you ass.
Hanimmal, you know that I don't want trump re-elected or support him. He is a useful tool for triggering liberals. Not sure why you made that statement.

Your right, you don't want to 'kill' them, you just want to 'punish' them. Sorry, forgot your liberal word play. What brutal dictator will take over if democrats and republicans start physically fighting for control? I thought you guys had great morals and leaders. Shouldn't everything be just fine if the democrats won a civil war?
What is the point in 'triggering liberals' then? I made the comment because the trolls here have been posting theirDear Leader nonstop in an obvious attempt to stop conversation about any issues.
Such weak people always looking for some one to follow. There are 3-4 cops for every 1000 people and you still live like slaves, hoping you can elect some one to make it better. Go out and make it better you lame fucks, even if it takes bloodshed. Revolutions are paid for in blood, and not from your tampons either.
Remember when you asked for advice on how to suck dog dicks
Hanimmal, you know that I don't want trump re-elected or support him. He is a useful tool for triggering liberals. Not sure why you made that statement.

Your right, you don't want to 'kill' them, you just want to 'punish' them. Sorry, forgot your liberal word play. What brutal dictator will take over if democrats and republicans start physically fighting for control? I thought you guys had great morals and leaders. Shouldn't everything be just fine if the democrats won a civil war?
youre one of the biggest trump* cocksuckers around
You are the one completely painted into a corner. You use words that you can't define, even common, simple words. You have an obviously fabricated backstory and have been caught on it. Hold my belt loop, you're my bitch, cracker.

Maybe that came out right in your native language, but him being your slave owner means he can't be your bitch. You're just lucky he ain't a cruel master and doesn't beat you with said whip of his.
is it me or does Trump* have a neanderthal posture?

He just sharted and is hoping the blue suit pants will provide enough cover.

The anguished look and forward tilt is reflexive. Note "the butt cheek squeeze" he's employing to try to buy some time until the camera is off.
The best part is when they all scream hes impeached. Umm so sorry, hes actually not impeached until auntie catholic Nancy sends the articles to the Senate!

eh, i think that's a bit pedantic at this point. He's been impeached. Whether or not that will mean anything after this debacle remains to be seen. I am curious about all the rush to get it done, and now sitting on their hands, but I'm not a lawyer so I'll let other people quote and post articles on that.