Old School Skunk, who's found it???

I'm interested in how the Waziri does for you, I picked up a pack earlier this year and have heard there are some unique terps in it.
The Waziri is just plain freakin awesome. It is easy to grow, and in the beginning was the crown jewel of the garden. Just banged out healthy as fuck, nice fat leaves and the grower I got the seeds from had excellent luck with them as well. I mightacould be able to have a line on some beans for ya somewhere down the line here.
The same source was running Afghan Selections’ Sholgar and 5 of either The Real Seed Co.’s Kabul, also a backcross of Hawaiian Hashbud X (Hawaiian Hashbud X Balkhi), or repros of Balkhi or Waziri.

Hoping the Sholgar keep to the stated size. Growing 15 footers this past year was certainly interesting but I’d rather stay a couple rungs lower down on the ladder lol. The Sholgar do look purty -
The Sholgar and Balkhi are just huge freaking monsters, 15 ft. And would kept going. They grow this strain for hash, let it go til it dies at gigunda proportions, then come back and pack it out on mules probably. It will grow for a straight 11-12 months probably if you let it.
I wanna try both the Sholga and Balki, hoping to do that run in the Beta garden next season
Interested to see how the Shaman does for you, Its been around for ages now. I have a outdoor strain that I cooked up with Shaman as the mother and a Mother of Berries x Vashon Early Bird father, I am trying out the F1's this summer in Western Maine. Looking for a super early kick over to flowering with out having to run Autos...sick of dealing with what seems like earlier and earlier crappy fall weather each year.
Oh yes, now I remember, Wicked Pissah seeds
The same source was running Afghan Selections’ Sholgar and 5 of either The Real Seed Co.’s Kabul, also a backcross of Hawaiian Hashbud X (Hawaiian Hashbud X Balkhi), or repros of Balkhi or Waziri.

Hoping the Sholgar keep to the stated size. Growing 15 footers this past year was certainly interesting but I’d rather stay a couple rungs lower down on the ladder lol. The Sholgar do look purty -
The Sholgar and Balkhi are just huge freaking monsters, 15 ft. And would kept going. They grow this strain for hash, let it go til it dies at gigunda proportions, then come back and pack it out on mules probably. It will grow for a straight 11-12 months probably if you let it.
I wanna try both the Sholga and Balki, hoping to do that run in the Beta garden next season
I actually have a pack of sholgar on my short list to grow out too! I tend to buy the afghan strains that claim chem, gassy, burnt rubber, and ammonia type terps. Those waziri look wonderful, I love the giant leaves.
That's very kind of you. I still have a pack of it, just so hard to pick what to grow with plant limits. I'd like to dig into some landraces next year, I just picked up some Maruf Black that I want to pick through, but the waziri and a few other Afghan and Pakistan strains are right up there.
I'm interested in landraces, they seem to be the buzzword going around. However I'm more interested in finding it creating seeds acclimated to my specific valley. The old hippy growers used to tell me that if you found a good strain, and acclimated it to your specific spot, that every year the strain would improve in strength, resistance to mold and become, in effect, the best shit you could possibly grow. That's my dream. That's my path. And I believe it starts with Mass Super Skunk. I just can't get my fuckin hands on it.
I'm interested in landraces, they seem to be the buzzword going around. However I'm more interested in finding it creating seeds acclimated to my specific valley. The old hippy growers used to tell me that if you found a good strain, and acclimated it to your specific spot, that every year the strain would improve in strength, resistance to mold and become, in effect, the best shit you could possibly grow. That's my dream. That's my path. And I believe it starts with Mass Super Skunk. I just can't get my fuckin hands on it.

giesel is chem d x mass super skunk.
New to this thread, got a lot of reading to do. I'm seeking Massachusetts Super Skunk, all I could find was a clone for $350 which may or may not be what I'm looking for. Also seeking Dragon Weed of '79 which was grown in S. Deerfield MA successfully during the 80's. It is my belief that the Dragonweed was Mass SuperSkunk, although I have no evidence of this. I would know Dragonweed the second I saw it, as I grew up in the fields with my two best friends, whose father grew it extensively.
Dutch Dragon (found in the 1980s. A Landrace hybrid from Africa.)

Does anyone have an idea about the breeding process that should be used? Was the Columbian Crossed to the Acapulco first? I’m guessing the Afghan was added in to stabilize, increase yield and shorten flower time since Col. & Acapulco are pure Sativa. I have Landrace seeds from all strains.
Also just got Mexican Landrace seeds that are suppose to be over 50 years old. Kept in a jar. I’m gonna try to germinate them or see if a tissue culture lab in my area can do something. Any tips on starting ancient seeds.
I thought it was agreed that Mexican weed is just garbage.

That's just because most of the weed that came north into the states was bricked and poorly cured, it has nothing to do with the strains that have historically been grown there. There has been plenty of unique and interesting strains cultivated in Mexico that make for great smoke when treated right
That's just because most of the weed that came north into the states was bricked and poorly cured, it has nothing to do with the strains that have historically been grown there. There has been plenty of unique and interesting strains cultivated in Mexico that make for great smoke when treated right
Like Acapulco Gold? I remember when that was around, was also this bud called Rainbow. Ever hear of that?