Well-Known Member
Ive been smoking since 1967, grew my 1st plant in 1972. Started trying to grow lopng flowering landrace sativas, with SHO - 8ft Fluroescent bulbs, in 75, with very limited success. Then, around 77-78, they started advertising a 1000w Metal Halide buld, that the Navy used for growing veggies, in their subs, when they go no contact for months at a time. They supplement their diets, with frest grown veggies.
The bulb was so fragile, they wouldnt guarantee it would survive shipping. So no warranty. about 6 months after that, someone came out with the Supernova 1000w Halide, and was rugged enough to survive shipping.
We had the real deal skunk where I am. North East, Ky, as far back as 1977. First I ever saw, my buddy got it from Meigs County, Ohio, which was known as the Humboldt County, of the East.
My buddy older buddy ( RIP ) played in a band, that opened for Joe Walsh, in Charleston Wva, in 1972, and he met a guy nicknamed "Noodles" who we now know, was a legendary grower in Meigs.
He is the creator of Meigs county Gold, which is Skj#2 x Acapulco Gold. And I have no idea which version of Sk2.
Meigs Gold, was Willie Nelsons favorite weed, in the 70s-80s, and used to come to Noodles farm, in Racine.
noodles gave my buddy the first Indica, we had ever heard of. This was in 1973. And growers for sure did know, to kill males.
But my buddy called it Beach Ball, because it grew like a round bush. No more than 6ft tall, and would get 7 feet wide, if given enough sun, water, and started early in the season. It dried to a deep brick red, and would choke you to death,.
In 1978, Noodles gave my buddy the first Skunk, we ever heard of. My buddy grew it until 1984, when an alleged friend, ratted him out, and both strains were lost. The Skunk my buddy had, was Sativa Dominant, and had long, medium sized colas, and would get 10 feet tall, if given the chance.
And while I dont know if Noodles told him the truth, he told my buddy, the Skunk he had, was a cross of South Indian Kerela, and an unnamed Indica. AND, this Indica he had, was Narrow Leaf, and not Afghanica/Broad Leaf.
Noodles would be 80 years old, and started collecting seeds, in the 60s.
He passed in 2020, in Huntington Wva, at St Marys Med Center. I found my buddy passed 2 years, this Oct 31.
COPA Genetics, is working with some of Noodles Genetics, and were said to be given to COPA by Noodles Nephew, who is friends with Noodles Nephew, and they hunt, together.
Noodles real name was William Keith Hayes. He is legend, in Appalachia.
Real skunk?