"Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft,(and a few minions) these were the guys that started the Iraq war."
Well, first of all, we are not at war with Iraq. We are at war with Terrorists. Bush and Co. didn't start the War on Terrorism, the terrorists did. Saddam refused to comply with numerous UN resolutions and sanctions. According to our own intelligence and foreign intelligence, he was harboring WMD. He was paying families of terrorists a $25,000 bonus if a family member blew him/herself up in a terrorist attack ... IN OTHER COUNTRIES. We had every right to take Saddam out, especially in view of 9-11. Yeah, I know the stock answer .... "Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11." Well the facts show that Saddam had terrorist training camps in Iraq and was getting support for them from Iran and Syria.
On the voluntary military. When one joins the military, one must assume that in time of emergency, or war, one would have to do duty in a war zone. The days of the liberals using the military as a huge, expensive welfare program is over.
And by the way ... one needn't serve in the military or fight in combat in order to see what's right and what's wrong. That old bromide of "If you haven't served, you aren't qualified to speak," is nothing more than a ploy to shut down debate. Very similar to the "Nazi" and "Racist" accusations.
Why is it that Liberals continue to hide their heads in the sand? A good example is North Korea's exploding the Nuke ... a result of Clinton's failed "Peace Accord" with the North Koreans.