one of my close friends raided my garden and stole all my plants!

Confucius says revenge is a dish best served cold.

I'm not advocating anything I just get a kick out of
this saying.
Maannn!!! Fuck that, go take SOME of his plants, even tho he took all of yours take most of his, dont stoop to his lvl & take a mans his last

He is still stooping to the dude's level if he goes and jacks his plants, even if it is most of them and not all of them!
id just go to his house beat his fuck ass the go to his crop and just fuck it up fuck the weed just ruin everything. and then play it off too. haha
who gives a fuck about stooping to his level youre all fucking pussies who had mothers that were up your fucking asses. life a bitch and it aint fair. obviously so go take what aint yours and tell him to fuck himself
garunteed it was him. his brothers a bitch and cud talk him into it any day honestly youre a dumbass if u dont think it was him. but you know it was lol just dont be a bitch do something about it be a man.
this is just a shitty situation any way that you look at it for the OP, but this talk of "go beat his ass" isn't gonna help him. what do you say to the cops, "i beat his ass because he stole my illegal plants!" get real, i'm not saying that the thief doesn't deserve it, but if you go to someone's house to kick thier ass, in the real world you will be going to jail for aggravated assault which can not only cause you to see jail time, but leave you with a record for violent crime which will follow you long after any bud that you would have harvested would be gone. its been said over and over on here, but just take it as a lesson learned because i can bet that if you are facing criminal charges you will be wishing that you just dropped it!
^ this guy is a pussy too. Go beat his fucking ass. Who honestly gives a fuck about right and wrong nowadays? Oh two wrongs dont make a right SHUT THE FUCK UP MOM YOURE A BITCH
My dad allways said " get them in there pocket " few pounds , put some suger in there gas tank
break his arm , I got a better idea , tell them they didn't get all of it , spend 25$ on a bear trap
then if it's your friend , you will notice that his foot might be gone !!
i believe in pay back . I can go on and on but you will think of somthing !!
sorry for your loss

Ps don't tell any one next time , pic a new spot also
Fight fire with fire if you don't want to take is plants, send someone else, thief aren't hard to find, let the fucker taste is own medicine
he has no proof it is his buddy... plain and simple.. you like this law when it applies to you... why not extend this to others...
Fight fire with fire if you don't want to take is plants, send someone else, thief aren't hard to find, let the fucker taste is own medicine
This may have promises. Lead some scoundrels to his grow and let them do the deed.
although telling others makes you a snitch. It's a tough call but this act should not go unanswered.
You really don't have proof it was them and you broke rule #1 so suck it up, put your big boy pants on, and realize this was your fault.