one of my close friends raided my garden and stole all my plants!

I truley am blown away that more than half of these fuck ass dudes wud do NOTHING about their plants being taken. #BITCHASSMOFOS
Sounds like your a bitch and have no nut. Go get his fucking plants. Get what belongs to you. Steal that cocksuckers plants he deserves it. This is one time where ripping is o/k. Fucking do it dude. Fuck his deer cam take the fucking deer cam and smash it on his lawn fuck man if you live close ill come do it for you.
honestly i would go over to his house, make him pull down his pants, and slap his bare ass like his daddy did, like that dude in that one vid
i really dont know what to do so im gonna ask you guys to see what you have to say or see your opinions! so this summer i showed 2 of my close friends my garden that was pretty far from my house hidden off nice in the woods because i just wanted to show them how big they were and one of them showed me his plants that were even bigger then mine i had about 20 or so me and my friends all summer told each other about are grows and helped each other with stuff! we made each other a promise not to even think about stealing each others crop and i wasnt worried about what so ever because i was pretty good friends with this kid! so i went out to my spot yesterday to water and all my plants were pulled nothing left what so ever so i looked on the walkway far from the entrance i saw some kind of boot prints! whoever it was.. was on a mission to get my plants and leave plain and simple! so i decided to not tell anyone what happened and i was gonna see who was lying and who was sketched out when i hung out with them so i called and we hung out they were definitly different then usual so i suspect them but they were with there friends also so i want to get them back or figure out who exactly stole them and what do you guys think i should do as retaliation! take his crop? kick the shit out of him! slash his tires ? thanks again! and to anybody who worked hard and got there crop stolen i know how it feals!
sorry to say it but ur an idiot for showing people ur outdoor unguarded grow. security rule number one. keep ur mouth shut and involve as little people as possible till after u cut them down. help with trimming is at ur discretion.
On da real homie i stay in LA ..dnt knw were u b at but shoot me ur # ill handle
That shit my self too .. Or wit greengrowtheexpert .. I got a whip and everything my boy ..on da real gotta keep yo pimp hand strong just like home boy said ..cnt let this lil nigga and his bro slide way at all and if u do on da real u are a bitch because just like atidd11 said if a foo fucks ur gurl are u just gona say o ... Ima let karma get him fuck no homie ...watever u do dnt let no one pump you wat u feel is neccesarry cuz at the end its all up to u ..but ur just getting my opinion and i think its a good one ...cuz no way would o ever let a nigga get away wit wat ur homie and his bro did..charges or not its about being a man and not letting anyone step on you ..straight up thats the main point
I truley am blown away that more than half of these fuck ass dudes wud do NOTHING about their plants being taken. #BITCHASSMOFOS

soem would need more convincing proof other then circumstantial . . .meanign assumed giult . . also many are live and let live, my fualt for showing those dudes (they exceot the bed they made and choose to be the bigger man)

others are jsut non confrontaional or would have more problems if they did retaliate . . .its not as easy as ya im mad ya i feel like i want to do somthing ., . .. .
Bash your friends brother shatter his knee caps infront of your friend then bash him worse for ratting out your grow to his thieving brother
Duct tape em both to a chair and slit there nostrils

Throw a towel at them while they're still duct taped and tell them to "clean yourself up" ..

Gotta get mafia wit it
If someone had stolen my property, I would be thinking of ways to recover it. The rippers undoubtedly are drying it at their house or apt. Thieves surely wouldn't sleep well entrusting a third party to dry it. I expect they would also be hanging close to the drying location and that behavior alone may reveal where it is.
i hear ya, i got robbed once, went to guys house a few days later and broke his door down, collected my speakers, stereos stuff, pieces, dvds, cds, tv a few nick nacks

and then busted up there house . . . saw dude at a bar 5 years later, he shit his pants . . . when i said hey i know you
Not a freakin damm thing you can do! It's your own fault plain and simple and your a dumb ass.:D
I really do know how hard it is not to show anyone (even your BEST friend). We all want to show off and get opinions and such but that's why we come to RIU.
I have a guard rail bolt on a piece of paracord and a sock full of rocks but you can't win. Fuck if it ain't tough not plotting the guys death but you will just dig a hole you can't get out of. Just thinking about it makes me want to hold the guy while you beat him.
If you do go hunting for revenge just make it's something evil but that you won't get locked up for. :twisted:

Just remember that when you die in 50 or 60 years if you have ONE true friend then you are lucky. Those guys were just aquaintances and they are a dime a dozen. You poor bastard I do feel your pain.
dont feel bad freshmen...

same thing happened to me round this time last year

fucking rippers are bitches!!!!!!!!!