one of my close friends raided my garden and stole all my plants!

i want to thank all you guys guys for your support and opinions for those people who wanted my info im 16 and i live in maine.. and i showed this kid my spot and he said he didnt even wanna go back because its such a hassle to get to and he knew my plants had another 2 to 3 weeks left of budding but a few weeks later he showed me his plot and as far as i know his plants are still up and shit! i pressured his friend to see if he knew anything and he said that they didnt and i talked to my friend and talked with him he said he sees how i feal he said he would come to me if his plants were stolen 2 and he knows how much hard work i put into those things before i do anything drastic im going to go back to my plot with my other close friend to see if he sees any signs of who it was or to see if he thinks it points straight to my other friend i am going to make a video also so you guys could see what i was talking about i aslo took pictures of the boot prints and the and other stuff that could be evidence... thanks again
i want to thank all you guys guys for your support and opinions for those people who wanted my info im 16 and i live in maine.. and i showed this kid my spot and he said he didnt even wanna go back because its such a hassle to get to and he knew my plants had another 2 to 3 weeks left of budding but a few weeks later he showed me his plot and as far as i know his plants are still up and shit! i pressured his friend to see if he knew anything and he said that they didnt and i talked to my friend and talked with him he said he sees how i feal he said he would come to me if his plants were stolen 2 and he knows how much hard work i put into those things before i do anything drastic im going to go back to my plot with my other close friend to see if he sees any signs of who it was or to see if he thinks it points straight to my other friend i am going to make a video also so you guys could see what i was talking about i aslo took pictures of the boot prints and the and other stuff that could be evidence... thanks again

Why not take a marching band with you after you announce a school field trip over the loud speaker.:shock:

how many mofos are you going to get involved in your business?

You got a hard road in front of you son.
On da real homie i stay in LA ..dnt knw were u b at but shoot me ur # ill handle
That shit my self too .. Or wit greengrowtheexpert .. I got a whip and everything my boy ..on da real gotta keep yo pimp hand strong just like home boy said ..cnt let this lil nigga and his bro slide way at all and if u do on da real u are a bitch because just like atidd11 said if a foo fucks ur gurl are u just gona say o ... Ima let karma get him fuck no homie ...watever u do dnt let no one pump you wat u feel is neccesarry cuz at the end its all up to u ..but ur just getting my opinion and i think its a good one ...cuz no way would o ever let a nigga get away wit wat ur homie and his bro did..charges or not its about being a man and not letting anyone step on you ..straight up thats the main point

na na na na niggah what you needs to do is go down to the hardware store. get yo selfs some duct tape and a few 2" pipes and a pounds or 2 of ball bearings. fashion yourself some IEDS and set up all around his grow! that way when he goes to harvest "BOOM" you can blow his ass up! .... then grab yo mo' fuckin AK and run up in his pad ! just start sprayin dat shit like a G! kids, mom, grandparents whatever just mow them bitches down ! they got it commin ! .... then set the house on fire and you know what ?? burn the neighbors houses down too ! I mean fuck them they live next door to suspected thieves they had this shit commin too!

honestly though .. some of these morons are giving you horrible advice.
On da real homie i stay in LA ..dnt knw were u b at but shoot me ur # ill handle
That shit my self too .. Or wit greengrowtheexpert .. I got a whip and everything my boy ..on da real gotta keep yo pimp hand strong just like home boy said ..cnt let this lil nigga and his bro slide way at all and if u do on da real u are a bitch because just like atidd11 said if a foo fucks ur gurl are u just gona say o ... Ima let karma get him fuck no homie ...watever u do dnt let no one pump you wat u feel is neccesarry cuz at the end its all up to u ..but ur just getting my opinion and i think its a good one ...cuz no way would o ever let a nigga get away wit wat ur homie and his bro did..charges or not its about being a man and not letting anyone step on you ..straight up thats the main point

with every post like this that i read, my hopes for cannabis re-legalization are once again shat upon.
i want to thank all you guys guys for your support and opinions for those people who wanted my info im 16 and i live in maine.. and i showed this kid my spot and he said he didnt even wanna go back because its such a hassle to get to and he knew my plants had another 2 to 3 weeks left of budding but a few weeks later he showed me his plot and as far as i know his plants are still up and shit! i pressured his friend to see if he knew anything and he said that they didnt and i talked to my friend and talked with him he said he sees how i feal he said he would come to me if his plants were stolen 2 and he knows how much hard work i put into those things before i do anything drastic im going to go back to my plot with my other close friend to see if he sees any signs of who it was or to see if he thinks it points straight to my other friend i am going to make a video also so you guys could see what i was talking about i aslo took pictures of the boot prints and the and other stuff that could be evidence... thanks again

well, you're going to be banned for telling your age (18+ only here).

take this as a learning opportunity and move on. you're still young. don't get yourself into any trouble over this. it'll follow you for the rest of your life.
i want to hide up in a tree and scout my grows, anyone i see trying to nab it gets tickled by my cattle prod and baseball bat.

to the OP, Congratulations, now you have learned the first rule: Tell nobody.
soem would need more convincing proof other then circumstantial . . .meanign assumed giult . . also many are live and let live, my fualt for showing those dudes (they exceot the bed they made and choose to be the bigger man)

others are jsut non confrontaional or would have more problems if they did retaliate . . .its not as easy as ya im mad ya i feel like i want to do somthing ., . .. .
very well said
well, you're going to be banned for telling your age (18+ only here).

take this as a learning opportunity and move on. you're still young. don't get yourself into any trouble over this. it'll follow you for the rest of your life.
Heh Heh, check out my reply about 5 pages back---
  • DUDE! Are you old enough to be posting here?
    You were dumb enough to show people your stash, you don't know for sure who took them, poor grammar, poor spelling,no punctuation, and juvenile ideas of retaliation like that?
    And your "freshmen", is there more than one of you or did you mean it to say "freshman"?
    Is that "freshman in high school"?​

dude, you fucked up plain and simple! not trying to be a dick brotha, but telling people is the dumbest thing you could ever do, let alone showing them where it was. and if dude TOLD you him and his older bro go around ripping people off, that should have been a red flag! hell, you should ditch that dudes number and break all ties with him or anyone affiliated with them and any kind of "friends" that do anything remotely shady like that. just think, you smoke weed and grow it. lets say they rip off someone who might know you or people in your social circle and they have a hunch who it might be.YOU WILL BE GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION! then those said people will retaliate against you because they think you did it, or so and so told em you did it. a good rule of thumb is to keep shady people with fucked up sets of morals out of your friends list. it will save you the headache in the long run and avoid unnecessary heat.

AND.... on top of allllll that, how do you know for sure it was your buddy? you were growing in an open forest. 90% of crop busts come from LEO busting outdoor gardens. chances are, a drug enforcement task force could have flew over and seen them, sent in the goons and then ripped them up. regardless, i wouldnt retaliate against anyone when you have shit to lose. it won't be worth it for the short lived, meager satisfaction you will gain. chalk it up and move on. AND DONT TELL OR SHOW PEOPLE ANYMORE!!!!! and for the love of god, dont grow weed to be mr. cool guy a gloat to your friends about having bomb buds. your friends are what will get you busted, not your enemies. and yes, i know that sounds kinda backwards but its the truth. ask anyone who was busted how the got caught. guarantee that they let a few friends know, one friend got pinched and they gave them up to save their own ass. thats not always the case, but most of the time it is. too many people wanna do the crime but dont wanna do the time. be smarter next time...