Onyx or A51?

I used to say that about KNNA he gave us DIYers everything he knew for free and I always felt like I didnt have anything to bring to the table besides thank you. After he disappeared I was able update the RWB modules to 39% (thanks to the reefers) and I was content. I wasn't even paying attention when COBs came out, it was Mr Flux's CXA analysis thread that made me realize what they were capable of. I was blown away by his contribution (LER calculus) and updated all my spreadsheets. Then he told me that my work was the reason he did the calculus. It is amazing what goes around comes around :leaf:
Very cool, thanks for all the feedback. We'll definitely look at everything mentioned before we improve our next version. If we can do some inserts before then I'll happily let everyone know!
at this time I see no reason to modify the Onyx. Works perfectly well even though I'm only using the cool white right now.
Of course there is most of the time always improvements to be made so you can count me in on modding at least one panel iF you come up with the parts.
I'm restricted with height so having the secondary lens off is my only option at the moment.
I'm still waiting to switch to 12/12 before i use my panel but I'm looking forward to it:)

Would replacing the driver with a dimmable driver work or is there something else who would need to add?
at this time I see no reason to modify the Onyx. Works perfectly well even though I'm only using the cool white right now.
Of course there is most of the time always improvements to be made so you can count me in on modding at least one panel iF you come up with the parts.

Any changes would be on our next generation light, which wouldn't be for some time. We do like to get ideas early though so when it does come time to change we can make impactful ones. Let us know how your Veg goes!
I'm restricted with height so having the secondary lens off is my only option at the moment.
I'm still waiting to switch to 12/12 before i use my panel but I'm looking forward to it:)

Would replacing the driver with a dimmable driver work or is there something else who would need to add?

You mean to dim? Unfortunately the drivers are on the actual pcb and not external, so unlike our DIY items you wouldn't be able to simply swap drivers to get dimming going.
Thanks Mike that answers the question I was about to ask. I was trying to figure out how a 36V constant voltage power supply could run a 90vF string of XMLs at 2.2A. Now it make sense, there is a constant voltage DC to constant current DC conversion on the board.