Outdoor Bud Quality

I hardly had the energy to read through all of the posts. Maybe the whole point of the thread should have been "How to increase outdoor bud quality."

It is a waste of time to enter the indoor/outdoor debate, just concentrate positive energy to this subject and it will be a much more interesting thread.

Let's start with location, location, location. Growing weed in Vermont is way different than growing in Texas. This makes it almost impossible to make blanket statements about quality.

That said, there are some things I've found that contribute to good outdoor bud. The ability to use big fabric pots filled with very good media is one things I enjoy about outdoors. I have some 100 gallon fabric pots and made a coco/worm casting/perlite/organic nute (similar to SuperSoil) mix that works pretty damn well. Watering is done with organic tea from 55 gallon barrels that have been conditioned with airstones for 48 hours. Got a nice sump pump at Home Depot making the whole watering/fertilizing a breeze. My backpack sprayer came from Harbor Freight, and plants get a feeding early every morning using organic tea. I'll admit, all of this would make a huge smelly mess indoors. Starting early July, the plants will be covered to induce flowering and harvested in early September while it is still warm and dry in the daytime and cool at night. I've had some very good harvests in the past in terms of quality. I'm not getting into a pissing contest here, but what I grow is very flavorful (due to the organic ferts), colorful (due to cool night temps) and potent (due to the induced flowering and ability to extend flowering time). I am very happy with the results and have no desire to do this kind of grow indoors.

I think outdoors sometimes gets a bad rap because growers cut corners with the quality of media and fertilizers. And, of course, some are blessed with great climate while others get the short end of the stem.

Anyway, enough rambling...got to go water....
hi everyone, never grown outside before, only indoors. I quite fancy going to Spain for a year or two if i can, to get something done out there. Anyone in this thread know what are the main problems a grower will encounter for outdoor growing somewhere like south Spain? looking to hear more about the problems that I wouldn't have come across indoors?