Overpriced Nutrients..get better nutrients for a lower price


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you weren't paying attention, but that was what was requested....some basic info on fert's....

Ratchet the troll down a bit.....
That was actually pretty tame coming fromt the fatman. Notice how he goes on this rant about his 6 figure salary he's been making for decades and all of his accomplishments (which are totally irrelevant to the thread)? The sign of a bitter, insecure, lonely person. It makes me a little sad for him actually. :-(


Well-Known Member
Fat doesn't seem to understand that capitalism gives him his NPO..... he's like a genius that one is...:lol: :roll:
Yeah, isn't it funny how the people who seem to benefit handsomely from capitalism always seem to be the biggest critics. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
This whole fuckin site is losin it!
Its a simple thread about mycorrhizae and it gets turned into politics?
It is a fucked up world when we cant live without greed, and for that i will always be on the bottom of the food chain.
(That dont bother me , so it shouldnt bother you)
AN and mikey make HUGE claims with that voodoo juice. Its not about the number of species in the product, its about the ones that actually help a plant grow. My opinion is when your looking for myco products , first read what they are and what they do, then make your purchase. Always remember that a good healthy dirt will have plenty of beneficial bacteria in it. All compost and EWC teas are full of good bacteria. (the same shit you would buy) Mycorrhizal fungi will not grow if the soil is rich in nutes. It only grows when there is alot of OM (organic matter) present in the dirt and not alot of already broken down foods (in-organics) It forms a relationship inside the roots and kinda acts as a root extention. But that relationship will only form if the roots need the help. And also mycorrhizal fungi will not "wake up" and travel to the roots, the roots have to find it.
I would say if you are growing organic then sprinkle a lil myco on the roots when transplanting and then let it go.


Jack in the Bud

Active Member
I feel so lonely sitting here on my sack of seeds. I wanna just smoke another bowl and laugh at you silly, little, ignorant children. Your so beastial like when you roar at me in the forum threads. I jokes. Really I couldn't care less you baby perps.

You know it's one thing to lie to and try and bullshit your fellow man but when you start lying to your self (which I suspect you've been doing for some time) well, that's whole 'nother rat's nest.

I for one am kind of surprised that you seem to have so much extra time to spend on trying to correct mine (and other's ) thinking on these deep philosophical issues. After all don't you have a Civil Engineering course to go teach some where? Hahaha!



Well-Known Member

You know it's one thing to lie to and try and bullshit your fellow man but when you start lying to your self (which I suspect you've been doing for some time) well, that's whole 'nother rat's nest.

I for one am kind of surprised that you seem to have so much extra time to spend on trying to correct mine (and other's ) thinking on these deep philosophical issues. After all don't you have a Civil Engineering course to go teach some where? Hahaha!

You're wasting your time on the fatdude. He's a sad individual who likes to start shit with people on the internet and thinks he's always right. These types of people can't be, or won't be helped. A person who constantly brags about how much money they make and how much pot they have is either trying hard to impress others or is just plain full of shit. As far as I'm concerned he can stay in mom's basement, sitting on his "sack of seeds", smoking his mountain of pot and rolling around his enormous pile of money while jerking off to his many phd's. :mrgreen:


New Member
You're wasting your time on the fatdude. He's a sad individual who likes to start shit with people on the internet and thinks he's always right. These types of people can't be, or won't be helped. A person who constantly brags about how much money they make and how much pot they have is either trying hard to impress others or is just plain full of shit. As far as I'm concerned he can stay in mom's basement, sitting on his "sack of seeds", smoking his mountain of pot and rolling around his enormous pile of money while jerking off to his many phd's. :mrgreen:
Comeon , give it a rest, can't you tell he's eggin you on? Let's get back to the subject at hand.

Sean Penn: Shut up and act.
Dixie Chicks: Shut up and sing.
Fatman: Shut up and teach, you seem to like it.
Crackerjax,doc11,patlpp : shut up and learn.


Well-Known Member
Yes it does, the thread title does not say "Pissy little twit mad at fatman" Take this shit to toke and talk or PM each other so this thread stays interesting.
fatman is a notorious shit starter here at RIU. People like that need to be dealt with. If you don't like what's going on in this thread you are free to go elsewhere. Buh bye! :finger:


New Member
Can't you tell by the tone of his messages he is playing you ? Are you that gullible? Like a little toy in front of a kitten............


Well-Known Member
Can't you tell by the tone of his messages he is playing you ? Are you that gullible? Like a little toy in front of a kitten............
Bro, I know exactly what he's doing. I've had several of these "conversations" with fatman. I said what I wanted to say and was done. You then come in here like the RIU hall monitor telling me to take it to pm's or toke 'n talk. Go back and read the posts. He started insulting people first. He does this in almost every thread he's in. You can check for yourself quite easily. :peace:


Well-Known Member
He started it!!! Mommy!! You immature brat!! Listen to you.

Yes..I am Cartman, the hall monitor
Well aren't you the mature one then? Calling me names? Real mature. Notice how I don't call you a name back. That's real immature too though right? :clap::clap::clap::clap:


New Member
Well aren't you the mature one then? Calling me names? Real mature. Notice how I don't call you a name back. That's real immature too though right? :clap::clap::clap::clap:

I am going to go and curl up in a corner now...u got me...you put me in my place.


Well-Known Member
I am going to go and curl up in a corner now...u got me...you put me in my place.
I could care less about "putting you in your place". That's not what I'm about. I don't like having spats with people on here but you kinda just inserted yourself into a dispute which was pretty much over and kinda flamed it. Then you started pointing the finger at me. I do think you bring up a good point though, it's stupid to have fights over the internet. :peace:


Active Member
It's always funny to hear folks rail against capitalism.... which is also the very model which brings so much PROFIT to the weed BUSINESS....:lol:

Find a serious grower ... and I'll show you a capitalist...
I will second that note!!!!!!!kiss-ass:peace: