Pandemic 2020

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"It seems to me that if we do a really good job, we'll not only hold the...death down to a level that is...uh, much lower than the other way, had we not done a good job, uh..." -Individual 1. Yeah, it gets bizarre when you read what he says. Normally, he'd be pitied, but since he's the fargin' prezydint, you can read why he's a mockery. He's a travisty, a sham and a mockery, he's a travishamockery.
"It seems to me that if we do a really good job, we'll not only hold the...death down to a level that is...uh, much lower than the other way, had we not done a good job, uh..." -Individual 1. Yeah, it gets bizarre when you read what he says. Normally, he'd be pitied, but since he's the fargin' prezydint, you can read why he's a mockery. He's a travisty, a sham and a mockery, he's a travishamockery.
See The Chilling Virus Warnings Trump Ignored – Before Pandemic Outbreak | The Beat With Ari Melber

The coronavirus has upended most of the world, but there were key warnings about pandemics in general, and the virus specifically, that were often ignored, downplayed or even punished. MSNBC’s Ari Melber documents this crucial history – and what can be learned from it now – in this exhaustive special report spanning years of expert research, warnings and even the fateful final months as the virus approached the U.S. early 2020. Melber also discusses a "Cassandra effect," where some experts who got it right were sidelined and faced alleged retaliation by the Trump Administration.
More Joe, I figure ya need a president now, here is a good choice.
Joe Biden Marks Solemn Occasion Of 100,000 Lives Lost To Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC
i know it dated but funny as hell..this guy's very talented.

Mail it to the Trumpers you know and post it on social media, saturate it with these things and anti trump ads like I posted. If ya don't wanna vote you can at least screw over Donald, I figure you'll like that! It's places like this many Trumpers get outside their bubble and many more lurk than post, those that do often use socks to hide their shame. Ad's, memes, cartoons and videos have a larger viewership than text, most folks just skim these days anyway.

Not much point in arguing with a Trumper, unless they argue earnestly and honorably, then go for the heart, addressing the feelings that evoke their thinking first. Much of this bullshit is learned behavior that rides upon instinctive pathways for men, like the compulsion to engage in and have an interest in team sports. We must form ourselves into distinct groups to do this and a simple color shirt can evoke riots as they did in ancient rome where horse racing was a big thing, along with feeding enemies to the lions for shits and giggles.

Mixed race sports teams seem to have little problem performing at least, they seem to win a lot, so it's more tribe than race. BTW There is only one race, the human one, these are just terms used to describe a social situation.
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And how does this matter? Jona, Jonathan who?
He's locally famous and like all of them will take a few with him into sin and set a bunch more half brainwashed kids to thinking. I'm surprised Donald doesn't want him burned at the stake for heresy. A big stir in a little world, people drop Jesus everyday of the week, some people help others to let go too.
"Christian rock" is a contradiction in terms.
Hymns set to a rock tune, gospel singing gospel preaching wannabes, generations of black musicians and legendary singers came out of the world of gospel, I guess they figure they have an audience with Christians too, but not near the talent!
Shitty testing and a bad attitude can do a lot of damage, this is a taste of what is to come in the south and midwest.
Missouri Hair Salon Customer: Stylist With COVID-19 ‘Should Have Stayed home’ | MSNBC

More than 100 people were exposed to the coronavirus while getting a hair cut in Missouri. Two hairdressers at a “Great Clips” in Springfield tested positive for the virus. Officials say one of the stylists worked for eight days while showing symptoms. A customer who spoke out said, “All of this because someone wasn’t responsible…they should have stayed home.” Aired on 05/25/2020.
"Ms. Longwell said her focus groups had shown that there were still persuadable voters out there."

“I was surprised by how many people had just decided because of the coronavirus response,” Ms. Longwell said. “They for the first time started watching the press conferences.”

Looks like King Clorox might have made an impression on some with his press briefings, I know they impressed me! :D

Get Republicans to Vote Against Trump? This Group Will Spend $10 Million to Try
A new organization, Republican Voters Against Trump, is testing the premise of whether there are really any persuadable voters left.

WASHINGTON — Four years ago, 50 of the country’s most senior Republican national security officials signed a letter declaring that Donald J. Trump would put the country at risk if he was elected president and that they would not vote for him.

But the collective voice of former cabinet officials and top aides to Republican presidents denouncing their party’s nominee did little to move the needle with regular Republican voters across the country, who were not swayed by opposition from the establishment.

Now, a new effort called Republican Voters Against Trump is hoping to chip away at Mr. Trump’s support from white, college-educated Republican voters in the suburbs, hoping a more surgical approach will help to elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., his expected Democratic opponent.

The new group is set to begin a $10 million digital and television advertising campaign that will use personal stories of conservative voters giving voice to their deep — and sometimes brand-new — dissatisfaction with the president.
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they're starting to have..thoughts..perhaps some will come around and some who idolize this jona, may question His existence, too.
Oh, the "they" you speak of are them thar evangelicals? Here I thought you wuz tawkin' 'bout atheists. Still, the name means nothing to me. Sorry, I didn't bother to read the article.
Trump's press secretary says there are 'real concerns' with mail-in voting. YET ..... She's voted by mail 11 times.....

Everybody’s Favorite Blonde Numbskull has words to say ....

Do as I say, not as I have done for the last decade.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 11 times in the past 10 years, sending in a ballot for every Florida election she's participated in since 2010, The Tampa Bay Times reports. She reportedly last voted by mail in Florida's primary just two months ago, shortly before she told reporters there is supposed "bipartisan consensus on the fact that mass mail-in voting can lead to fraud."

McEnany's voting history is similar to that of her boss, President Trump, who has routinely voted by mail while making a stink over others who do the same. SHOCKING :wall:

"The president is, after all, the president, which means he's here in Washington. He's unable to cast his vote down in Florida, his state of residence," McEnany said last week about the president's voting decisions. WTF ???

McEnany's defense of Trump came after he incorrectly asserted that Michigan illegally distributed millions of absentee ballot applications to its residents and threatened to withhold funding to the state, which had just suffered a severe dam break.

She told reporters at the time that Trump "supports mail-in voting for a reason, when you have a reason that you are unable to be present," although an ongoing pandemic didn't seem to pass the test.

This week, McEnany wrote a series of tweets blasting the "real concerns" with mail-in voting, which included bribery, lost ballots, and ballot harvesting. It is unclear whether McEnany knew about these concerns before she cast 11 mail-in ballots.

Hopefully a reporter ...... throws that “ nasty “ question out there ... lol.
Trump's press secretary says there are 'real concerns' with mail-in voting. YET ..... She's voted by mail 11 times.....

Everybody’s Favorite Blonde Numbskull has words to say ....

Do as I say, not as I have done for the last decade.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 11 times in the past 10 years, sending in a ballot for every Florida election she's participated in since 2010, The Tampa Bay Times reports. She reportedly last voted by mail in Florida's primary just two months ago, shortly before she told reporters there is supposed "bipartisan consensus on the fact that mass mail-in voting can lead to fraud."

McEnany's voting history is similar to that of her boss, President Trump, who has routinely voted by mail while making a stink over others who do the same. SHOCKING :wall:

"The president is, after all, the president, which means he's here in Washington. He's unable to cast his vote down in Florida, his state of residence," McEnany said last week about the president's voting decisions. WTF ???

McEnany's defense of Trump came after he incorrectly asserted that Michigan illegally distributed millions of absentee ballot applications to its residents and threatened to withhold funding to the state, which had just suffered a severe dam break.

She told reporters at the time that Trump "supports mail-in voting for a reason, when you have a reason that you are unable to be present," although an ongoing pandemic didn't seem to pass the test.

This week, McEnany wrote a series of tweets blasting the "real concerns" with mail-in voting, which included bribery, lost ballots, and ballot harvesting. It is unclear whether McEnany knew about these concerns before she cast 11 mail-in ballots.

Hopefully a reporter ...... throws that “ nasty “ question out there ... lol.
Right. Living in Washington doesn't prevent him from golfing at his residence in Florida. Transparent, though. Kids steal ballots out of mailboxes, everyone knows it, you read about it everywhere. Paraphrasing, but yeah, he just said that. The pyook is desperate.
Sometimes I hate reading stories about bitches I hate .....

Betsy DeVos Demands That Public Schools Share Pandemic Aid With Private Schools .... Boo Ya !

In a controversial move, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is demanding that public school districts share their COVID-19 rescue funds with private school students — regardless of income .... ZOWEE ! :o

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has announced she’s going ahead with a policy that will take millions of dollars in federal coronavirus relief funds issued to public schools, and hand them over to private primary schools and secondary schools across the nation. In a letter to the Council of Chief State School Officers, the republican official announced the controversial move, defending why she believes education funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, should be spent on the private sector.

Check this out .....
“The CARES Act is a special, pandemic-related appropriation to benefit all American students, teachers and families,” she wrote. “There is nothing in the act suggesting Congress intended to discriminate between children based on public or nonpublic school attendance, as you seem to do. The virus affects everyone.”

The New York Times points out that, according to many education officials, the move would take “millions of dollars from disadvantaged students and force districts starved of tax revenues during an economic crisis to support even the wealthiest private schools,” — in essence taking from the poor and giving to the rich.

The association representing the nation’s schools superintendents, the Council of Chief State School Officers, also say that it could “significantly harm the vulnerable students who were intended to benefit the most,” per the AP. It also told districts to ignore the guidance, and at least two states — Indiana and Maine — said they would.

Jennifer McCormick, Indiana’s superintendent of public instruction, explained they are rejecting DeVos’ guidance, on the grounds that, legally, it amounts to no more than a recommendation. On Twitter she revealed that she plans to distribute the virus funding “according to Congressional intent and a plain reading of the law.”


“I will not play political agenda games with COVID relief funds. Our most at-risk students depend on this commitment,” she tweeted.

While private schools, responsible for educating around 5.7 million of the nation’s children, are thought to be brimming with finances, they claim that the pandemic has left them in crisis due to a decrease in enrollment and tuition revenues. According to DeVos’ letter, “a growing list of nonpublic schools have announced they will not be able to reopen, and these school closures are concentrated in low-income and middle-class communities.” The NYT also points out that some private schools serve low-income students, many that live in districts with failing public school systems.

“I don’t understand why we have to pick winners and losers when everything we’re asking for is targeted at helping children and families,” Jennifer Daniels, the associate director for public policy for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in support of DeVos.

Federal education law already requires school districts to use funding intended for their poorest students to provide “equitable services,” such as tutoring and transportation — not only for low-income public students, but private school students within their districts as well. However, with DeVos’ guidance, she would give private schools even more of a financial boost.

For decades DeVos has been an advocate of funneling public dollars into the private school sector, and admitted during a radio interview last week, reported by Chalkbeat, that she was using the current health pandemic to do so. During the interview DeVos was asked by Roman Catholic archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, if she was using “this particular crisis to ensure that justice is finally done to our kids and the parents who choose to send them to faith-based schools.”

Her response? ........ “Absolutely.”
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