Pandemic 2020

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Pennsylvania Republicans hide the fact they are infected. All to appease the stock market and their cult leader. Democrat is livid.

wow that was raw.

Couldn't watch it all. Details (I had to type that three times before I could spell it correctly, I'm so triggered) Details can be found below. But holy shit, what the hell is happening to this country?

‘Callous liars’: Pennsylvania Democrats say GOP put them at risk by hiding member’s positive covid-19 test

Republican state Rep. Andrew Lewis released a statement Wednesday revealing he received his positive test result on May 20 — a jarring announcement that rattled House Democrats who said they had no idea he had been sick or other GOP members had been told to self-quarantine due to possible exposure.

Lewis, whose last appearance at the state Capitol was on May 14, said he immediately went into isolation after testing positive and informed House officials about his condition. He stressed “every member or staff member who met the criteria for exposure” was contacted and told to isolate. One of Lewis’s GOP colleagues confirmed on social media Wednesday that he had been asked to self-quarantine, but Democrats said they are aware of at least two other Republicans who were also instructed to stay home.

On Wednesday, outraged Democratic lawmakers condemned House Republicans for not disclosing that the novel coronavirus had infiltrated Pennsylvania’s state Capitol, with some demanding resignations and formal investigations into why details about Lewis’s diagnosis were withheld.
“While we are pleased to learn that this House member seems to have recovered, it is simply unacceptable that some House Republicans knew about this for more than a week and sat on that knowledge,” Pennsylvania House Democratic Leader Frank Dermody said in a statement. “Knowing how House members and staff work closely together at the Capitol, we should have been made aware of this much sooner.”
if everyone can get together over the outrage of George Floyd then they have a few minutes to vote..way more of us than them- it's math.
"I think it's just an incredible, the whole bible is an incredible." Incredible means impossible to believe. This is what evangelicals worship, eh?

biden said instead of holding up the bible maybe he should open it up..:lol:
Question : Is that “ actually “ a bible or Mein Kampf ? .....:confused:

The Trumpy* Family Bible:lol: an oxymoron to be sure..allegedly his mother was first I was worried it was the Lincoln Bible but they must keep that locked up so he can't get his paws on's much smaller and weathered.

i'm really happy to see the quiet protest again working:clap:..keep up the good work! this IS THE WAY FORWARD- JUST BE PRESENT IS ENOUGH and vote.
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In Chicago very few protesters are wearing a mask, did people forget we are in a deadly pandemic?

Forget what I just said, I only been out here 10 minutes and had to take off my mask, it's just way too hot.
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