Pandemic 2020

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Sometimes I hate reading stories about bitches I hate .....

Betsy DeVos Demands That Public Schools Share Pandemic Aid With Private Schools .... Boo Ya !

In a controversial move, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is demanding that public school districts share their COVID-19 rescue funds with private school students — regardless of income .... ZOWEE ! :o

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has announced she’s going ahead with a policy that will take millions of dollars in federal coronavirus relief funds issued to public schools, and hand them over to private primary schools and secondary schools across the nation. In a letter to the Council of Chief State School Officers, the republican official announced the controversial move, defending why she believes education funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, should be spent on the private sector.

Check this out .....
“The CARES Act is a special, pandemic-related appropriation to benefit all American students, teachers and families,” she wrote. “There is nothing in the act suggesting Congress intended to discriminate between children based on public or nonpublic school attendance, as you seem to do. The virus affects everyone.”

The New York Times points out that, according to many education officials, the move would take “millions of dollars from disadvantaged students and force districts starved of tax revenues during an economic crisis to support even the wealthiest private schools,” — in essence taking from the poor and giving to the rich.

The association representing the nation’s schools superintendents, the Council of Chief State School Officers, also say that it could “significantly harm the vulnerable students who were intended to benefit the most,” per the AP. It also told districts to ignore the guidance, and at least two states — Indiana and Maine — said they would.

Jennifer McCormick, Indiana’s superintendent of public instruction, explained they are rejecting DeVos’ guidance, on the grounds that, legally, it amounts to no more than a recommendation. On Twitter she revealed that she plans to distribute the virus funding “according to Congressional intent and a plain reading of the law.”

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“I will not play political agenda games with COVID relief funds. Our most at-risk students depend on this commitment,” she tweeted.

While private schools, responsible for educating around 5.7 million of the nation’s children, are thought to be brimming with finances, they claim that the pandemic has left them in crisis due to a decrease in enrollment and tuition revenues. According to DeVos’ letter, “a growing list of nonpublic schools have announced they will not be able to reopen, and these school closures are concentrated in low-income and middle-class communities.” The NYT also points out that some private schools serve low-income students, many that live in districts with failing public school systems.

“I don’t understand why we have to pick winners and losers when everything we’re asking for is targeted at helping children and families,” Jennifer Daniels, the associate director for public policy for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in support of DeVos.

Federal education law already requires school districts to use funding intended for their poorest students to provide “equitable services,” such as tutoring and transportation — not only for low-income public students, but private school students within their districts as well. However, with DeVos’ guidance, she would give private schools even more of a financial boost.

For decades DeVos has been an advocate of funneling public dollars into the private school sector, and admitted during a radio interview last week, reported by Chalkbeat, that she was using the current health pandemic to do so. During the interview DeVos was asked by Roman Catholic archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, if she was using “this particular crisis to ensure that justice is finally done to our kids and the parents who choose to send them to faith-based schools.”

Her response? ........ “Absolutely.”
I think I'm in love with Jennifer McCormick
Person who attended Lake of the Ozarks Memorial Day gathering tests positive for coronavirus

A person who partied in the Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, area on Memorial Day weekend has tested positive for coronavirus -- and was possibly infectious over the holiday weekend.

The Boone County resident visited multiple bars on May 24 and 25, according to the Camden County Health Department. They "developed illness" on Sunday and were possibly infectious before then.

Video from that weekend shows partiers crowded together in a pool at Backwater Jacks Bar and Grill in Osage Beach on Saturday, according to Scott Pasmore, an anchor for CNN affiliate KTVK, who shot the footage.

Old, dumb fat fucks coming to a hospital near you:

Trump's press secretary says there are 'real concerns' with mail-in voting. YET ..... She's voted by mail 11 times.....

Everybody’s Favorite Blonde Numbskull has words to say ....

Do as I say, not as I have done for the last decade.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has voted by mail 11 times in the past 10 years, sending in a ballot for every Florida election she's participated in since 2010, The Tampa Bay Times reports. She reportedly last voted by mail in Florida's primary just two months ago, shortly before she told reporters there is supposed "bipartisan consensus on the fact that mass mail-in voting can lead to fraud."

McEnany's voting history is similar to that of her boss, President Trump, who has routinely voted by mail while making a stink over others who do the same. SHOCKING :wall:

"The president is, after all, the president, which means he's here in Washington. He's unable to cast his vote down in Florida, his state of residence," McEnany said last week about the president's voting decisions. WTF ???

McEnany's defense of Trump came after he incorrectly asserted that Michigan illegally distributed millions of absentee ballot applications to its residents and threatened to withhold funding to the state, which had just suffered a severe dam break.

She told reporters at the time that Trump "supports mail-in voting for a reason, when you have a reason that you are unable to be present," although an ongoing pandemic didn't seem to pass the test.

This week, McEnany wrote a series of tweets blasting the "real concerns" with mail-in voting, which included bribery, lost ballots, and ballot harvesting. It is unclear whether McEnany knew about these concerns before she cast 11 mail-in ballots.

Hopefully a reporter ...... throws that “ nasty “ question out there ... lol.

and isn't that refreshing?
Sometimes I hate reading stories about bitches I hate .....

Betsy DeVos Demands That Public Schools Share Pandemic Aid With Private Schools .... Boo Ya !

In a controversial move, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is demanding that public school districts share their COVID-19 rescue funds with private school students — regardless of income .... ZOWEE ! :o

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has announced she’s going ahead with a policy that will take millions of dollars in federal coronavirus relief funds issued to public schools, and hand them over to private primary schools and secondary schools across the nation. In a letter to the Council of Chief State School Officers, the republican official announced the controversial move, defending why she believes education funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, should be spent on the private sector.

Check this out .....
“The CARES Act is a special, pandemic-related appropriation to benefit all American students, teachers and families,” she wrote. “There is nothing in the act suggesting Congress intended to discriminate between children based on public or nonpublic school attendance, as you seem to do. The virus affects everyone.”

The New York Times points out that, according to many education officials, the move would take “millions of dollars from disadvantaged students and force districts starved of tax revenues during an economic crisis to support even the wealthiest private schools,” — in essence taking from the poor and giving to the rich.

The association representing the nation’s schools superintendents, the Council of Chief State School Officers, also say that it could “significantly harm the vulnerable students who were intended to benefit the most,” per the AP. It also told districts to ignore the guidance, and at least two states — Indiana and Maine — said they would.

Jennifer McCormick, Indiana’s superintendent of public instruction, explained they are rejecting DeVos’ guidance, on the grounds that, legally, it amounts to no more than a recommendation. On Twitter she revealed that she plans to distribute the virus funding “according to Congressional intent and a plain reading of the law.”

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“I will not play political agenda games with COVID relief funds. Our most at-risk students depend on this commitment,” she tweeted.

While private schools, responsible for educating around 5.7 million of the nation’s children, are thought to be brimming with finances, they claim that the pandemic has left them in crisis due to a decrease in enrollment and tuition revenues. According to DeVos’ letter, “a growing list of nonpublic schools have announced they will not be able to reopen, and these school closures are concentrated in low-income and middle-class communities.” The NYT also points out that some private schools serve low-income students, many that live in districts with failing public school systems.

“I don’t understand why we have to pick winners and losers when everything we’re asking for is targeted at helping children and families,” Jennifer Daniels, the associate director for public policy for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in support of DeVos.

Federal education law already requires school districts to use funding intended for their poorest students to provide “equitable services,” such as tutoring and transportation — not only for low-income public students, but private school students within their districts as well. However, with DeVos’ guidance, she would give private schools even more of a financial boost.

For decades DeVos has been an advocate of funneling public dollars into the private school sector, and admitted during a radio interview last week, reported by Chalkbeat, that she was using the current health pandemic to do so. During the interview DeVos was asked by Roman Catholic archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, if she was using “this particular crisis to ensure that justice is finally done to our kids and the parents who choose to send them to faith-based schools.”

Her response? ........ “Absolutely.”

faith- the ability to believe where no facts exist..that and $5.10 will get you a Venti Smokey Butterscotch Latte Xhot and Xpump butterscotch at Starbucks.
Love those clips of Hitler coming apart at the seams, it must have been something like that at the WH when Trump found out covid was not just on his doorstep and an issue for others. Another laugh at the expense of the fuhrer, this one made me laugh, maybe you too.
Hitler has Coronavirus and he is MAD!
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Gotta love this one .....

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Hundreds of prison sentences and thousands of indictments, most will be convicted because they are guilty as sin and it can be proved, After Jan 2021 they may proceed to do so, if the democrats win. There are thousands of legal eagles, former DOJ officials and prosecutors eager to take as many down as they can lay hands upon. I see them on TV all the time and their outrage is not faked, they will be back in the saddle if Joe wins. Joe won't lift a finger against them in public or even private, he doesn't have to say a word, I've seen the kinds of people he will appoint to power.
Agree ... when the EXIT sign lights up at 1600 Pennsylvania , I believe the sweating will begin .
Might start a bulletin board with names just to see who lawyers up , wants immunity, etc.

Lawyers are blood sucking ghouls but this time hilarious when turned on the repub idiots .
Interested if BARR and Giuliani become castaways on some island.
Have I missed something? Nobody on this forum has "I've got Covid-19" or "my mom died of Covid-19" tales?

Maybe it is a hoax. Damn lying WHO and (((New York Times and Washington Post))).

I'm going to turn to "Fox and Friends" for my newsy-things.
Agree ... when the EXIT sign lights up at 1600 Pennsylvania , I believe the sweating will begin .
Might start a bulletin board with names just to see who lawyers up , wants immunity, etc.

Lawyers are blood sucking ghouls but this time hilarious when turned on the repub idiots .
Interested if BARR and Giuliani become castaways on some island.
I think the sweating has begun already with Trump and those in congress, they see the polls and they are bad, they will get much worse as covid takes it's toll in the south and midwest, the heart of Trumpland. I can't believe that Nancy won't hold their feet to the fire with an impeachment investigation at least, make the GOP senate and house carry his water over withholding documents and witnesses over this shit. This bullshit had one cause and one cause alone, Trump and it can be proven easily, it would have been a challenge for anyone, with Donald it is a disaster of epic proportions, mostly deliberate too.
Pennsylvania Republicans hide the fact they are infected. All to appease the stock market and their cult leader. Democrat is livid.

How would you define civil war? Trying to murder and assault democrats with covid is murder, the local news must be full of it, the reporters were exposed too. This will spread like wild fire on the local news, they will run this video there, it will get viewers, people like drama too. Others will email it to their friends and post it on social media.

The Confederate flag is a symbol of slavery and disunion. Its history is one of sowing division and oppression. Those who fly it proudly are celebrating the legacy of American slavery, the wrongful, and violent insurrection that followed, and the oppressive Jim Crow regime that came into power in many states.

No patriotic American should brandish or proudly celebrate the iconography of a rebellion that resulted in tremendous devastation, the loss of more than 620,000 American lives, and the continued subjugation of Black America.

Our namesake, Abraham Lincoln, fought to preserve the Union. The Lincoln Project will do the same during the course of this campaign.

The Lincoln Project
A * The Lincoln Proj
06/01/2020 09:21PM
ID: dd2a0c5dbc99d56fe743c
The Orange “ MORONAVIRUS “ managed a photo op , while security forces pepper spray / rubber bullet the protesters to clear the path. No speeches , no words .... just holding a bible. As Rome burns ..... Nero plays his fiddle.

in 3..2..and..

Massachusetts GOP governor rips Trump's 'bitterness, combativeness and self-interest'

"I heard what the President said today about dominating and fighting. I know I should be surprised when I hear incendiary words like this from him, but I'm not," Baker told reporters. "At so many times during these past several weeks when the country needed compassion and leadership the most, it was simply nowhere to be found."

"The murder of George Floyd at the hands of police was a horrible tragedy -- one of countless tragedies to befall people of color across the United States. The vast majority of protesters today did so peacefully, toward a common goal of promoting justice and equality," he said.
"I am deeply thankful for their voices and their positive, forceful message. I also want to express my gratitude to all the police officers and other first responders working to protect the people of Boston from the individuals whose violent actions, looting and property destruction was criminal and cowardly -- and distracted from the powerful statement made today by thousands of Massachusetts residents."

lead them away O Judas Goat..
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