Pandemic 2020

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Don't worry Bill Gates has Aspergers. I can imagine his intentions are great. The reason they stopped the use of Ivermectin was for our own good. You see Ivermectin kills covid transmission 100%. Since Aug of 2019 it was available and the WHO and Billy have slammed the door on this cheap and proven safe in humans for over 10 years drug. Its almost like the hyper focus on vaxing the world is an issue?

I may have a little insight for you. My son, now 14 is mildly autistic, Asperger's. We always say that he "goes by the book". That means, in his mind that all rules must be "obeyed". So in relating to our dogs, if a dog is naughty like, jumping up, he must be stopped "at all costs", even if it's loud or violent behavior. In his mind he's helping the dog do the right thing because rules must not be broken. I have seen in autistic children that there aren't any gray areas, only black and white. That can also explain how violence can be justified if "rules are being broken" in the mind of an autistic child. This also makes my child a straight "A" student because he follows directions so well and has the cleanest bedroom of all of us!

Dont worry Billy and the Gang have the ability to force thier way so you can see they are right and they are more than happy to do whatever it takes to fig this out.
Is this some weird way to link vaccines to the nonsense garbage science that people want to believe caused their kids differences?
Don't worry Bill Gates has Aspergers. I can imagine his intentions are great. The reason they stopped the use of Ivermectin was for our own good. You see Ivermectin kills covid transmission 100%. Since Aug of 2019 it was available and the WHO and Billy have slammed the door on this cheap and proven safe in humans for over 10 years drug. Its almost like the hyper focus on vaxing the world is an issue?

I may have a little insight for you. My son, now 14 is mildly autistic, Asperger's. We always say that he "goes by the book". That means, in his mind that all rules must be "obeyed". So in relating to our dogs, if a dog is naughty like, jumping up, he must be stopped "at all costs", even if it's loud or violent behavior. In his mind he's helping the dog do the right thing because rules must not be broken. I have seen in autistic children that there aren't any gray areas, only black and white. That can also explain how violence can be justified if "rules are being broken" in the mind of an autistic child. This also makes my child a straight "A" student because he follows directions so well and has the cleanest bedroom of all of us!

Dont worry Billy and the Gang have the ability to force thier way so you can see they are right and they are more than happy to do whatever it takes to fig this out.


Bill Gates has Aspergers.
My 14 y/o son is mildly autistic and wants to follow rules and have a tidy bedroom.
Conclusion: Bill Gates wants to force his evil ways on us.

Hopefully in just a few years your son will be able to explain to you what is wrong with your thought process.

Bill Gates has Aspergers.
My 14 y/o son is mildly autistic and wants to follow rules and have a tidy bedroom.
Conclusion: Bill Gates wants to force his evil ways on us.

Hopefully in just a few years your son will be able to explain to you what is wrong with your thought process.
Many scientists are on the autism spectrum, goes with the territory and "logical" well ordered thinkers. It's associated with mathematical ability too. It can more accurately described as a way of being and not a pathology, where a propensity becomes problematic. These links have been noticed and work in ongoing

Scientists and autism: When geeks meet : Nature News
Scientists and autism: When geeks meet
Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen thinks scientists and engineers could be more likely to have a child with autism. Some researchers say the proof isn't there.

Meet the Autistic Scientists Redefining Autism Research | The Scientist Magazine® (

Meet the Autistic Scientists Redefining Autism Research
Growing ranks of researchers on the spectrum are overcoming barriers—from neurotypical bias to sensory sensitivities—to shape autism science
Don't worry Bill Gates has Aspergers. I can imagine his intentions are great. The reason they stopped the use of Ivermectin was for our own good. You see Ivermectin kills covid transmission 100%. Since Aug of 2019 it was available and the WHO and Billy have slammed the door on this cheap and proven safe in humans for over 10 years drug. Its almost like the hyper focus on vaxing the world is an issue?

I may have a little insight for you. My son, now 14 is mildly autistic, Asperger's. We always say that he "goes by the book". That means, in his mind that all rules must be "obeyed". So in relating to our dogs, if a dog is naughty like, jumping up, he must be stopped "at all costs", even if it's loud or violent behavior. In his mind he's helping the dog do the right thing because rules must not be broken. I have seen in autistic children that there aren't any gray areas, only black and white. That can also explain how violence can be justified if "rules are being broken" in the mind of an autistic child. This also makes my child a straight "A" student because he follows directions so well and has the cleanest bedroom of all of us!

Dont worry Billy and the Gang have the ability to force thier way so you can see they are right and they are more than happy to do whatever it takes to fig this out.
Yep I'm sure he's the mass murder you are saying he is with your very first post on RIU an antivaccer message. So you figure Bill Gates is a party to mass murder and who is he giving most of his fortune away to? Yep the guy and his foundation have damn near developed a vaccine for Malaria and might save millions of kids a year, giving most of his vast fortune away, pure evil alright.

So here you are with your very first post on RIU spreading lethal disinformation and bullshit without a single link or source to back up your lies. Most people like Bill, a lot of scientists and engineers are on the mild end of the autism spectrum, it's just a way of being, not a pathology.

So you believe Bill is mass murdering people and an unproven antiviral is the answer and there is a conspiracy to keep the miracle cure from thousands of dying people so Bill can track them with micro chips? You better start providing links and fleshing out your theory, cause this Canadian is calling you a fucking idiot or worse a fucking murdering idiot.

You are either the source of this shit or a victim, either way you are a moral and intellectual failure. So "jenius", how about some links to newsmax or perhaps that Russian account on facebook where you read it.

We need more details on how these microchips would operate, there seems to be some issues with basic physics and the engineering would be a real bitch. Here are a few of the challenges. Think much?
1)Powering. RF powered would be difficult considering the antenna size required, the wave length would have to be in the nanometer range.
2) Transmit the signal and at what strength. The heat generated in transmitting would be problematic considering the high frequency required.
3) What data could they collect? Body Temps? and how would you read and collect the data 5G towers will not do and the frequency used would be far too low.

I could make quite a list of problems and holes, but I can think and some folks can't. Your cell phone does a pretty good job of tracking your geographic location and collects all the info on you anybody could want.
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Don't worry Bill Gates has Aspergers. I can imagine his intentions are great. The reason they stopped the use of Ivermectin was for our own good. You see Ivermectin kills covid transmission 100%. Since Aug of 2019 it was available and the WHO and Billy have slammed the door on this cheap and proven safe in humans for over 10 years drug. Its almost like the hyper focus on vaxing the world is an issue?

I may have a little insight for you. My son, now 14 is mildly autistic, Asperger's. We always say that he "goes by the book". That means, in his mind that all rules must be "obeyed". So in relating to our dogs, if a dog is naughty like, jumping up, he must be stopped "at all costs", even if it's loud or violent behavior. In his mind he's helping the dog do the right thing because rules must not be broken. I have seen in autistic children that there aren't any gray areas, only black and white. That can also explain how violence can be justified if "rules are being broken" in the mind of an autistic child. This also makes my child a straight "A" student because he follows directions so well and has the cleanest bedroom of all of us!

Dont worry Billy and the Gang have the ability to force thier way so you can see they are right and they are more than happy to do whatever it takes to fig this out.

police only see black and white as well; they test out psychologically as criminal too. it's a weird fine line.
has anyone noticed Melania has gotten tons of blonde highlights for her new life?
If she gets enough cash she will probably move back to Slovenia at least for the summers. It might not be a bad idea considering the shit Donald will be in and that she might be called to testify and could end up in prison herself along with everybody else who came into close contact with Donald. He spreads corruption and trouble like a covid super spreader.
If she gets enough cash she will probably move back to Slovenia at least for the summers. It might not be a bad idea considering the shit Donald will be in and that she might be called to testify and could end up in prison herself along with everybody else who came into close contact with Donald. He spreads corruption and trouble like a covid super spreader.

a wife doesn't have to testify against her husband? no?
has anyone noticed Melania has gotten tons of blonde highlights for her new life?
Yeah, I did notice that. I am sure she is getting her pre FLOTUS slutty wardrobe dry cleaned and ready to go . I will never forget those skin tight black leather pants and glitter tube top and push up bra she was wearing during her first few weeks at FLOTUS . Lol. I was like wow, she is really one dumb broad. Someone had to sit her down and have a serious talk with her because she began the slow metamorphosis into the more conservative long flower print dresses of a more uppity class distinction. Shit I would never be caught dead in but presents herself to her title better. I am sure the construction going on I her new bedroom includes lots of mirrors and a strippers pole and lots of new Russian dildos.
I was thinking the same thing when I read that post.
Could be the case here, but the shit spouted was just too stupid, a little human interest sandwiched between an antivaccer conspiracy that slanders a good man and undermines his good works. Years back I did my share of swearing at Bill and dealing with his nightmare OS, but since his mom died and he had kids, he changed or revealed what he really was, a good man. You will know them by their actions and actions speak loudest about intentions.

This clown thinks nothing of dragging his name through the mud on his first post without as much as a link from an antivaccer site to back him up. Maybe he has a kid with issues, Bill Gates has kids too, spouting and spreading lies and bullshit is malicious and dangerous. I really don't think he's as stupid as he's acting, we are to believe Bill Gates runs the WHO now and tells them what to do in some secret qanon like conspiracy, Jesus. It's not suppose to be believed, just repeat it enough until people become numb and conditioned to it, like Trump's antics.

A drop in the disinformation firehose, we need to shut off the valve, not get wet dealing with the nozzle.
I will erase my crap shortly. . Please consider me crazy if it makes you feel comfortable.

First off Billy needs to hire a "normal" convince-er ( real word and shit) to help him manage his inability to see more than the numbers as he "drills" down on a plan that Must be, regardless of other variables that involve negative outcomes. This normal dude (convince-er) is used in Africa when billy is trying to turn his black and white must do list into a desire for a chief or leader in a third world country. So far the only way Billy can convince third world people to play ball is to shut his face, smile alot and let a human do the talking. As long as less than half of the people die it’s still a success that will require a little work. Rna manipulation has only been allowed due to forced desperation. Billy is so excited. Do your own research.

Lets say I don’t need a political side to tell me what’s right or wrong and I don’t play video games or have a fantasy football team, pathetic bunch of distractions to keep your mind busy. Liberals and conservative fanboys are the same, suckers. I have had inside access to billy land and I know some other details from other sources. I don’t rely on this screen for the truth. I have spent years contracting with both Canadian government and the American gov.
California school system was a very interesting disaster of trama victims and sociopaths playing finance with your kids’ lives. Canada followed California’s other program in throwing all vulnerable people and “expensive contracts” on the street. Tent cities went up and we had the largest number of dead kids ever. Killing kids for cash is a new program; I can’t imagine you will do more than hide instead of checking the bullshitters on their bullshit. I sat in board rooms full of your hard earned tax dollars while they did this crap. I don’t need your approval. You need to start owning your own life.
Some facts for you terrified screen watchers. Saved money is worth way more than earned money. A lifelong client dead at 18-30 is less than half the bill. Ever wonder how California systems can’t solve the most basic of basic problems?? A church full of bible thumper terrified of their own shadow can do a better job. One of the programs I am aware of was this program to kill the most vulnerable people in society in front of the public. Politics will beg for help while destroying real services or systems used to maintain humanity. This plan was not local in origin and so neither political side will change the outcome. Ask anyone in the military what the intent of road blocks are. Dare ya. Control is the name of the game. Now ask a real thinker in camo why you would subjugate the masses to death and poverty with no solution, daily! Try this on for size. You are now the leader of a country, try to manage it. It’s not easy and easy tools and tool makers like Billy and goggle are very attractive. It is amazing how stupid people can be.

Like Hitler, Billy had started off with great ideas and great intentions. Many vaccines are great and needed. Billie’s disability is a great benefit that comes from a loss in other very important areas. ( side note: It is not a loss if we were a society that threw less than ideal people in a sack at birth. We are not that group so we have the burdens that get in the way of black and white thinking; people willing to drill down at “all” costs. )

Without proper management of people like billy it is easy to let go of humanity for the dreams and drilling down of these lopsided expressions of human variability. Who are the "deciders??" Not you or even your politicians. The solutions coming forward now are very very reckless and yes the de worm meds kick Covid ass. The fact is "they" forced ivermectin be dumped. The goal is to force the "proof". The percentage of damage to innocent life (black and white) is worth proving the theory that rna is the best way forward….for billy and his crew to “win”. Then the perfectly normal people killing kids for cash will use it for good intentions.

Now tell me why children services can access your child if you are bad? You registered your kid “gave them away". Ask a lawyer, any lawyer to confirm for yourself. Dare anyone to not register your kid, you will need a big gun to keeop that up. So when billy is experimenting you will rely on him as a "doctor??". Don’t worry the state owns your child and has no problem letting you know this. This is not anything but fact. Dare you to put down that socially approving starbucks coffee and put away that new I phone used to tell everyone how special you are; put away all your Salvador Dali crutches and walk to your lawyer’s office. You don’t own your children and they are children of the state, just like you.

If you have seen what I have seen and didn’t waste your time with division / sides you would know the truth. The truth is I have watched the systems in place now carefully set up with a clear and simple goal. For example CARF is in Canada and is US based, Canada is now a state. A lovely lady wrote a book about the cost of buying Canada, LOL it was taken/sold by Harper. The people making these plans are human so they will fail as usual, that said fighting over who is going to rape your life is a silly game for the terrified or stupid.

I believe for reasons I can’t explain or share that Ivermectin works. I am happy to be wrong but it has been proven to be safe in humans. I have not used it and don’t plan on using it, I use well planned days with a mask and six feet between me and others. Put down your leash (phone) use cash and watch how fast you see the new structure. Here is a near future trick you will like. Tesla will be offering insurance programs. Electric cars will take away a lot of freedom and like with your phone the exchange will be your rights and individuality. Soon, cars and ownership will be gone. You will subscribe and only the “they” will own anything, including your children. The American system is and has been messy. The new system will be neat, clean, black and white with much less humanity.

I have spent 28 years working in or contracting with the government and have moved onto designing grow systems that work in both extreme temps. I am not poor and believe it or not I'm even sane and grounded in reality. I have friends and access into areas that most people do or did not. I socialized (past) with people of power and you have no idea how human these idiots are. Accountability, real accountability and oversight are the solutions and will work like bleach.

Carlin had it right, it was not a joke.

Good luck!
I will erase my crap shortly. . Please consider me crazy if it makes you feel comfortable.

First off Billy needs to hire a "normal" convince-er ( real word and shit) to help him manage his inability to see more than the numbers as he "drills" down on a plan that Must be, regardless of other variables that involve negative outcomes. This normal dude (convince-er) is used in Africa when billy is trying to turn his black and white must do list into a desire for a chief or leader in a third world country. So far the only way Billy can convince third world people to play ball is to shut his face, smile alot and let a human do the talking. As long as less than half of the people die it’s still a success that will require a little work. Rna manipulation has only been allowed due to forced desperation. Billy is so excited. Do your own research.

Lets say I don’t need a political side to tell me what’s right or wrong and I don’t play video games or have a fantasy football team, pathetic bunch of distractions to keep your mind busy. Liberals and conservative fanboys are the same, suckers. I have had inside access to billy land and I know some other details from other sources. I don’t rely on this screen for the truth. I have spent years contracting with both Canadian government and the American gov.
California school system was a very interesting disaster of trama victims and sociopaths playing finance with your kids’ lives. Canada followed California’s other program in throwing all vulnerable people and “expensive contracts” on the street. Tent cities went up and we had the largest number of dead kids ever. Killing kids for cash is a new program; I can’t imagine you will do more than hide instead of checking the bullshitters on their bullshit. I sat in board rooms full of your hard earned tax dollars while they did this crap. I don’t need your approval. You need to start owning your own life.
Some facts for you terrified screen watchers. Saved money is worth way more than earned money. A lifelong client dead at 18-30 is less than half the bill. Ever wonder how California systems can’t solve the most basic of basic problems?? A church full of bible thumper terrified of their own shadow can do a better job. One of the programs I am aware of was this program to kill the most vulnerable people in society in front of the public. Politics will beg for help while destroying real services or systems used to maintain humanity. This plan was not local in origin and so neither political side will change the outcome. Ask anyone in the military what the intent of road blocks are. Dare ya. Control is the name of the game. Now ask a real thinker in camo why you would subjugate the masses to death and poverty with no solution, daily! Try this on for size. You are now the leader of a country, try to manage it. It’s not easy and easy tools and tool makers like Billy and goggle are very attractive. It is amazing how stupid people can be.

Like Hitler, Billy had started off with great ideas and great intentions. Many vaccines are great and needed. Billie’s disability is a great benefit that comes from a loss in other very important areas. ( side note: It is not a loss if we were a society that threw less than ideal people in a sack at birth. We are not that group so we have the burdens that get in the way of black and white thinking; people willing to drill down at “all” costs. )

Without proper management of people like billy it is easy to let go of humanity for the dreams and drilling down of these lopsided expressions of human variability. Who are the "deciders??" Not you or even your politicians. The solutions coming forward now are very very reckless and yes the de worm meds kick Covid ass. The fact is "they" forced ivermectin be dumped. The goal is to force the "proof". The percentage of damage to innocent life (black and white) is worth proving the theory that rna is the best way forward….for billy and his crew to “win”. Then the perfectly normal people killing kids for cash will use it for good intentions.

Now tell me why children services can access your child if you are bad? You registered your kid “gave them away". Ask a lawyer, any lawyer to confirm for yourself. Dare anyone to not register your kid, you will need a big gun to keeop that up. So when billy is experimenting you will rely on him as a "doctor??". Don’t worry the state owns your child and has no problem letting you know this. This is not anything but fact. Dare you to put down that socially approving starbucks coffee and put away that new I phone used to tell everyone how special you are; put away all your Salvador Dali crutches and walk to your lawyer’s office. You don’t own your children and they are children of the state, just like you.

If you have seen what I have seen and didn’t waste your time with division / sides you would know the truth. The truth is I have watched the systems in place now carefully set up with a clear and simple goal. For example CARF is in Canada and is US based, Canada is now a state. A lovely lady wrote a book about the cost of buying Canada, LOL it was taken/sold by Harper. The people making these plans are human so they will fail as usual, that said fighting over who is going to rape your life is a silly game for the terrified or stupid.

I believe for reasons I can’t explain or share that Ivermectin works. I am happy to be wrong but it has been proven to be safe in humans. I have not used it and don’t plan on using it, I use well planned days with a mask and six feet between me and others. Put down your leash (phone) use cash and watch how fast you see the new structure. Here is a near future trick you will like. Tesla will be offering insurance programs. Electric cars will take away a lot of freedom and like with your phone the exchange will be your rights and individuality. Soon, cars and ownership will be gone. You will subscribe and only the “they” will own anything, including your children. The American system is and has been messy. The new system will be neat, clean, black and white with much less humanity.

I have spent 28 years working in or contracting with the government and have moved onto designing grow systems that work in both extreme temps. I am not poor and believe it or not I'm even sane and grounded in reality. I have friends and access into areas that most people do or did not. I socialized (past) with people of power and you have no idea how human these idiots are. Accountability, real accountability and oversight are the solutions and will work like bleach.

Carlin had it right, it was not a joke.

Good luck!
There is a whole lot of stuff in this.

Congrats on your business. Im not sure what special insight you are saying you have from contracting with the government. I think depending on what it is would matter. Or are you just talking about bureaucracy?

Whose Billy? Im guessing Bill Gates, but not sure what you are saying about him/Microsoft? It got a bit lost.

As for California, and the homeless problem. I would suggest that if you actually cared you would look to the red/rural areas of our nation that push out their 'problems' and expect the cities to deal with them, and then sit back and blame it on those 'liberal' policies, when it is clearly not.

Best of luck with your grow.

I disagree with a lot of your fortune telling about some 'new system'.
There is a whole lot of stuff in this.

Congrats on your business. Im not sure what special insight you are saying you have from contracting with the government. I think depending on what it is would matter. Or are you just talking about bureaucracy?

Whose Billy? Im guessing Bill Gates, but not sure what you are saying about him/Microsoft? It got a bit lost.

As for California, and the homeless problem. I would suggest that if you actually cared you would look to the red/rural areas of our nation that push out their 'problems' and expect the cities to deal with them, and then sit back and blame it on those 'liberal' policies, when it is clearly not.

Best of luck with your grow.

I disagree with a lot of your fortune telling about some 'new system'.

Easy to get lost in that mess of run on sentence. let me not say what I am needing to say so I dont get thumped for saying what I want to say.

I dont take sides lib or con.

Using a label to walk away from details is one of the problems. "bureaucracy" look into soft language and Non violent communication.

There are programs and systems that could work. I mention C.A.R.F. becasue it is a part of the system that pushes agencies in the direction of destruction.

In canada right now: Harm reduction program. illegally used to provide children with hard drugs instead of using doctors to administer with the goal of control of child to move toward trauma informed response/ sobriety. Foster parents are also told to purchase smokes for underage kids, wont find that in the contract. Now tell me the issues of caring for children is a red or blue state issue. It is not. The accountants decide based on "Money Saved". They use the capacity of these people to trick them into using thier "rights" to walk out of service onto the street. Dont worry Meth and Heroin will end them before 30 and the state will save millions. The paperwork landing in the court to subvert a child's rights often arrives blank other than the social workers comments. Mental health issues associated with children molested in care become a way to subvert and throw on the street. Hacks over medicating causing children and vulnerable youth end up "mental health". Then they all choose with their proven diminished capacity to care for themselves with candy from the candy man now allowed to provide meds.

This comes from the US and Canada's creditors, not going to share my experiences in this area.

I also have some background connections with data management systems and social control systems.

The people controlling others will always lie in your best interest as a way to justify the actions they "must" take. Been on all sides of that mess.
look up evil on youtube..maybe his name was Phillip something...

The "new" system is already here. Honestly you know better but dont have time. Two very diffrent truths. Might want to ask why Time/ Money trumps Kids/ Humanity.
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