My wife and I both came down with Covid this past February. The eight year old girl next door spent the weekend with us, and by Tuesday we were both sick and getting sicker. We are both in our 50's and were both at home taking care of my mother in law who had Alzheimers. Mother in law never got the virus. Girl next door(atomic bomb wrapped up in a pretty little bow) was just a little achy on Monday. We are pretty sure she gave it to us because she had just returned to school the week prior. My wife had to fight hard to beat it. We have a nebulizer with some different meds that she used, along with antibiotics that we had on hand, orange juice, vitamin D, and zinc. She had a bad cough for a while but has recovered mostly by now. I am much healthier and my only symptoms were fever, sweats, chills, and the worst body aches I have ever felt. I never stayed down for long, somebody had to do all of the chores around the house, take care of MIL, and take care of the pets etc. I was better and feeling fine in a week or so.
One of my best friends who is in his early 70's and one of the smartest people I have ever met and lives in Nova Scotia, Canada just recently decided to get out of Canada (dual citizenship with USA). He doesn't buy into all this crap y'all are seeing on the news, doesn't even own a TV. He does his own research and is always telling me what's going on in reality and why what is on the news is mostly propaganda. This guy is smart and would wipe the floor with most people with facts in history and why he believes what he does. Well he and his girlfriend who is his age decided to check out Panama as a possible place to relocate. I'm not sure why but he now realizes that was a huge mistake. He called me from a hotel room and was freaking out, they had both come down with covid. They were scared that they would not be able to leave in two weeks when they had a scheduled flight. He had already done his research and believes the studies of Dr. Joseph Mercola. He was able to score some Ivermectin, small pills for humans at a local drugstore. He and his girlfriend both took the correct amount for their size and were able to clear up the virus and test negative in time to catch their flight.
Those are some of my experiences on the Wuhan Flu.

Oh, and as long as I have the antibodies and am reasonably healthy there is no way I would take the jab. My wife, she went and got the vaccine. You guys be careful and stay safe!