Panic Attacks??

I am a health professional, and some of the BS you guys are spouting is really ridiculous. Leave the responses up to people that actually know something!

Anxiety is often related to marijuana, although it does seem odd that you have the reaction so long after smoking. There is no way it is due to laced drugs, people don't "fill out" weed, because weed is the cheapest drug there is. People "lace" weed for different effects, like turbo (crack), wiggles (PCP), etc.. Definitely see a physician and/or psychologist about your condition. You can easily get prescribed a benzo like Xanax or Klonopin that works for a LOT of people, and it actually has a synergistic effect with marijuana, so when you want to, you can smoke up anxiety-free. If you are convinced it is the marijuana, then you should definitely do as you say you are doing and abstain from it. Marijuana has been proven to have bad reactions with a lot of people. Right off the bat, over one seventh of all people have a medial allergy to marijuana, and the majority of people have a minor allergy to it. I think that marijuana is a godsend, but I have seen it do TERRIBLE things to people's brains, simply because they have different brain chemistry than the average user. One guy I know will never again leave the house because he smoked half a pound in a week or two, and I had always noticed it had a bad effect on him. The poor fuck's life is over at the age of 23, and he started with just panic attacks and severe ADD episodes. Don't let yourself go that way.

Your telling us your a health professional, and spewing out bs yourself.
Smoking half a pound in a week or two won't do shit except make him a stoner. Stoners stay home and get high, how the hell is his life over?
Quit scaring people your just trying to get this guy to start taking pills so he will be miserable and addicted to pills so he feels "normal," who the hell are you to tell him that he is gonna be fuc*ed up if he doesn't take pills and stop smoking weed?
Maybe hes just hanging around the wrong people. I am completely pro marijuana and your bullsh*t has offended me.
Panic attacks are from not being comfortable and possible even insecure with your envirnment. Weed hasn't done anything to harm my life, but I can't say the same for other drugs. Like I said before balance your chi man, learn how to use all that excess energy.
I think i will cut down on the fatty foods in my diet as thc is fat souluble and it takes along time to be released from the fat. I hope the 3 months off will enable me to enjoy my next joint. I also have just brought a bong off amazon so i will do it again but I have to wait!!
heard vaporized weed is the way to go to cut down the anxiety.
If you ask me getting anxiety and having a panic attack is all about your chi being unbalanced and then you focus it on your heartbeat, then you end up increasing your heart rate with every beat that goes by because your getting scared. In my opinion I feel more in sync with my body and as long as I notice my high heart rate and I breath slower and tell myself to relax I always end up relaxing enough to take a nap.

Caffeine is a nasty drug, it dehydrates you and leaves you feeling drained as soon as your under the sun. I'd stay away from coffee in any type of warm drinks(Cold drinks with caffeine don't make you feel like shit under the sun) stick to monster, red bull, full throttle, and even starbuck's cold selection.

Cigarettes are fine by me, my dad told me that he got increased anxiety when he used to smoke cigs.

Buying weed off drug dealers mainly suggests that it was grown by someone just like you, then sold to someone else and packaged for you. Most people don't try to purposely poison or lace their drugs due to bad rep. But occasionally it does happen(accidents do happen). With weed being laced usually it happens with someone who deals other drugs and they like to lace their weed so they can stay high without doing lines, popping pills, ect. Bag mix ups are extremely rare, the only time it is even possible if when a dealer gets two or more orders at the same time they get yours(Thus the mix up occurs when they hear the knock on the door). Usually getting laced weed doesn't happen unless you live in the projects or compton where they sell crack and e as fast as weed is sold in your neighborhood.

About being anxious... Just be glad your not hearing imaginary people yelling at you while your high. Breathe and relax. Taking a 3month break will just bring your tolerance down making you more likely to get anxiety. You just gotta be really stoned for a long time to get rid of that shit. Keep smoking man, your getting there.:leaf:

I think you speak alot of the truth, such as trying to focus on your heartbeat actually makes it worse which i think it does. But what really is quite true is that you say not smoking for 3 months will bring my tolerance down because all before the 20th of may I could smoke and be fine after. But after the 20th of may I had one months break and then smoked it again and started getting panic attacks. then I had another break thinking it would help but it made it worse, which brings me up to now. So maybe the answer is to smoke more!! am i correct?
I have a general anxiety disorder and get the occasional panic attack and yes.. if i get wrecked after smoking a joint, i sometimes get serious panic attacks (oh my God, my hearts beating too fast, heart attack, going insane are the characteristic though associated with them)
So i smoke hash.. hash is more of a mellow buzz for me.
However i still smoke weed but its better to have a couple drinks to bring you down a bit..
your best bet would be to not smoke at all though is what a doctor would tell you.
from: a sincere anxiety sufferer
I think you speak alot of the truth, such as trying to focus on your heartbeat actually makes it worse which i think it does. But what really is quite true is that you say not smoking for 3 months will bring my tolerance down because all before the 20th of may I could smoke and be fine after. But after the 20th of may I had one months break and then smoked it again and started getting panic attacks. then I had another break thinking it would help but it made it worse, which brings me up to now. So maybe the answer is to smoke more!! am i correct?

The answer is probably NOT to smoke more, but it's worth a try, I suppose. Personally, when I had an issue, I abstained until my tolerance went down, and then smoked in smaller portions to much greater effect. Also, experimenting with smoking different strains can have interesting effects. Unfortunately, some people do develop, through smoking more than they really ought to, permanent anxiety issues with weed. A MAJOR medical dealer I was good friends with, over in Nor Cal, smoked all day every day, non stop, probably an average of half an ounce every day, for YEARS without a problem, then out of nowhere he had to stop when he started having chest convulsions and went into severe panic attacks multiple times. Talk about a lifestyle change, dude went from all to nothing overnight...

Your telling us your a health professional, and spewing out bs yourself.
Smoking half a pound in a week or two won't do shit except make him a stoner. Stoners stay home and get high, how the hell is his life over?
Quit scaring people your just trying to get this guy to start taking pills so he will be miserable and addicted to pills so he feels "normal," who the hell are you to tell him that he is gonna be fuc*ed up if he doesn't take pills and stop smoking weed?
Maybe hes just hanging around the wrong people. I am completely pro marijuana and your bullsh*t has offended me.
Panic attacks are from not being comfortable and possible even insecure with your envirnment. Weed hasn't done anything to harm my life, but I can't say the same for other drugs. Like I said before balance your chi man, learn how to use all that excess energy.

Wow, balance your fucking chi in the opposite direction pronto, swami jackass. I never said he should absolutely stop smoking weed, I offered a few alternative options based on my insights. And no, he was a stoner before, now he is a paranoid schizophrenic that has to take geodon just to keep from wandering off into his own imaginary world, you stupid, pretentious fuck. The moment the word "chi" came off your keyboard and onto my screen I should have known, this is a pretentious douchecunt, be careful what you do! Are you that goddamn stoned that you don't see my avatar? Does it LOOK like I am "anti-weed"? Intelligent people balance the pros and cons, retard wingnuts decide that whatever they agree with is ALL GOOD, and whatever they disagree with is ALL BAD. Marijuana as a drug has THE MOST variability in its effect of any common recreational drug. People spend sometimes decades trying to balance out 3 or 4 medications for psychiatric uses-- marijuana has SIXTY ONE chemicals, and that is JUST IN THE CANNABINOIDS. The way those chemicals interact in the user's body is based not only on the plant's genetics and how it was grown, but even moreso on how those chemicals are broken down once absorbed into the body. You have not 1 fucking clue, so as already mentioned, if you don't know shit, TAKE YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD UNTIL YOU DO. Dumbass.
If you are continuing with weed, try to grow your own. There are mild strains out there, pure indicas harvested a little late for a start. You will also not trip out on the weed being tainted that way.
I know exactly what you mean, being able to smoke and then suddenly you are not able to enjoy the high at all, drifting into panic attacks and depersonalization. I already went through 10 months of depersonalization, after I got serious panic attacks from smoking weed. However after one year I felt better than before all the bad symptoms subsided and I decided to smoke again and try to overcome these symptoms and accept my anxiety. I was able to smoke again no problem and you will be too after a break. Now I am in the phase where the paranoia and depersonalization is creeping back, but I am dedicated to experiment furthermore and try to smoke and rewire my psychology as I rather risk triggering psychosis (im positive I am not predisposed to it though) than obey my anxiety and intrusive thoughts, I cant take it when anxiety tries to be in control. I have completely changed my lifestyle to a healthy diet (which is necessary for my crohn's anyways), I go running everyday, I meditate everyday, I take supplements to regain a healthy brain chemistry and I try to be as much productive as it gets. So in a sense weed has forced me to changed my lifestyle and personality to better for which I am very thankful although it was under unpleasant conditions. The change in lifestyle has certainly improved my confidence and so my default state of consciousness. I smoke my own pure indicas which were great for my anxiety initially, but they give me panic attacks now and the anxiety is starting to be really detrimental to my vocabulary and relative cognitive performance. Most importantly you need to realize where your anxiety arises from before you go smoking again, my for instance is driven by intrusive negative thoughts (you have to think aloud in your head about irrational/negative events all the time which is taking away my focus and energy). What weed does it makes it more difficult to distinguish your anxiety from your true self, thus vulnerable people tend to become progressively more anxious as the underlying disorder is rising to the surface. Anxiety runs parallel to your consciousness, it is basically like running two operating systems at once (like windows parallels on a mac :D) when I am able to distinguish these two from each other and control the situation I can smoke huge amounts, being still able to think clearly and enjoy it. However with more smoking these two systems start to merge and start to collide making me more confused and intensely anxious, I lose my positive attitude and become grumpy and although I realize it is just a manifestation of anxiety it is difficult to prevent. It is a long fight, I love weed and I am going to do whatever it takes to be able to stick to it as the positives it brings in the long run outweigh the negatives. Benzodiazepines are great for anxiety (in short run) and will enable you to enjoy smoking sessions more, but becoming addicted to them is no fun and besides their half life is in some like diazepam and clonazepam is insanely long (20-200 hours) thus staying in your system for some while. They also have a permanent effect on neurotransmission resulting in GABA downregulation (which you need in ample amounts with anxiety) and they also downregulate NMDA which is detrimental to depersonalization (thus NMDA antagonist like ketamine induce depersonalization). As for the schizophrenic case, unless you are predisposed to it like have someone schizophrenic in the family you could smoke like bob marley and never become schizophrenic. Weed just brings out what already is there, it cant craft some new mental disorder on its own. Additionally even some schizophrenics smoke weed as CBD has antipsychotic properties. Your anxiety will most likely be stronger some times and weaker others as it can come in cycles, you will therefore need to accept it and face it accordingly this will help you to greatly reduce it, but I am afraid not eliminate it completely as anxiety was a part of your life already before smoking weed and chances are it will be for the rest of it, but again it can be managed and lived with. You were able to smoke weed before and you will be able to smoke it again, although it may not be right away!

good luck and don't stress too much about it, it happens to lots of us
Do you mean you get panic attacks when you dont smoke for a few days. Cause I am the same way. And when i smoke it all goes away and i feel better again until i go sober again for a few days. It could be just with draws
I know exactly what you mean, being able to smoke and then suddenly you are not able to enjoy the high at all, drifting into panic attacks and depersonalization. I already went through 10 months of depersonalization, after I got serious panic attacks from smoking weed. However after one year I felt better than before all the bad symptoms subsided and I decided to smoke again and try to overcome these symptoms and accept my anxiety. I was able to smoke again no problem and you will be too after a break. Now I am in the phase where the paranoia and depersonalization is creeping back, but I am dedicated to experiment furthermore and try to smoke and rewire my psychology as I rather risk triggering psychosis (im positive I am not predisposed to it though) than obey my anxiety and intrusive thoughts, I cant take it when anxiety tries to be in control. I have completely changed my lifestyle to a healthy diet (which is necessary for my crohn's anyways), I go running everyday, I meditate everyday, I take supplements to regain a healthy brain chemistry and I try to be as much productive as it gets. So in a sense weed has forced me to changed my lifestyle and personality to better for which I am very thankful although it was under unpleasant conditions. The change in lifestyle has certainly improved my confidence and so my default state of consciousness. I smoke my own pure indicas which were great for my anxiety initially, but they give me panic attacks now and the anxiety is starting to be really detrimental to my vocabulary and relative cognitive performance. Most importantly you need to realize where your anxiety arises from before you go smoking again, my for instance is driven by intrusive negative thoughts (you have to think aloud in your head about irrational/negative events all the time which is taking away my focus and energy). What weed does it makes it more difficult to distinguish your anxiety from your true self, thus vulnerable people tend to become progressively more anxious as the underlying disorder is rising to the surface. Anxiety runs parallel to your consciousness, it is basically like running two operating systems at once (like windows parallels on a mac :D) when I am able to distinguish these two from each other and control the situation I can smoke huge amounts, being still able to think clearly and enjoy it. However with more smoking these two systems start to merge and start to collide making me more confused and intensely anxious, I lose my positive attitude and become grumpy and although I realize it is just a manifestation of anxiety it is difficult to prevent. It is a long fight, I love weed and I am going to do whatever it takes to be able to stick to it as the positives it brings in the long run outweigh the negatives. Benzodiazepines are great for anxiety (in short run) and will enable you to enjoy smoking sessions more, but becoming addicted to them is no fun and besides their half life is in some like diazepam and clonazepam is insanely long (20-200 hours) thus staying in your system for some while. They also have a permanent effect on neurotransmission resulting in GABA downregulation (which you need in ample amounts with anxiety) and they also downregulate NMDA which is detrimental to depersonalization (thus NMDA antagonist like ketamine induce depersonalization). As for the schizophrenic case, unless you are predisposed to it like have someone schizophrenic in the family you could smoke like bob marley and never become schizophrenic. Weed just brings out what already is there, it cant craft some new mental disorder on its own. Additionally even some schizophrenics smoke weed as CBD has antipsychotic properties. Your anxiety will most likely be stronger some times and weaker others as it can come in cycles, you will therefore need to accept it and face it accordingly this will help you to greatly reduce it, but I am afraid not eliminate it completely as anxiety was a part of your life already before smoking weed and chances are it will be for the rest of it, but again it can be managed and lived with. You were able to smoke weed before and you will be able to smoke it again, although it may not be right away!

good luck and don't stress too much about it, it happens to lots of us

This is very helpful information and I can now distinguish were I get my anxiety. I do alot of thinking in my head so im guessing it comes from there. But what I am going to do is have a break and return to smoking my homegrown (when its grown), through a vaporizer. I will be growing Nirvana's Northern Lights which is pure indica and I will see if tht makes any difference!
This is very helpful information and I can now distinguish were I get my anxiety. I do alot of thinking in my head so im guessing it comes from there. But what I am going to do is have a break and return to smoking my homegrown (when its grown), through a vaporizer. I will be growing Nirvana's Northern Lights which is pure indica and I will see if tht makes any difference!
Sound like a great plan! I also started growing for that reason. I think my Ortega has Northern lights in its genetics and I found it to be the most suitable and pleasant smoke so far, I think you will like it. Try to experiment with your vape settings, if possible, as with higher temps more actives are released than in lower vape conditions and thus might have a different effect on you. Also various routes of administration may appeal to you differently.
good luck and happy smoking!
I know exactly what you mean, being able to smoke and then suddenly you are not able to enjoy the high at all, drifting into panic attacks and depersonalization. I already went through 10 months of depersonalization, after I got serious panic attacks from smoking weed. However after one year I felt better than before all the bad symptoms subsided and I decided to smoke again and try to overcome these symptoms and accept my anxiety. I was able to smoke again no problem and you will be too after a break. Now I am in the phase where the paranoia and depersonalization is creeping back, but I am dedicated to experiment furthermore and try to smoke and rewire my psychology as I rather risk triggering psychosis (im positive I am not predisposed to it though) than obey my anxiety and intrusive thoughts, I cant take it when anxiety tries to be in control. I have completely changed my lifestyle to a healthy diet (which is necessary for my crohn's anyways), I go running everyday, I meditate everyday, I take supplements to regain a healthy brain chemistry and I try to be as much productive as it gets. So in a sense weed has forced me to changed my lifestyle and personality to better for which I am very thankful although it was under unpleasant conditions. The change in lifestyle has certainly improved my confidence and so my default state of consciousness. I smoke my own pure indicas which were great for my anxiety initially, but they give me panic attacks now and the anxiety is starting to be really detrimental to my vocabulary and relative cognitive performance. Most importantly you need to realize where your anxiety arises from before you go smoking again, my for instance is driven by intrusive negative thoughts (you have to think aloud in your head about irrational/negative events all the time which is taking away my focus and energy). What weed does it makes it more difficult to distinguish your anxiety from your true self, thus vulnerable people tend to become progressively more anxious as the underlying disorder is rising to the surface. Anxiety runs parallel to your consciousness, it is basically like running two operating systems at once (like windows parallels on a mac :D) when I am able to distinguish these two from each other and control the situation I can smoke huge amounts, being still able to think clearly and enjoy it. However with more smoking these two systems start to merge and start to collide making me more confused and intensely anxious, I lose my positive attitude and become grumpy and although I realize it is just a manifestation of anxiety it is difficult to prevent. It is a long fight, I love weed and I am going to do whatever it takes to be able to stick to it as the positives it brings in the long run outweigh the negatives. Benzodiazepines are great for anxiety (in short run) and will enable you to enjoy smoking sessions more, but becoming addicted to them is no fun and besides their half life is in some like diazepam and clonazepam is insanely long (20-200 hours) thus staying in your system for some while. They also have a permanent effect on neurotransmission resulting in GABA downregulation (which you need in ample amounts with anxiety) and they also downregulate NMDA which is detrimental to depersonalization (thus NMDA antagonist like ketamine induce depersonalization). As for the schizophrenic case, unless you are predisposed to it like have someone schizophrenic in the family you could smoke like bob marley and never become schizophrenic. Weed just brings out what already is there, it cant craft some new mental disorder on its own. Additionally even some schizophrenics smoke weed as CBD has antipsychotic properties. Your anxiety will most likely be stronger some times and weaker others as it can come in cycles, you will therefore need to accept it and face it accordingly this will help you to greatly reduce it, but I am afraid not eliminate it completely as anxiety was a part of your life already before smoking weed and chances are it will be for the rest of it, but again it can be managed and lived with. You were able to smoke weed before and you will be able to smoke it again, although it may not be right away!

good luck and don't stress too much about it, it happens to lots of us

I generally agreed with this, but as I mentioned, if you are predisposed to schizophrenia/psychosis then heavy marijuana use can bring them out, permanently. I've seen it happen. I have ALSO seen violently schizophrenic people use large amounts of marijuana to treat their condition effectively, with minimal side effects. As I said, it just depends on the person.
i was getting those i thought it to be a side effect of years of using lsd . it would happen when i would smoke and sometimes when i didnt . i just road it out and they stopped . i dont think cannabis strait up causes them but it can trigger them. i'm not a doctor though hope they stop they suck . try switching to a more mellow strain like some of these guys suggested
I generally agreed with this, but as I mentioned, if you are predisposed to schizophrenia/psychosis then heavy marijuana use can bring them out, permanently. I've seen it happen. I have ALSO seen violently schizophrenic people use large amounts of marijuana to treat their condition effectively, with minimal side effects. As I said, it just depends on the person.
Yeah exactly, each of our chemistry differs so radically that it is difficult to predict with a 100% accuracy what might be the consequences. I also know people with personality disorders, bipolar, social phobias... who smoke cannabis and it affects them variously, some can smoke every day large amounts and report positive effects while others tend to experience negative symptoms such as paranoia.
When i was 17 i was smoking 8-10 blunts aday and i used to get bad panick attacks/anxiety. i even went to the ER afew times thought i was dying or having a heart attack lol they always gave me xanax. then i went to my reg doc he prescriped me xanax. i took them for about a year and got off them i am now 34 and i cut way down on my smoking and i been fine for year's. maybe ur smoking to much?
Gamberro you talk alot of shit and you quote a bunch but, your stupid. So I won't even argue with you, Im just gonna tell you how stupid you sound.
Telling him he needs pills to be normal is what a doctor does to make money.
Your saying your pro-marijuana because of your avatar(but your still reccomending pills), your a disgrace with your fat sacks of tabacco in a dirty ass room, on a dirty ass radio. Try giving the OP some usefull information, all your doing is stirring up an argument coming in here and saying everyone is full of shit.
The whole point of smoking weed is to stay off pills and to have a greater living experience. Your not even giving him some some anti anxiety tips your just telling us about how some fuck ups that you knew started having panic attacks and shit after smoking. Your also claiming that marijuana will give some people shitzo/psychosis for life with chronic use, you don't know shit! Any drug induced effects such as psychosis is NEVER permanete, lasting just a couple of months(which obviously isn't permanete). You haven't seen anyones shitzo last their whole lifetime until they died so stfu.
You diddn't even mention eating healthy and exericising, and your stating your a health professional and your not even giving information that will help him! Just GTFO your wasting posting space. And saying you don't know shit is just as bad as not knowing shit.
I think you speak alot of the truth, such as trying to focus on your heartbeat actually makes it worse which i think it does. But what really is quite true is that you say not smoking for 3 months will bring my tolerance down because all before the 20th of may I could smoke and be fine after. But after the 20th of may I had one months break and then smoked it again and started getting panic attacks. then I had another break thinking it would help but it made it worse, which brings me up to now. So maybe the answer is to smoke more!! am i correct?

Correct, smoke as much as you want to.
Eat balanced, 3 meals a day, drink water on a regular basis.
When I get anxiety or anxious I often notice excess energy in me making my heart race.
Exercise 1 time a day, even if it means walking to your smoke shop to get some cigs. (most of the time exercise is all you need)
Make sure your getting 6-8hours of sleep a night.

As I was talking about when you focus on your heart your heart rate rises and gives you more anxiety. Anyone who smokes weed will experience increased heart rate, but the mental trip is what tells you something is wrong inducing anxiety.Try doing breathing exercises right after taking a toke, 2 seconds of breathing in, and 4 seconds of breathing out(this will slow your hearth rate down because it tricks your body into thinking that there is less oxygen in the air).

Also you mentioned having anxiety 2days after using marijuana, sounds like minor withdrawal symptoms(usually marijuana doesn't have those). Try meditating for a few minutes on the days you get anxiety, also your self talk effects the overall quality you have in life. Try changing any negative thoughts or self talk into positive and motivating self talk.
I would only suggest pills if there is no way out of your distress, imho pills make you weaker when you get to that point in life when you need alot of discipline to stay emotionaly fit(break ups, family problems, money problems, pets dying, ect). I don't take medication for anything unless its an anti biotic or weed.

For a natural alternative to prescriptions such as Adderall try sativa, alternative to Xanax try hybrid strains, for an alternative to Oxycotin try indica.

Sativa's cerebral, euphoric effects are described as energetic. Helpful remedy for patients with depression, appetite loss, and A.D.D.

Indica's effects produces heavy sedative effects. Helpful remedy for patients with insomnia, pain, and anxiety.
Gamberro you talk alot of shit and you quote a bunch but, your stupid. So I won't even argue with you, Im just gonna tell you how stupid you sound.
Telling him he needs pills to be normal is what a doctor does to make money.
Your saying your pro-marijuana because of your avatar, but your a disgrace with your fat sacks of tabacco in a dirty ass room, on a dirty ass radio. Try giving the OP some usefull information, all your doing is stirring up an argument coming in here and saying everyone is full of shit.
The whole point of smoking weed is to stay off pills and to have a greater living experience. Your not even giving him some some anti anxiety tips your just telling us about how some fuck ups that you knew started having panic attacks and shit after smoking. Your also claiming that marijuana will give some people shitzo/psychosis for life with chronic use, you don't know shit! Any drug induced effects such as psychosis is NEVER permanete, lasting just a couple of months(which obviously isn't permanete). You haven't seen anyones shitzo last their whole lifetime until they died so stfu.
You diddn't even mention eating healthy and exericising, and your stating your a health professional and your not even giving information that will help him! Just GTFO your wasting posting space. And saying you don't know shit is just as bad as not knowing shit.

You're clearly pissed that the facts don't match your opinion, and I apologize for that-- however, I don't get to decide what the facts are, I just study and report them. I suggested anxiety drugs as an aside, if you prefer to focus on that one statement, then you should know my industry is preventative medicine. My angle of profit is health-conscious people who don't want to get sick in the first place, or people who want to use methods other than pills to improve their quality-of-life. Klonopin I suggested because I, personally, suffer from anxiety disorder, and have recently found the occasional (2 or 3 times a month) Klonopin to be really useful in controlling my anxiety and panic attacks. But, NO, I don't know SHIT about what I'm talking about, right? Ask chi man here, he has some Native American hair tampons that will do just the trick.

I wholeheartedly support marijuana. We evolved along with cannabinoids, and in the majority of cases, cannabis has a positive effect on people. Only for the sake of further annoying and humiliating you with ACTUALITY would I continue this conversation. Which I am.

The people I know, personally, who have suffered negative side-effects from too much marijuana use have been suffering for several years. As I said before, the one guy can't leave his house. He hears voices, laughs and has conversations with them, and they tell him to do things. The incident wwhere he smoked all that pot was over 2 years ago, and he is still in that cabin living with his mom, who takes care of him. Neither of these people were "fuck ups", which seems odd to take a shot at someone for having a problem after smoking pot. Are you angry at them because they show a basic fallacy in your life philosophy, that marijuana is not 110% effective for 100% of all people, everywhere? But no, if (and this is hypothetical, because it is not possible, but IF) some baby ate a gram of pot and died, you would say it was the parenting, or the chi, or any thing, any possible thing at all, except the marijuana the kid ingested right before he died. One-sided retards like you make me sick, because it's the majority of people like YOU that populate the USA and cover your ears screaming, "OBAMACARE! SOCIALISM! KENYA! PINHEAD!"

I'm not going to go on. It's obvious to everyone here except you, that you are completely out of line, underinformed, and underintelligent to be making any argument of any kind. Some end notes, though.

"permanent", not "permanete"
"schizophrenic", not "SHITzo"
And you just did argue with me, you stupid, over-confident fuck.

Thank you.
As someone who is actually certified, and grows weed, and is involved with tons of people in the marijuana industry both in Canada and the US, as someone that has received education in addictions counseling from actual professionals with no prejudice against marijuana, what you should ask yourself is what marijuana does for you positively. Despite what the retard above said, marijuana has no "withdrawals", however you may be feeling the bounceback from when you WERE somewhat high, when your brain re-configures itself the receptors might get cluttered with information. Small amounts of marijuana on a regular basis MAY actually be beneficial. You need to experiment to find out what is right for you.
But, all agreement-to-be-nice aside, if marijuana doesn't do a WHOLE LOT for you beneficially, you should reconsider if marijuana use is really worth it. The anxiety issues, and other psychological issues, CAN be made worse than marijuana. If you suffer them regularly, they could become better. I have been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and alternatively depression/bipolar disorder, and marijuana in small amounts is very helpful. Recreationally however I tend to use heavily, and using heavily on a regular basis gave me a lot of what someone mentioned earlier, anxiety based on whether I am really myself or if I am the person the marijuana is causing to be. Mostly, it was anxiety, although weed was making me increasingly lethargic, as it tends to do. But my point in all this (I think) was that marijuana can have serious, permanent consequences on the brain, if you are predisposed to that sort of condition, so if it seems to be causing your problems to get worse, on a regular, consistent basis, then you should consider just dropping the habit. I love weed, I in fact think it is of heavy religious significance as well as far as health. But as they say, if it works, keep it, if it don't, kick it.
You're clearly pissed that the facts don't match your opinion, and I apologize for that-- however, I don't get to decide what the facts are, I just study and report them. I suggested anxiety drugs as an aside, if you prefer to focus on that one statement, then you should know my industry is preventative medicine. My angle of profit is health-conscious people who don't want to get sick in the first place, or people who want to use methods other than pills to improve their quality-of-life. Klonopin I suggested because I, personally, suffer from anxiety disorder, and have recently found the occasional (2 or 3 times a month) Klonopin to be really useful in controlling my anxiety and panic attacks. But, NO, I don't know SHIT about what I'm talking about, right? Ask chi man here, he has some Native American hair tampons that will do just the trick.

I wholeheartedly support marijuana. We evolved along with cannabinoids, and in the majority of cases, cannabis has a positive effect on people. Only for the sake of further annoying and humiliating you with ACTUALITY would I continue this conversation. Which I am.

The people I know, personally, who have suffered negative side-effects from too much marijuana use have been suffering for several years. As I said before, the one guy can't leave his house. He hears voices, laughs and has conversations with them, and they tell him to do things. The incident wwhere he smoked all that pot was over 2 years ago, and he is still in that cabin living with his mom, who takes care of him. Neither of these people were "fuck ups", which seems odd to take a shot at someone for having a problem after smoking pot. Are you angry at them because they show a basic fallacy in your life philosophy, that marijuana is not 110% effective for 100% of all people, everywhere? But no, if (and this is hypothetical, because it is not possible, but IF) some baby ate a gram of pot and died, you would say it was the parenting, or the chi, or any thing, any possible thing at all, except the marijuana the kid ingested right before he died. One-sided retards like you make me sick, because it's the majority of people like YOU that populate the USA and cover your ears screaming, "OBAMACARE! SOCIALISM! KENYA! PINHEAD!"

I'm not going to go on. It's obvious to everyone here except you, that you are completely out of line, underinformed, and underintelligent to be making any argument of any kind. Some end notes, though.

"permanent", not "permanete"
"schizophrenic", not "SHITzo"
And you just did argue with me, you stupid, over-confident fuck.

Thank you.

I told you I wasn't gonna argue with you. Meaning, no matter what you said I wouldn't continue it.