Well-Known Member
Correct, smoke as much as you want to.
Eat balanced, 3 meals a day, drink water on a regular basis.
When I get anxiety or anxious I often notice excess energy in me making my heart race.
Exercise 1 time a day, even if it means walking to your smoke shop to get some cigs. (most of the time exercise is all you need)
Make sure your getting 6-8hours of sleep a night.
As I was talking about when you focus on your heart your heart rate rises and gives you more anxiety. Anyone who smokes weed will experience increased heart rate, but the mental trip is what tells you something is wrong inducing anxiety.Try doing breathing exercises right after taking a toke, 2 seconds of breathing in, and 4 seconds of breathing out(this will slow your hearth rate down because it tricks your body into thinking that there is less oxygen in the air).
Also you mentioned having anxiety 2days after using marijuana, sounds like minor withdrawal symptoms(usually marijuana doesn't have those). Try meditating for a few minutes on the days you get anxiety, also your self talk effects the overall quality you have in life. Try changing any negative thoughts or self talk into positive and motivating self talk.
I would only suggest pills if there is no way out of your distress, imho pills make you weaker when you get to that point in life when you need alot of discipline to stay emotionaly fit(break ups, family problems, money problems, pets dying, ect). I don't take medication for anything unless its an anti biotic or weed.
For a natural alternative to prescriptions such as Adderall try sativa, alternative to Xanax try hybrid strains, for an alternative to Oxycotin try indica.
Sativa's cerebral, euphoric effects are described as energetic. Helpful remedy for patients with depression, appetite loss, and A.D.D.
Indica's effects produces heavy sedative effects. Helpful remedy for patients with insomnia, pain, and anxiety.
Marijuana is medication and if its not helping maybe your not taking it right. With any pill that is perscribed you need to take it on a regular basis to have it in your system 24hrs a day(taking a pill in the morning and before bedtime). So an other thing I would suggest is to limit your intake so that you can have an even high throughout the whole day(smoking a bowl or two every 1-3hours) for a good number of days. Try to avoid smoking 2-3grams in one sitting then not having weed for an other couple days(My anxiety increases when I don't smoke on a normal basis).
On top of everything I said, I think human relationships help alot with anxiety issues. Hang out with friends more often(high or sober). Building friendships and socializing can heal our soul.