Party leaders are not strategic geniuses, they just really like moderates, new research finds

You oppose Perez' impartiality, but the DNC charter explicitly supports it. So how does that, if at all, change your opinion of the DNC? Of Perez as head of the DNC?

If I opposed Perez' impartiality, like you're claiming you do, assuming you oppose it because it exposes the impartiality within Democratic leadership, as Perez is head of the DNC; a pretty powerful position, I wouldn't support Perez as head of the DNC..

Yet you still do. So I have to ask you, if you disagree with the way Perez is handling the DNC, and oppose his actions in NY when he endorsed Cuomo and violated the DNCs own bylaws that say he's supposed to remain neutral (even though it's technically legal and encouraged by the Democratic establishment to endorse the Democratic incumbent, put there by the Democratic establishment)?

I'm at a loss for your reasons to support him in light of your claim to actually be progressive and support actual progressive political policy? So could you fill me in on that? What progressive legislation or laws is Cuomo actually responsible for that you support during his tenure as Gov. of NY? What policies is he proposing that you believe to be better than Nixon's?
How am I supporting Perez? I never voted for him or have even sent him any money.. I wonder why you are supporting Keith Ellison who even after Perez double crossed him still supports Perez and the Democratic Party. Why doesn't he quit the party in outrage and join Bernie as an independent?

I like how he calls Cuomo's a leader of the Accomplishment wing of the Democratic party. Is liking how he snubbed Progressives(tm) the same as supporting him in you twisted mind? It's not but you have to be angry about something so I'm glad you are taking it out on me instead of a helpless person.

She's never held a political office. Nixon got involved in politics because of the inadequacies she felt of Gov. Cuomo and she believes she can do better. What would make the people of New York willing to trust that she could do a good job? Probably her enthusiasm about her actual progressive political platform. The people of New York, according to every opinion poll you oppose, shows they support universal healthcare, criminal justice reform, stability and safety within the subway system, income inequality, campaign finance reform, the takeover of the NY legislature by the SIDC, etc. Are you disagreeing with the language of Sanders bill, the idea of universal healthcare coverage for all Americans, or both?
I disagree that Sanders even wrote a finished bill. I do disagree with Sander's outline of a bill where he would force 60 million people from coverage they like into Medicare.

Of course not, because if Nixon loses, which she well might do, she probably will given how much power and establishment support Cuomo has, it won't be because she supported a system of universal healthcare. It will be because of the amount of money Andrew Cuomo and friends spent on his campaign. Most progressive support a system of universal healthcare, there are a lot of progressives who live in NY.
As you say, Nixon hasn't done anything and is only touting national issues as qualifications for office. In other words completely unprepared for running the State of New York. She doesn't have a chance. Not because of her Progressive(tm) policies but because she's not qualified.
The TEA party responded in 2010 to the ACA by winning majorities in Congress. Republicans currently control every branch of government and have already eliminated the individual mandate. You say the only votes that count are during elections, so if the ACA is a policy that's doing well in ALL parts of the country, why did voters vote in Republicans who oppose it?
The Tea party brought us Trump. You guys would bring us Bernie, who is as inept as Trump at getting anything done. No thanks, I don't want another incompetent leader idealist in office. The only way I'd vote for Bernie is if a he wins the Democratic Party's nomination. Fat chance of that happening.

There are many reasons why Trump won. As we saw immediately when Republicans tried to eliminate the ACA, that program has strong support in the US. Trump's win wasn't due to lack of support for the ACA by the majority in this country.
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4600 dead americans in puerto rico, 1500 missing children funneled to sex traffickers by ICE, an illegitimate president compromised by vladimir putin - and padaraper chooses to spend all his time worried about tom perez

fucking priorities i guess
4600 dead americans in puerto rico, 1500 missing children funneled to sex traffickers by ICE, an illegitimate president compromised by vladimir putin - and padaraper chooses to spend all his time worried about tom perez

fucking priorities i guess
He supports his team.
How am I supporting Perez? I never voted for him or have even sent him any money.. I wonder why you are supporting Keith Ellison who even after Perez double crossed him still supports Perez and the Democratic Party. Why doesn't he quit the party in outrage and join Bernie as an independent?

I like how he calls Cuomo's a leader of the Accomplishment wing of the Democratic party. Is liking how he snubbed Progressives(tm) the same as supporting him in you twisted mind? It's not but you have to be angry about something so I'm glad you are taking it out on me instead of a helpless person.

I disagree that Sanders even wrote a finished bill. I do disagree with Sander's outline of a bill where he would force 60 million people from coverage they like into Medicare.

As you say, Nixon hasn't done anything and is only touting national issues as qualifications for office. In other words completely unprepared for running the State of New York. She doesn't have a chance. Not because of her Progressive(tm) policies but because she's not qualified.

The Tea party brought us Trump. You guys would bring us Bernie, who is as inept as Trump at getting anything done. No thanks, I don't want another incompetent leader idealist in office. The only way I'd vote for Bernie is if a he wins the Democratic Party's nomination. Fat chance of that happening.

There are many reasons why Trump won. As we saw immediately when Republicans tried to eliminate the ACA, that program has strong support in the US. Trump's win wasn't due to lack of support for the ACA by the majority in this country.
So who do you got? Let's see your choices. Your Bernie bashing posts run into the hundreds but somehow you never seem to settle on candidates you endorse.

It's easy to toss bombs from the sidelines, harder to actually work for real solutions.
4600 dead americans in puerto rico, 1500 missing children funneled to sex traffickers by ICE, an illegitimate president compromised by vladimir putin - and padaraper chooses to spend all his time worried about tom perez

fucking priorities i guess
4500 dead Puerto Ricans, yes. 1500 children who went to sex traffickers is wildly inaccurate. A phone survey was made and this was the number they didn't immediately locate, in almost all cases because they were with relatives who were themselves undocumented.

But keep screaming lies at the top of your lungs and see how much credibility you get for it.
So who do you got? Let's see your choices. Your Bernie bashing posts run into the hundreds but somehow you never seem to settle on candidates you endorse.

It's easy to toss bombs from the sidelines, harder to actually work for real solutions.
There are plenty that I'm watching. It's 2018, not 2020. I'll decide then. Right now, it's the mid-terms and I still don't understand what's so great about Cynthia Nixon that Pad would be so upset about Perez endorsing the only qualified Democratic candidate in the race.

Bernie is too old. Also a poor leader.

So, where DID that 1.8 million go that Justice Democrats spent on non-campaign activities? They only gave $18,000 to candidates and spent 1.8 mill on something else. Our Revolution is in disarray. Your insignificant movement is corrupt and failing.
There are plenty that I'm watching. It's 2018, not 2020. I'll decide then. Right now, it's the mid-terms and I still don't understand what's so great about Cynthia Nixon that Pad would be so upset about Perez endorsing the only qualified Democratic candidate in the race.

Bernie is too old. Also a poor leader.

So, where DID that 1.8 million go that Justice Democrats spent on non-campaign activities? They only gave $18,000 to candidates and spent 1.8 mill on something else. Our Revolution is in disarray. Your insignificant movement is corrupt and failing.
You just blathered for multiple column inches without naming anyone at all.
You just blathered for multiple column inches without naming anyone at all.
I'm not deciding until 2020. You can stick to your team. I'll even vote for Sanders if he wins the party nomination. Unlike you, I'm not going to threaten and berate people who don't join my team. I'm not on a team and free to decide which candidate will get my vote for the nomination when the time comes.

Hey, I have a question for you. Whatever happened to the 99% of all contributions -- roughly $1.8 million -- the Justice Democrats spent on non-campaign items? Only 1% was spent on campaigns. What happened to the 99%?

They only spent 1% of other people's donated money on campaigns. JD reeks of corruption
didn't bernie plan to use those super delegates to steal the nominaion away from clinton after she got 4 million more votes?

nooooooooo, it was more powerful historically for HRC to LOSE to Trump over a few thousand votes which is inevitably what happened..a..few..THOUSAND votes SHORT:lol:

she was probably shopping for one of her many white coronation outfits that she wore, which didn't help.

it's the same as putting a white hat on the villain.

i'm sure her stylist convinced her all would be forgiven if she wore white.

it wasn't.
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didn't bernie plan to use those super delegates to steal the nominaion away from clinton after she got 4 million more votes?
True, that

After Bernie was soundly beaten to the point where all he had left was an asterisk in the history of the 2016 primary, his surrogates descended on Philly to cajole, threaten and menace super-delegates in the attempt to subvert the will of the Democratic Party's voters.

They couldn't steal the election so now they call it rigged.
That's not evidence. That's an opinion piece from Edward-Isaac Dovere, from Politico
How am I supporting Perez?

You are supporting Perez by defending his moderate positions that go against progressive ideals
I like how he calls Cuomo's a leader of the Accomplishment wing of the Democratic party.
The "Accomplishment Wing" of the Democratic party lost more than 1,000 elections since Obama took office. They own majorities in 1/3 of state legislatures, and currently require something like 30 congressmen/women to take the House in November.. The "accomplishment wing" of the Democratic party has very little to show for itself for the past decade. It's weird they would boast about their failures..
I do disagree with a bill that would force 60 million people from coverage they like into Medicare.
Medicare is one of the highest supported programs in America;




Medicare is more affordable while producing better results across the board. People support wasteful insurance companies because of propaganda, not recorded results
As you say, Nixon hasn't done anything and is only touting national issues as qualifications for office.
Nixon has done something. She's stepped up to the plate. Going against someone with the kind of establishment support like Andrew Cuomo is hard. Nixon has none of that since she's running specifically to get rid of it. Cuomo is running specifically endorsing it, so the corrupting are willing to support him. They know he will do their bidding when the time comes
That's not evidence. That's an opinion piece from Edward-Isaac Dovere, from Politico

You are supporting Perez by defending his moderate positions that go against progressive ideals

The "Accomplishment Wing" of the Democratic party lost more than 1,000 elections since Obama took office. They own majorities in 1/3 of state legislatures, and currently require something like 30 congressmen/women to take the House in November.. The "accomplishment wing" of the Democratic party has very little to show for itself for the past decade. It's weird they would boast about their failures..

Medicare is one of the highest supported programs in America;




Medicare is more affordable while producing better results across the board. People support wasteful insurance companies because of propaganda, not recorded results

Nixon has done something. She's stepped up to the plate. Going against someone with the kind of establishment support like Andrew Cuomo is hard. Nixon has none of that since she's running specifically to get rid of it. Cuomo is running specifically endorsing it, so the corrupting are willing to support him. They know he will do their bidding when the time comes

all of bernie's people lost big tonight
That's not evidence. That's an opinion piece from Edward-Isaac Dovere, from Politico

You are supporting Perez by defending his moderate positions that go against progressive ideals

The "Accomplishment Wing" of the Democratic party lost more than 1,000 elections since Obama took office. They own majorities in 1/3 of state legislatures, and currently require something like 30 congressmen/women to take the House in November.. The "accomplishment wing" of the Democratic party has very little to show for itself for the past decade. It's weird they would boast about their failures..

Medicare is one of the highest supported programs in America;




Medicare is more affordable while producing better results across the board. People support wasteful insurance companies because of propaganda, not recorded results

Nixon has done something. She's stepped up to the plate. Going against someone with the kind of establishment support like Andrew Cuomo is hard. Nixon has none of that since she's running specifically to get rid of it. Cuomo is running specifically endorsing it, so the corrupting are willing to support him. They know he will do their bidding when the time comes

The link showing Justice Democrats' rather strange spending report was in the second post.

Here, I'll spoon feed the evidence of Justice Democrats' spending report:

Total Receipts....$1,815,318
Total Spent.........$1,807,029
Begin Cash on Hand.......$0
End Cash on Hand..$8,289
Date of last report.....March 31, 2018

Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients)
(100% to Democrats, 0% to Republicans).....$18,509

So, $1.8 Million spent and only $18,000 on candidates. Where did it all go, we wonder? Yes we do.
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The link showing Justice Democrats' rather strange spending report was in the second post.

Here, I'll spoon feed the evidence of Justice Democrats' spending report:

Total Receipts....$1,815,318
Total Spent.........$1,807,029
Begin Cash on Hand.......$0
End Cash on Hand..$8,289
Date of last report.....March 31, 2018

Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients)
(100% to Democrats, 0% to Republicans).....$18,509

So, $1.8 Million spent and only $18,000 on candidates. Where did it all go, we wonder? Yes we do.
Sounds like somebody figured out how to take those little donations and put them in their pockets.

I'll bet those paychecks weren't paid out in nickels.
Did you possibly spring forth from an alternate reality where this person didn't exist?
Only one way to find out:

@Padawanbater2 please answer the following questions:

Is it Sex in the City or Sex and the city?
Is it life is like a box of chocolates or life was like a box of chocolates?
What does the queen say: mirror, mirror, on the wall, or magic mirror on the wall?

If you didn’t answer all questions with the first option, slide back to your own dimension!

*second option.

4600 dead americans in puerto rico, 1500 missing children funneled to sex traffickers by ICE, an illegitimate president compromised by vladimir putin - and padaraper chooses to spend all his time worried about tom perez

fucking priorities i guess

they've BEEN dead, why do you care so much now?

as a liberal who would you recommend in the upcoming 2020?

who looks good to YOU?