You oppose Perez' impartiality, but the DNC charter explicitly supports it. So how does that, if at all, change your opinion of the DNC? Of Perez as head of the DNC?
If I opposed Perez' impartiality, like you're claiming you do, assuming you oppose it because it exposes the impartiality within Democratic leadership, as Perez is head of the DNC; a pretty powerful position, I wouldn't support Perez as head of the DNC..
Yet you still do. So I have to ask you, if you disagree with the way Perez is handling the DNC, and oppose his actions in NY when he endorsed Cuomo and violated the DNCs own bylaws that say he's supposed to remain neutral (even though it's technically legal and encouraged by the Democratic establishment to endorse the Democratic incumbent, put there by the Democratic establishment)?
I'm at a loss for your reasons to support him in light of your claim to actually be progressive and support actual progressive political policy? So could you fill me in on that? What progressive legislation or laws is Cuomo actually responsible for that you support during his tenure as Gov. of NY? What policies is he proposing that you believe to be better than Nixon's?