or that maybe you haven't slept in a couple of days and you are not catching it.
to purchase the essential oil profile of cannabis, well, is not purchasable that I am aware of. Matching the profile with other essential oils would be impossible.
Sorry, but you are wrong about the terpenes that I am referring to. They evaporate out well below the boiling point. If you did boil out the essential oils, and recaptured them, those would be worthless. They would all be oxidized and damaged and serve no medicinal purpose.
I am not speaking this from reading or researching, I am speaking from experience.
Have you compared the difference? I have. My new concentrates carry the terpenes and are fully decarbed. I have been comparing them side by side with heat created extractions and they are a night and day difference.
If you don't start opening your mind, no progress will be made.
To answer your question, would I consider hash oil to be an essential oil? No, I do not. Yes, it can contain essential oils as long as it was not boiled. I don't care if it is in a closed system. The compounds I am speaking of, if they are exposed to that type of heat, sealed or unsealed, they are damaged. Maybe some of the terpenes require those temps, but not the terpenes I am seeking out. I consider hash oil to be a plant extract.
Again, I will prove my point. The aroma and flavor of marijuana is so delicate it can evaporate off of the plant just from being exposed to the atmosphere. THC will not simply evaporate, it will degrade though. I believe terpenes will evaporate from cannabis flowers left out in the open.
The essential oils are not meant to be heated. Essential oil diffusers do not use heat. The terpenes are so delicate you can't use heat to diffuse them into the air without damaging them. That is why these devices are used.
Then there are these that do not require any heat or electricity to diffuse into the air for premium essential oil aroma therapy.
http://www.amazon.com/Pure-Essential-Reed-Diffuser-Liquid/dp/B00EBPOVGE/ref=sr_1_1?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1429978677&sr=1-1&keywords=essential oil reed diffuser
It is worth taking the time to really learn about essential oils and the benefits. The word oil does throw people off, it is more like an alcohol, extremely fumy and liquid.
When I am finished doing an essential oil extraction from the buds of cannabis, the buds will still be useable. They will just be lacking aroma and probably most of the taste. The leftover buds would be great for making RSO or any other extract that requires heat.
Edit: another example that should be considered. Towards the end of harvest, when the plants are starting to ripen up it smells like skunk outside my house. Within that aroma, there are terpenes. No boiling required....