The "leaders"? Now thats funny right there.
Marketing abhores generic names. It reduces an item to a commodity. And while there is a market in supermarket for commodity foods, the "Leaders" prefer branding to create a false sense of quality that can leverage a higher price. The Leaders in this case are business people trying to increase profits.
But this is really kind of silly to say that strain names will go away. Sure, we want strain profiles, more info than a seeds parents. But we still want that other info as well.
So one day you may buy by brand, just like you do with wine, but you will also buy strain, just like you do with wine. Some people will buy anything from a specific vintner, and avoid several others no matter what they are selling.
If you do a good enough job building your brand equity, people will be more tempted to buy one of your strains.
But I prefer to say "it's grower dependent". Because even with two growers and the same strain, one can run into issues much faster than the other. If I use beneficial microbes and you don't, I may have to feed less than you. If you overfeed, you may have to flush while I don't. Same strains.