Pissed of at some bad behavior...

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Honestly, most of the people and posts here are nice and even most of the troll posts are harmless. Of course plenty of people here care enough about growing the good herb that they get passionate about certain topics, would you have it any other way?

Be nice. Be polite to new members who may ask rookie questions. Don't act like a bully.

That should cover it. Lol
I actually worked as a training coordinator for a large corporation years ago. The difference then was that we were training adults not children. Most of those that start crying are likely self entitled spoiled brats that have always gotten their way. When the meet the real world they're unable to cope with reality.

Reality isn't a world of Unicorns and Rainbows where everyone frolics in a meadow full of flowers with birds chirping along a rippling brook all happy and content.


This is where it shows that a lifetime of participation awards did not do people any favors nor prepare them for the realities of life. It also shows the that having Google is no substitute for putting in the work to learn things on your own. Used to be folks would research and than ask questions, now the questions seem to come before the book.
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It may be the nature of our beast. History does not show a great willingness of humans to avoid the destruction of their own kind in the long run. We repeat our differences over and over and "might is right" seems to rule the politics of civilized man.

It plays out here and everywhere that we compete among ourselves for limited resources and territory. I call it "paying your dues for knowledge". No good education ever comes for free and dealing with self centered egotistical creeps can be demeaning at times. But you can keep it in a proper perspective as this thread sort of does.............

I think it may be partly based on our need to survive and compete. A lack of understanding and common ground. In the end, often after it is too late, we then realize that comprimise is an art form and it is better to go home a bit disappointed than to have no home at all...................

There is a great difference between ignorance and stupidity. One can not be changed, so you have to work around the other (it is always there to test you).............

But this place is not so bad. It could be much worse, believe me



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I actually worked as a training coordinator for a large corporation years ago. The difference then was that we were training adults not children. Most of those that start crying are likely self entitled spoiled brats that have always gotten their way. When the meet the real world they're unable to cope with reality.

Reality isn't a world of Unicorns and Rainbows where everyone frolics in a meadow full of flowers with birds chirping along a rippling brook all happy and content.

This site is specifically designed and run to help people, especially newcomers, grow cannabis, usually for medical issues. They are hardly self-entitled brats. They are desperate for help. The last thing they need is a hostile force delaying or destroying their quest for relief from their problems.

It doesn't need to be a cage match or display of superiority. It shouldn't be.
I actually worked as a training coordinator for a large corporation years ago. The difference then was that we were training adults not children. Most of those that start crying are likely self entitled spoiled brats that have always gotten their way. When the meet the real world they're unable to cope with reality.

Reality isn't a world of Unicorns and Rainbows where everyone frolics in a meadow full of flowers with birds chirping along a rippling brook all happy and content.

I don wanna live in a world without unicorns, you take that back!
It may be the nature of our beast. History does not show a great willingness of humans to avoid the destruction of their own kind in the long run. We repeat our differences over and over and "might is right" seems to rule the politics of civilized man.

It plays out here and everywhere that we compete among ourselves for limited resources and territory. I call it "paying your dues for knowledge". No good education ever comes for free and dealing with self centered egotistical creeps can be demeaning at times. But you can keep it in a proper perspective as this thread sort of does.............

I think it may be partly based on our need to survive and compete. A lack of understanding and common ground. In the end, often after it is too late, we then realize that comprimise is an art form and it is better to go home a bit disappointed than to have no home at all...................

There is a great difference between ignorance and stupidity. One can not be changed, so you have to work around the other (it is always there to test you).............

But this place is not so bad. It could be much worse, believe me

You may be right. Human nature. But I'll try not to contribute to the problem. If I can help anyone, I will!

Have a good one!
As much as I can't love this enough, I'll have to discount it since @blueberrymilkshake only has 98 trophy points.

View attachment 5090875
That was really a pretty awesome post from @blueberrymilkshake I snorted in amusement multiple times while reading that.
He appears to be sometimes be guilty of PWI though - e.g. posting while (super-super) intoxicated, which probably hurts his trophy points a bit. I always think I’m George Carlin level funny when I’m hella-baked but my wife assures me I’m not.
This is where it shows that a lifetime of participation awards did not do people any favors nor prepare them for the realities of life. It also shows the that having Google is no substitute for putting in the work to learn things on your own. Used to be folks would research and than ask questions, now the questions seem to come before the book.

I wonder how some of these people grew up. When I was a kid we didn't have T-Ball. If little Timmy was afraid of the ball being thrown at him he didn't play. We had Dodgeball in PE class. Those that couldn't handle it hid in the back by the wall. There was first, second, and third place. Those were the only awards. You didn't get a plaque for showing up. You didn't get to hit the ignore button.
I think if people take the time to actually learn about cannabis and not take shortcuts thinking they thought of something no one else did, they would see it’s not complicated at all. Trust me, It’s all been thought of. I was guilty of this in the beginning but with some tough love I’ve seen the light. Having said that some people can go overboard and that just breeds bad moral
Great example of how you push for arguments, then in steps those looking for the same and it's that shit fest I mentioned.

Hopefully I got my grammar correct enough for you this time but sure you can find the mistake....

answer me this gregman if you eat a tomato for breakfast does that make it bacon? i’m asking from a botanical point of view of course, not from a delusional point of view. tomato is a fruit and if you can’t accept that simple fact you’re gonna have a hard time at life.
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