Pissed of at some bad behavior...

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I see. That explains a bit. Thank you.

Explanations always help. My state has been legal to grow for a couple of years, but only medical. So all of my experience and searches here have been geared towards that end. Most are medical not recreational. My mistake. I'll try to keep that in mind!

My response in this specific thread were due to the heartbreaking initial post. The poster was obviously sick as hell. I've been there. I can't see treating them poorly for any reason. My reaction was emotemotio

I just don't like hurdles to getting this fantastic medicine!

Getting a buzz is ok. There's nothing wrong with that! I'm from the 70s. Lol. But being sick is horrible. I plan on helping every single person that asks. If I can help ease agonizing pain for five minutes I will do it!

Recreational is not my mission. I'm here to help people heal. I love it!
Medical shmedical There’s absolutely nothing different except to be called medical it has to pass tests.
Medical shmedical There’s absolutely nothing different except to be called medical it has to pass tests.

There is absolute truth in your comment.

But I just made some salve that eliminates pain, well short of contusions, lacerations or breakage. Lol

But this salve takes pain away. I know someone who had major shoulder surgery years ago. He used the same recipie. It eliminated pain for an entire night's sleep. He is stoked as hell. So am I. I had arthritic pain in both hands this last week. The salve stopped it completely.

People underestimate the medical value of cannabis.
There is absolute truth in your comment.

But I just made some salve that eliminates pain, well short of contusions, lacerations or breakage. Lol

But this salve takes pain away. I know someone who had major shoulder surgery years ago. He used the same recipie. It eliminated pain for an entire night's sleep. He is stoked as hell. So am I. I had arthritic pain in both hands this last week. The salve stopped it completely.

People underestimate the medical value of cannabis.
I didn’t say I did though I was more saying maybe your not seeing that it’s all medicine until label time
If your not paying to test your weed even though you know every input would you not still call it medicine?
There is absolute truth in your comment.

But I just made some salve that eliminates pain, well short of contusions, lacerations or breakage. Lol

But this salve takes pain away. I know someone who had major shoulder surgery years ago. He used the same recipie. It eliminated pain for an entire night's sleep. He is stoked as hell. So am I. I had arthritic pain in both hands this last week. The salve stopped it completely.

People underestimate the medical value of cannabis.
And an entire over the counter industry has been built off placebos
Just sayin
Kinda like some people just don’t respond to hypnosis
I didn’t say I did though I was more saying maybe your not seeing that it’s all medicine until label time
If your not paying to test your weed even though you know every input would you not still call it medicine?
True! I am not disagreeing at all.
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