Pissed of at some bad behavior...

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…People underestimate the medical value of cannabis.
You are right many do. But others also overdo the benefits claims, like “cannabis can cure all forms of cancer, the government and big pharma just don’t want you to know that”. That type of arguement has muddied the conversation some. At least we are finally in an era where legitimate studies and research are finally getting going, but we have a long way to go still in the US.

As an aside, this thread is probably gonna get axed - it’s turning philosophical and belongs in T&T, not general growing, plus the cats and unicorn posts are generally a good indication of a sideways thread. I’m often guilty of piling on myself.

I personally smoke cannabis (or weed/pot/herb/devil’s lettuce) mainly for recreational value. I like being stoned, always have. But I know plenty of people that use it strictly as medicine for a whole variety of different ailments.

Your salve example hits home. My MIL is pretty straight laced and has rheumatoid arthritis that is getting worse with age. She uses a salve on her joints that my buddy’s wife makes and it helps her. She wishes she’d tried this much earlier but didn’t because of illegality.

My brother is schizophrenic. Smoking cannabis relaxes him. Unfortunately, he lives in a prohibition state 4 states and 11 hours from me. So access to cannabis is difficult. Plus our parents are not down with it - they see it from a reefer madness perspective. I suggested it to my mom about a decade ago and it was like I’d suggested he get a lobotomy or electroshock treatment. Hard no. Probably because psychiatrists are leery of it and prefer to prescribe antipsychotics for him, which he detests. So, he drinks instead. That is FAR worse for him than smoking herb, but heh, it’s legal.
Enough ranting, but salve is my MILs new best friend. She wants to try tincture or edibles now. I told my wife we should just get her a nice bong. Apparently that wasn’t funny. Oh well.
The internet can be brutal on a newbie. I jumped in feet first at the CSPAN community forum when we invaded Iraq. Politics and religion. That was rough. Lol.

This isn't as bad but it can be overwhelming for a newbie, especially a sick one looking for help.

If you've never been in an internet chat room before, good luck!
I just have to say something and get this off my chest. I joined this site to get advice and help with my personal private grow. I have severe diabetes with neuropathy so bad I can't feel my feet. I have severe anxiety as a result of my illness and with knowing I won't be able to work much longer. Cannabis is the only thing that provides relief without taking addictive pills. Why do other growers join this site just to tear down the new guys. WTF are you even doing on this site?? I see it every time I'm on this site. Some "well known member" talking shit to someone legitimately looking for advice, basically calling them dumb ass... So why are you on this site? Is it too feel like you have some authority cause you "grow better weed" than someone else? Or is it so you can virtue signal to everyone else here about your prowess and knowledge?? I just thought this was a community where people can help each other out cause we all have the same interests and obvious hobby?? Think about what you say to others before you say it. As a new Grower there is so much conflicting advice out there it's ridiculous to try to wade through it all. People are fallible and make mistakes. Even you were a dumb ass when you first started growing. Hopefully in the future there can be a set standard on growing and cultivating cannabis that can be used for reference to help first time growers. Nasty comments just set people back that are just looking for help. I read a comment on someone else's post that was just idiotic... This shit had to be said. If you get pissed at others peoples mistakes and don't have the patience to teach others, then shut the hell up and don't say anything and piss off....

If they would only smoke more weed than growing, then they might have a better personality. ☮️

I've had a few people chime in as well just to put me down for my first time grow and it's really not very helpful and I just ignore it.

I do enjoy a positive criticism that can point me in the right direction, but definitely don't like people trolling. ☮️
If they would only smoke more weed than growing, then they might have a better personality. ☮

I've had a few people chime in as well just to put me down for my first time grow and it's really not very helpful and I just ignore it.

I do enjoy a positive criticism that can point me in the right direction, but definitely don't like people trolling. ☮

How the fuck do you smoke more weed than you grow
Lol it’s kinda intimidating to enter this thread but I am glad to have caught this one bc I have been laughing my ass off to some of this internet gold.
If I was the OP I would be pumped and feel grateful because a lot of y’all obviously know your shit and he got a bunch of solid advice on a horrible thread from long time members in just a few hours lol:eyesmoke:
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