Plasma is the Future of growing!

Also Whazzup, have you read the reaserch that says most of the harmful pests for MJ see in the UV range? They can't see if you don't supply the light for them to, then they are kept in controll. Can I ask you something, did Sannie get all those seeds from one bud like he seems to imply?
To start with the last: They shouldn't be there anyway ;).

But the argument I made was that growers will change their bulbs way before the end of life, so I don't believe frequency shift will be a problem, not a big enough problem to justify 5-10% light loss (in ideal circumstances). Now can you please comment on that before moving to the bugs?

Gavita experimented with 100 watt Philips red led lights earlier this year to complement the spectrum and had good results (results are published on the Internet and in magazines). The question also is if 100 watt is the right amount. You increase the amount of light by about 40-50% purely in the red area. You increase the PAR light however relatively more because the LEP is more or less full spectrum. Did you test the LED added frequencies yet or is this an assumption? I read no more about new tests after your initial one.

I disagree though that this light is very efficient in producing a lot of PAR light. It's comparable to MH at most. By adding the red leds you create a boost in the red spectrum. Yes, you can be sure of the fact that that 100 watt LED light is 100% within PAR. It's the distribution of frequencies however that will determine the quality. It will dramatically change the CRI too. The whole PAR light discussion I consider even more interesting as we see great results with wide spectrum at this moment.
This is for either Whazzup or Plasmargon.

LPS's future looks so bright we'll need to wear shades :)

The light you are currently testing is 180w correct? I'm guessing you guys see this as a 400w HPS/MH replacement for tents and small grows?

When do you think we will see a version of this light that replaces 1000w HPS lights for bigger grows?

Thank you both for all the experimentation and info. (sure wish I could test these puppies)

@yougrowboy: No, I don't see it as a 400 watt replacement at the moment. I would see it as a 250 watt replacement at most. Bigger and the newer lights should have a better efficacy because there is less overhead from the driver and more light output per watt. It's not like the LED guys that promised a 90 watt UFO to perform the same as a 400 watt HPS. No way. Other than that we are just testing the spectrum at this moment because we believe it might be better for indoor growing without daylight. LEP (I stick to Light Emitting Plasma because Luxim uses this term) has advantages, and we are investigating if they perform well. So far the seeds grow seems to be fine. It's now exciting to see how these beans will perform. The Jackberry side had to do it with 3 plants instead of four and is not a great yielder anyway, but let's see what we will end up with first before early conclusions.

@cowboylogic: We expect the early adopters to jump on it first, so they have time to prove themselves in the field. Remember that LED was introduced a few years ago, some things take time to develop and to be researched. Unfortunately with plants it takes some time ;)

I don't think this is a temporary hype. I see universities buying these lights to do exactly the same that we do: test it in a daylight-less environment. The only difference now is that with the base product we already get some interesting results and we share these preliminary results on the net. So that might create a small hype, but I think what we report is good data. If it works, it works.
@yougrowboy: No, I don't see it as a 400 watt replacement at the moment. I would see it as a 250 watt replacement at most.

I get ya. Thank you so much for sharing all your work. Although it's really not work :) but thanks anyway.

Hype is talk without showing results, you and Sannie are talk with results.

By themselves, in February the PAR efficiency of 180 watts worth of plasma will be in line with 300 watts worth of Metal halide. This is huge.:weed:

And Whazzup is exactly right about the future of plasma. With the higher watt system next year the efficiency will increase at least another 20% on top of the efficiency bump it's going through right now in the 41 series (included in our system).

The new maximization of Photon yield will be enough to catapult this system into the wish list of every Micro-Climate chamber built into America from now on.

I understand about the lower yielding strains, I've found the secret to be running them real lean on nutrients or wait till signs before adding amenities to soil.
The new maximization of Photon yield will be enough to catapult this system into the wish list of every Micro-Climate chamber built into America from now on.

Thanks again. You talk about micro climates and chambers. What do you think will be used in the large grow rooms with 100's of plants?

Is there any word on the patten? Still waiting to see pics of the light itself and possible results from your grow, just so I know it actually exists. The predicted release date is closing in, is there any word on a concrete release day, price, and info on it? Or at least a date when they might become available? Saies grow seed to go very well, bit I'd like to see what the results would be if the light was 5" above the canopy and air cooled instead of almost 2 feet away.
In Sannies grow they said the light was only 50 cm (20 inches) from the tops (looked more like 60 cm), while our air cooled version was 30 cm (12 inches). While the main reason is obviously heat, the harmfull effect is different than you would think. As with any light It's not so much the direct radiant heat itself that causes the problems for plants, it's the change in relative humidity the closer you get to the light/ heat source.

Do an experiment some time. Using a 250 watt light source; measure the relative humidity first at 3 feet, then again 1 foot away and watch the humidity meter drop from 50% to 30% in just a few feet. This is the main hinderance to small growth chambers. The radiant heat energy excites the air, causing it to hold way more water molecules/ dehydrating the surface of organic material if you get it too close. by putting the piece of glass between the areas it makes the light much cooler in the grow area and provides a buffer zone for the small amount of super heated air.

Thats why in a micro-climate growth chamber you must air cool and isolate the heat source from the grow area.:mrgreen:

By keeping the heat source in a seperate unconnected environment the relative humiditiy barely starts to change even at half the distance as from an unshielded system. Then the issue of heat becomes the only element to controll. By providing a more gentle environment for the plants to be 1/2 as close to the light source makes it way worth the 6.5% light loss from the ultra-pure glass. That's why our system is so exclusively designed for small growth chambers. We are even providing a perfectly ballanced adjustable speed fan/odor filter and the whole package for the All-In-One system will be less than $1000.

About Luxim's next years high watt version curtailed especially for horticulture; I am not at liberty to divulge specific details yet but I can say 5 years Light Emitting Plasma units will dominate the indoor growing market I guarantee it.:bigjoint:
Pre-established fact; it's way harder to precisely controll the environment in a small space for horticulture.

This is what gets me more and more excited every time I look at this light... I did my test with full shielding, throwing everything I know into the grow and it did phenominal, using 1: 160 watt LEP over 4 high yileding plants on turntables for 7 1/2 weeks budding, I harvested 330 gms + 1/2 oz. kief = over 1.2 grams per watt/ month! This was in a 4' by 4' cabinet (the footprint of the light is only spread 2 1/2 feet durring rotation phase) and I think it would do even BETTER with the Red LEDs.

The equasion is Grams per watt per month. This is the ultimate rule of thumb or bench mark.

Then I look at what they did in the open grow test (completely unshielded in a 3' by 3' highly UV reflective tent) and the LEP system (and Sannie) still did very very well, probably 1/2 of what I did.

Conclusion; this light will do excellently in any situation. I'm so psyched to be on-board for the future of horticultural lighting.

Now if America (and the world) would finally wake up and legalize :wall:
So why is there no pictures, specs, grow tests to show for your light??? Sannie and friends have finished 1 and started the next with the added led's and we still have not seen a single thing from your alleged light. Does it even exist or are you just blowing smoke? I have waited patiently for several months for more info on price, availability, and options and havent seen a single thing. I had every intention of ordering from you, but so far have had nothing but vauge info and empty promises. I'm fairly certain the light will perform how I want it but am a little worried if you will. Please start getting that ball rolling. With relaease only a couple of months away you really shold have your patent taken care of and in full on test phase for all of the eager growers to see.
So why is there no pictures, specs, grow tests to show for your light??? Sannie and friends have finished 1 and started the next with the added led's and we still have not seen a single thing from your alleged light. Does it even exist or are you just blowing smoke? I have waited patiently for several months for more info on price, availability, and options and havent seen a single thing. I had every intention of ordering from you, but so far have had nothing but vauge info and empty promises. I'm fairly certain the light will perform how I want it but am a little worried if you will. Please start getting that ball rolling. With relaease only a couple of months away you really shold have your patent taken care of and in full on test phase for all of the eager growers to see.

Thank you for your interest, yes I know it's a stretch to trust without seeing, but the guys from opengrow are in a country more favorable to these type of ventures (though that seems to be changing). My lawyer and investor both recommend not posting because of being connected to a Federal Tax ID, and pictures of the new design (completed just over a month ago) will come when the patent comes through.

I just secured the rights from Luxim 5 months ago so it's been a break neck pace since then.

I guarantee the wait will be worth it.
hi guys,

Just back from Spain (Cannabis Expo Madrid). I assume you all can find Sannies topic so I don't have to talk about that anymore. KJ Products had a small plasma light in their booth. It was very easy to explain to the Spanish:

Question: If you had a choice, growing indoor or outdoor, what would you choose?
Answer: Outdoor of course.
Question: Why?
Answer: The sun of course, much better light!
<whazzup points at the plasma light>
Answer: Aaaaah!

hi guys,

Just back from Spain (Cannabis Expo Madrid). I assume you all can find Sannies topic so I don't have to talk about that anymore. KJ Products had a small plasma light in their booth. It was very easy to explain to the Spanish:

Question: If you had a choice, growing indoor or outdoor, what would you choose?
Answer: Outdoor of course.
Question: Why?
Answer: The sun of course, much better light!
<whazzup points at the plasma light>
Answer: Aaaaah!


i'll buy one. Be really useful even If I keep vegging with the big hps. Be really nice if they come up with something bigger like a 1000 w hps equivalent.:mrgreen:
Sannies grow convinced me. Pulled of some great looking herb off of a 180w at 50cm away. I know you guys say its equiv. to a 250w or so but my argument with that was, see what hind of results you get off of a 250w with that many plants with the light placed that far away. I dont see it going as well. And now we watch the show with the added leds, but I still wonder how it would do aircooled with the 40-02 lamp with the better red spectrum. Keep up the good work Open Grow Crew.