Well-Known Member
I just checked that thread from 420 and I can only say wow! The newest and greatest LED grow light ever created? Ha Ha Ha Ha I gonna be laughing histarically! There are def major suckers on 420 that just chose the wrong forums to learn about this tech. That's the problem rite there! Companies paying $ to websites to scam uneducated pepes out there $. LIKE I said before! I would consider buying Platinum,KIND,if they dropped there price 50%. Oh and the warranty service has all gone cob replacement! So your buying 2 year old tech at premium! Don't get suckered into warranty like I did my 1st time! Come on its the same players up top! Apache tech, A51,optic lighting, Amare, I might be missing 1 or 2. DIY also! cant forget about that!
I went on another website and noticed the same thing. They were all rocking Platinums, and other 3 watt old school lights and so excited about it. No mention of COB's or Area 51. Lol I thought it was very strange. This is the only forum where people are discussing LED's.