please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

Imp..bachman turner overdrive hash?
I let my trimmers deal with finger hash..I'm not smoking it..those guys don't wash their hands after using the bathroom I bet..hahaha..
YOu don't sell finger hash! dude... I am like weirded out...that shit is sacred personal stash I thought the one thing to look forward to while trimming was finger hash.... You learn to harvest the resin fast is what I am saying! YOu don't need gloves because once you learn to rub hard ...ya know really give it that man grit.... and press out some finger hash that was the beauty of trimming.... gloves .. a couple of my buddies wore them while trimming and I gave them a hard time.... I bought the gloves but I told them that I wanted to save all the gloves... I was confident I could harvest the hash off of them.... No luck. I tried freezing, scraping... the gloves rip and plus it would taste like fucking glove..... thats ok in India there are religions dedicated to finger hash...they actually sell that shit though... one man could spend like 12 hours a day every day and if you are quick you turn out 6 grams of hash a day. thats it.
what if a certain type of bird shit had the same properties of LSD.... i would eat bird shit... just sayin... a little finger hash and a little of Jorge's poo packed on top of some good chronic... You telling me that your trimmers don't touch every single bud... hell guys if you think about it... there is poo on everything. Certainly there is human shit on like 50% of our marijuana. I saw a stat on how many people wash there hands... it is bad man... like less than half
Tbh they try not to..holding by the stem..I see the little balls they rub off but idc..I'm gonna take the trim and make goden blond goodness!!
This is an old hilarious clip
not for when others are listening..
I think he's talking about the joys of changing the oil in cars and their ball bearings....
what if a certain type of bird shit had the same properties of LSD.... i would eat bird shit... just sayin... a little finger hash and a little of Jorge's poo packed on top of some good chronic... You telling me that your trimmers don't touch every single bud... hell guys if you think about it... there is poo on everything. Certainly there is human shit on like 50% of our marijuana. I saw a stat on how many people wash there hands... it is bad man... like less than half
Then it could be extracted on created synthetically. The closest I get to eating shit is the grin I get from a good sativa :)
You handle the buds by the stems and try to avoid touching them except at the hold point.
^ straight from the worm's mouth. And apparently they like to grow and I don't like the idea of having a 600W HPS inside me!
Just your friendly neighborhood parasite spreading the good turd-word. If anyone insists on digesting feces of the avian nature...Here...Now, just eat 25 of these a day, for the rest of your life, and you'll be golden...
I am straight Indica man all day. If I had to choose one over the other... and I do... always Indica. Give me that deep sticky Indica with rock hard buds...when you break it open it takes you back..... ... I play a lot of chess. Indica sits right with my mind and I can think much deeper and for longer. I can break off into deep combinations on a good Indica. Also, I function better in day to day tasks on Indica... I love that deep stoned feeling that hits you right in the face....hangs heavy on the face and ripped on Gods Gift right now.... lol ....
I don't have a preference..I keep a pure sat,pure indicas and hybrids of both..if I'm tired or need motivation or am working..the sat..if I got off work,had a bad day,pain,sleeploss..indica..partying,camping,shows,hybrids..
fo sure... i live eighth to eighth though... so its really the best medication and choice for me....but there are times for sativa ...great for a movie
Yea! The circuitboard fried on my h.e. dryer I think.[/QUOTE
fuck.... my samsung fried but i had the warranty.... i took it back and cashed out of the warranty ...went back to old school dryer.... i can fix anything wrong with it for under 40 $. everything i know i learned on youtube ! lol no shit though....
Like right now..I'm gonna load up some indica to calm me down from the realization I'm gonna have to spend 500$ or more on a'll help..that and the knowledge I pulled down 10 ladies 3 days ago.