please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say


Well-Known Member
Both are great tunes.
I wish I could do anything as effortlessly and brilliantly as he can play.


Well-Known Member
A buddy sent me this. I've watched it like three times now. It's fucking great!


Well-Known Member
That was funny shit.

And I learned what those things in my rice were. I was mainly just amazed that there were living bugs in a sealed bag with no water.


Well-Known Member
Entertaining and educational!
Don't flambe them like that though.
I can't find my copy of Vulgar and it's pissing me off. Today is a good day for some Pantera.


Well-Known Member
Apparantly enough...hahaha..
I had a weed-over this morn,but that's from puffing and going straight to bed.gave me extra time this morn..didn't have to get my head right when I woke was allready fine!


Well-Known Member
My wife had to be in the office for 6am this morning so they got a car to pick her up but she had to wake up at like 430. It was early for me but late enough that I couldn't get back to sleep.


Well-Known Member
I hate alarm clocks so much that I always naturally wake up like 10 minutes before whatever time I set it for. Snooze button doesn't work for me because then I'm lying there just waiting for it to go off again.


Well-Known Member
Tip for trimming guys..peanut butter get all the resin off your fingers and hands...
!!!! I hold my palm flat on a hard flat surface, then I take the resin fingers and rub like HELL on the I was gonna make a fire with my hand and gets it right off and you have some magnificent finger hash (my personal favorite)....I just keep rolling up the little balls into a big one until I have a half gram or so and bllllaaaaazze it


Well-Known Member
I just use alcohol wipes. If I need the little bits stuck to my hand something went very wrong in the course of the grow!


Well-Known Member
Gloves can attract more trichromes. I learned to trim in a commercial op where bag appeal mattered. Take some antihistamines and man the fuck up. Wiping your hands down with rubbing alcohol once every few weeks isn't going to hurt you.


Well-Known Member
True true, but I'll stick with my nitrile gloves for now. I've tried alcohol before and the smell stays for a few days still and being in and out of hospitals all the time for my job shaking hands with doc's and ceo's and such keeps me paranoid.