Well-Known Member
I'm probably never going again unless the dead or furthur is there...too many other good fests..and less little punk kids selling r.c.s...
Mental illness and people have no values , ethics or morals anymore, im surprised there arent more.mescaline Monday huh? Interesting. I wonder why so many folks grab a gun nowadays and go to a public place to shoot? Just a random thought that popped into my head. Everytime I turn on that damn news seems like someone somewhere is shooting someone in the good ole u s of a!
I feel your pain, i installed 2 mini split super high eff ac systems for 2 guys who where supposed to teach me how to grow,,,,,,,ive had these plants in veg for months now. I dont know whats wrong with people, but i feel your pain, dont be mad at yourself, just thank them for showing you who they really are and move on,theres a few good people out here,,,,,,,somewhere.I was ona city busline last week and over heard two young kids having dialogue here's the gist of it ohhh meh gawd ,really, whatever, like oh myyyyyyyyy gawwwwwwwd. Oh and apparently the word gay has 50 different meanings nowadays did you guys know that? I am scared to death that these individuals are the future of this country!Got generous again last months harvest, gave a patient friend a 2 plant gage green pe pe plant 2 days from harvest, he got 4.1 oz outa it .....................called him for some reciprocation sunday guess what..................he GONE! well he has absconded away and yes im disgruntled, and livid that I was once STUPID enough to trust a FELLOW patient no less, only to be shafted AGAIN. I hate having a heart mang! I am extremely envious of folks who can just say nope sorry none left no matter what they got. Kicking myself in the ass because I have NEVER fucked up like this before, will go without for months at this rate, can you say defcon?
DMTer how did dosing people in the park go on Veterans day BTW?!
I'm probably never going again unless the dead or furthur is there...too many other good fests..and less little punk kids selling r.c.s...
I was ona city busline last week and over heard two young kids having dialogue here's the gist of it ohhh meh gawd ,really, whatever, like oh myyyyyyyyy gawwwwwwwd. Oh and apparently the word gay has 50 different meanings nowadays did you guys know that? I am scared to death that these individuals are the future of this country!Got generous again last months harvest, gave a patient friend a 2 plant gage green pe pe plant 2 days from harvest, he got 4.1 oz outa it .....................called him for some reciprocation sunday guess what..................he GONE! well he has absconded away and yes im disgruntled, and livid that I was once STUPID enough to trust a FELLOW patient no less, only to be shafted AGAIN. I hate having a heart mang! I am extremely envious of folks who can just say nope sorry none left no matter what they got. Kicking myself in the ass because I have NEVER fucked up like this before, will go without for months at this rate, can you say defcon?
^^^^^ Stimpy and Ren you are taking the words out of my mouth. . .i do hate most of the people i meet under 25 though, they really suck at life.
Not all of the kids are like that you know. Those are the kids who are brain dead sheep. Consuming culture instead of creating it. Ignorant about drugs. Ignorant about nutrition. Caught up in money and material things. Ignorant on the power of love. But there are conscious children out there. Who actually question everything. And do care about things. This new generation is simultaneously the worst generation to date and the best. That's the duality of the universe.
Things are getting better and they are getting worse. To look at our world from a purely negative and hopeless point of view is foolish. The same could be said about looking at our world from a purely positive point of view.
opinions=ASSHOLES ya know.A lot of them yeah. But just as many people over 25 suck just as bad or worse. Those crusty 65 year old racists who got stuck in certain patterns and can't get out of them. Don't want to learn anything new or go anywhere new. They are the worst.
Can I please hit this man in the face? I'm sorry my child makes you gag sir. I do hope you choke and die as a result of it.