please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

buddy told me a horror story of him getting backstage and seeing jerry slamming. I wasn't too sure if I believe that tbh. Now after seeing bob's health giving him issue's it makes me greatful that I could treasure them before jerry left and after! just when I think ive heard em all I find another that rocks me shows wise.
If by slamming you mean injecting heroin then I have no trouble believing it. Jerry had some serious substance issues. The man did die in a rehab.
It's amazing how you always can find new gems.
Heroin overdose are most common in rehab or just out.... you get past detox and maybe a couple weeks clean...maybe a couple months...then you get the jones and you load the same amount you were using before.... only the tolerance is way weaker....I have heard that story many many many times...
Jerry died of heart failure in a rehab program..sunny oaks? I can't remember..
Hey nice pic of the old grow I' did you photo shop all those masturbation blisters offa your hand? Lol!!
I wonder if they had him on some meds in rehab that caused heart failure. And I wonder if he would have lived longer if he kept using.

They had me tore up in rehab. I've never done so many drugs.
Yeah duck when I heard from a friend dude we got out back and jerry was seriously slamming a rig without and apprehension! I DIDTN want to believe it only because at that time in my life I SERIOUSLY ignorant to how rampant opiate use was in our country no matter what form of consumption you use. Jerry was a driving force behind my first induction to the warlocks when I was a kid. Love his talents. miss him. There's no doubt in my mind jerry would have lived longer. you should see these phish heads here where I live soooo about trey and there band I was like seems great guys love the vibe at the shows but there music CANT HOLD A CANDLE TO THE DEAD! they looked at me like I just hit there cat with my car lol. oh well I have my opinion. Hey mang..................what a fucken world we live in eh?:weed: I am gonna eat some lucy and play with lego's soon I bet lmao. live in of course phish will be exhaulted by the locals..I like phish,but absolutley worship the dead. Phish was a good tour and a great show,but the dead is a way of life for me..phish fans have a similar love for their band but I've yet to meet a phish fan who says they love phish more than the dead(I'm sure they are out there)..I like the fact that some family will still go out and tour,and some days they end up on phish lot inbetween good famliy festivals or furthur or ratdog or phil and friends(this tour gonna be epic with his son,gram!)..with the love of so many other babnds that tour,the youthful heads just keep melding the dead lifestyle into a society all their own(steal your face shirts and merch with SCI logos in the skull,or bassnectar moons)..the dead started all this,and that's powerful stuff when you can start your own society..
A better doctor may have weened him off heroin while getting him exercise and a good diet. He needed to drop 80 lbs before detox... thats dangerous!
Damn, I eat a big bowl of ice cream every night, and eat around 2 pounds of meat everyday. Been trying to stop but it's hard.....
Skuxx find it weird I eat no meat hardly(fish) and no refined sugar(when I do its very little)..go to work everyday,have a grow that is physically exhausting,no hard drugs but alcohol,and I'm still overweight by 20lbs!!
When on tour I walked 15miles a show hustling L and was much more in shape..I do like ice cream tho..but I'm a purist..vanilla bean only!lol
You can lead a duck to water but you can't make him quack!
Anyone else read Phil Lesh's book? So much amazing info in there.... they all stopped dropping acid together in 1979 ...... phil lesh has some great stories about LSD.... the best is when he took so much acid he did not know what his bass was. .... sad about Jerry. He asked Jerry "What happened to just smoking grass, man?" Jerry said " It fucks up my vocals" as he is snorting heroin..

diet is so over rated. americas hang up. burn more calories than you consume and you loose weight. ..keeo eating that meat skuxx its good for you. protein good, carbs bad. check out the caveman diet.
I read searching for the sound a steal on it at the dollar store!!
'I tasted're not supposed to taste lsd,but there was so much in the jar I tasted it..'
'Phil,this is your bass,you play this..we have to play now...'
Lol..spun fun with bear and the boys(papa smurf was supposedly there also)..a quart of liquid lsd with allsorts of other cooks and chemists receipes thrown in..crystal,and paper chunks, what a cocktail..'ill have a double please!'
SHE CANT BE UNDONE![video=youtube;ZRDhbBDvhps] w8hoL5lrg7TMaAo7xkTr-LU[/video]