please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

I know a guy who has 2 huge ones..I know the basics..just wondering any how to harvest the soil without killing/hurting the worms(no I'm not buddhist)
See the funny thing about jenkem is I took a crapton of sugar leaf to a small festival..I sat on a log by a gonfire yelling 'free jankem!!' To anyone who walked by(it was a cool show)..anyhow..people who came up and asked if they could have some,id give em a fist full for free..this one girl kept going 'ewwww,you're gross!!'..I senn her like T times and kept yelling 'yo girl!! You gotta try my jankem..EVERYBODY loves my jankem!!'..oh well..her loss..I handed out a lot of pot at this show..
Damn phone..seen her like ten times..and how the hell did it auto correct jenkem!?'m too high to operate a phone..)
The worms will be fine... you can cut those things in half and they are fine. we had a worm farm when I was little.. cub scout was big on the scouts
Any tips for worm gardens? I might start one in my basement..ill be working breakfast at a restaurant and will have literally buckets of eggshells and coffee grounds if I want(part of my master plant to overgrow..earlier birds get more

You don't need too many eggshells, I only add them when I first make a new bed. Pulverize them in a blender or Robot Coupe first. Not too many coffee grounds either, they can be kinda hot...

Easy on the meat...

Remember, you are growing the micro-organisms that eat the garbage. The worms eat the micro-organisms...

You using the castings for growing? Think about adding components that will benefit your plants later...rock dusts...comfrey...alfalfa...
Helphub..I quasi helped with a large worm farm with my ex buisness ass(yes,ass) fats or oils,animal material,grinding shells..all that I know..I'm just looking for some the easy citrus..that was a nice tip,for he put all sorts of breakfast fruit in his bin..never had an effect on the worms..
Do you cook? Not many people refer to robo coupe...
The castings will be dried and added to my dirt mix,and perhaps a top layer right before flowering..all this is questionable if I can get my current associate on board with some hydro..if not I def wanna cut out some expenditures by subbing free worm poo for some nutes.
Any tips for worm gardens? I might start one in my basement..ill be working breakfast at a restaurant and will have literally buckets of eggshells and coffee grounds if I want(part of my master plant to overgrow..earlier birds get more

treat them like garbage disposals and oh btw they can smash through scraps like a pack of wild dogs! Cant sleep btw gonna inhale some trichromes in about 5 mins lmao. red wigglers rory only the red wigglies will do! Try to avoid giving them any meats. but along the lines of everything from the breakfast line I can see lots of good castings in your future.bongsmilie
The castings will be dried and added to my dirt mix,and perhaps a top layer right before flowering..all this is questionable if I can get my current associate on board with some hydro..if not I def wanna cut out some expenditures by subbing free worm poo for some nutes.

I ALWAYS keep a 1 inch layer top dress of worm castings on my ladies, imho ya cant go wrong. See rory you do got the killer jenkem! Mang I woulda ate a handful of sugarleaf right in front of ya caveman style im weird like that.:joint:
I had a lot of was funny after I gave it away each time,I sat the lucky recipient down,smoked a bowl with em and explained the joke..older folk were like 'wtf its this shit!? JENKEM!?' have to explain it was pot trim offa dank herb,and then the jankem was fun.
Helphub..I quasi helped with a large worm farm with my ex buisness ass(yes,ass) fats or oils,animal material,grinding shells..all that I know..I'm just looking for some the easy citrus..that was a nice tip,for he put all sorts of breakfast fruit in his bin..never had an effect on the worms..
Do you cook? Not many people refer to robo coupe...

LOL, yeah, I used to cook..."Can take the boy out of the kitchen but you can't take the kitchen out of the boy..."

My worm bin isn't very big so I tend to be more selective with what I put in it so as to not make too acidic or hot of an environment. I imagine if you had a bigger operation you could be more free with what you added.

For the beds I start with well-hydrated coco coir and a generous amount of rabbit poop. The rabbit poop covers adding the I love the idea of my worms making poop out of poop. My eternal Grade Three mindset!

I add a few handfuls of dried leaves, just whatever is blowing around my yard. I add a handful of Azomite for the minerals it provides and also for the grit needed in the worms' gizzard. Eggshells serve the same purpose for the gizzard but only add calcium to the soil. I chuck a bunch of them in also...

Finish with shredded cardboard and/or newspaper. Hydrate the whole mess to the consistency of a wrung-out wet sponge. Add worms and let 'em rip up whatever you feed them from there...

My worms live in the kitchen so food scraps as I'm cooking go right in the bin. Happy and healthy worms will help me build next years' soil for happy and healthy plants!
Cool!! The guy I was mentioning has two 30gal rubbermaid totes he uses..I'm just gonna use one..any worms? I want to use giant night crawlers like the ones for fishing bait...I've allways wanted to take a couple cans of the bait worms dirt they come shipped in and grow in healthy and rich for dirt!
My worm tip is let a chainsaw idle on the ground for an hour where you know worms populate..the vibrations bring them to the surface..
Nightcrawlers are the wrong variety of worms. You need red wigglers...Eisenia fetida...they do a much better job at vermicomposting.
Lets open a worm and beneficial insect farm here in Cali, Rory. I bought some predator mites for my first grow and they worked so amazing! I was all gun-ho ( gun hoe?... gun, hoe) about not using chemicals and being all natural with my instead of spray I used insects. And it worked terrific. I got the triple threat predator mites then I got mite destroyers for the mop up work..... ahh hours I spend hunched over the plants watching the battles ensue... the red predator mites (forgive me if I have forgotten the name) are fucking awesome... I would see a spider mite walking around then all the sudden a fucking quick little red one would start munching it

bomb ass Afghan Kush ...8 1000 w . 12 lbs plus so much hash from the small unsaleable buds
Hey, I use to be a big time PC gamer nerd when I was in Junior High wayyyyy back in the 90s... I played computer games when gaming was super nerdy. Hence my Avatar and screen name Impman.... from Doom 1 and 2. .....any of the nerdy games I played is called Barron Relms Elite. Some of you may remember BBS servers...if you are old and computer savvy when computers were not cool. Barron Relms Elite or BRE is fucking bad ass... it is a script game ( no graphics)... you take one turn a day...takes about 10 minuts to play. It is a war game that can be hooked up to multiple BBS servers (yes BBS is still around, for those of you that want to get old school....hey you can find some crazy legit hook ups too, I will not go into details as to what, but it is deep net for sure).... anyways... a bad ass war game.... if one of you trippers are interested in strategy war game check out BRE. PM me for a link ...we can start a empire together. LOL.... nerd alert
Red wrigglers are the best but night crawlers work just fine. And red wrigglers can be used as bait. They're great for trout and I've had beeter luck with bigger ones for small mouth than any other worm. Though if you're using live bait for smallies hellgramites and crawfish are where it's at.
lets open a worm and beneficial insect farm here in cali, rory. I bought some predator mites for my first grow and they worked so amazing! I was all gun-ho ( gun hoe?... Gun, hoe) about not using chemicals and being all natural with my instead of spray i used insects. And it worked terrific. I got the triple threat predator mites then i got mite destroyers for the mop up work..... Ahh hours i spend hunched over the plants watching the battles ensue... The red predator mites (forgive me if i have forgotten the name) are fucking awesome... I would see a spider mite walking around then all the sudden a fucking quick little red one would start munching it

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bomb ass afghan kush ...8 1000 w . 12 lbs plus so much hash from the small unsaleable buds

fight fire with fire!
did the crawler experiment this summer they are lazy bastages compared to those damn wiggler that or my Canadian crawlers were on welfare lmao.
[video=youtube_share;4ZcsS6kLHFg][/video] my heart was filled with dread.............but ts alright cause I love ya! that's not gonna change!