please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say


Well-Known Member
And my words fill the sky with flame!

Can I just go on the record as saying fuck today! Because today has fucking sucked!
I second that. This day sucked. I left my wallet at a store and it got stolen. I haven't done that in soooo long.... fuck.


Well-Known Member
Waking up in the middle of the night is made far worse when everything that could knock you out requires risking waking your wife.


Well-Known Member
i think I am gonna grow shrooms...cactus is expensive.... you guys keep saying how cheap it is to grow shrooms


Well-Known Member
Imp I couldn't find the post you made about 'breeding' shrooms..but if this is correct then I'm does take two to tango in the boomer world..two spore(weather they gotta be the same species,idk) germ and produce the vid and it'll explain..I'm just a novice,perhaps a gutter of info..
Yes shrooms are cheaper to grow than weed..and easier to sell,for a much higher profit margin..altho id give them away..


Well-Known Member
Couldn't grow shrooms here now..its fucking 20degrees..goddamn mountain region..and fuck artic blasts..just got the a.c. in and now I gotta turn it to heat :wall:


Well-Known Member
Good thread duck! 1. cactus /succulents are worth every fucken penny in time sweat and cash imho, but im biased. Fungus amungus is by far my fav mode of space exploration BUT I haven't had a real oh my im outa my body right now shroomy trips since 92' and that was of course following the boy's! Did I ever tell ya duck I actually SAW real crystal lucy when I was like 15 years old? Had no clue what id seen until many years later......shaking my head haven't seen anything like it since. If its out there and you assholes avoid the new England area may your next quart of maple syrup be motor oil instead lmao! yes its been done before as GRIMEY as that is, some local hillbilly poured 10w 40 into a few gallons and went to the side of his main road waiting for some tourists silly man! 40 degree rain here last night mang=4 titanium screws in meh right side = fucken ouch= don't miss the perc but I DO MISS there taking the pain away. Have a family member just become a manager at his local sears and kmart I guess they are one in the same now, and he is going to grab me the things I need to start my mycology experiment. Hey duck those fucken trains here are fucken ridiculous to go down that way did you price it? Holy chit mang that thing better have a blowjob hidden somewhere lmao! Hey guys check my new freak show out.View attachment 2891867hmmmm 3 blade  fans 016.jpgOh and really liked the dead share duck here's mine cause I love tha Cumberland blues![video=youtube_share;FDWRZEd3Ouc][/video]


Well-Known Member
Vtmi..crystal still around..just gotta look for awhile at the china cat sunflower.
I took a half hit of wash the other night and it turned sour..I didn't have a bad trip,just a few unexpected occurances I guess..
Grow some shrooms dude!!
40degrees?!? I wish it was that's it that warm there and I'm 20hrs south and same altavation but its 20degrees here..fucking weatherman..he's getting dosed


Well-Known Member
well your right with the wind chill here its fucken -5 I think. But I don't have an accurate thermostat outside apparently it got confuckedtarded this summer in storage. Oh gosh imp I got peppers aloe barrel cactus, a flaming torch SOON haha Peruvian of course, lmao, guess who helped with that lil feat? my MOM! she was like shit I knew eventually you'd figure it out! She's been growing them since I was a child dudes! She backed off though cause she has lupus. Yeah peppers aloe seedless watermelon and I think my jalapeno's will actually take off in there too. The bright yellow is a nute lockout in the soil cause my wife threw rock phosphate (a FUCKEN HANDFULL NO LESS LMAO) into the soil thinking it was IN HEER WORDS amending it rofl. I am stbborn trying to get it back to stable and neutral not looking good though maybe ill hammer it with epsoms. Idk but yeah imp I grow my own veggies right beside my chronic lol.


Well-Known Member
Oh man that sucks! You only need rock phosphate if you're growing outside in the ground where it mostly leeches away harmlessly. Cannabis really doesn't need that much P.


Well-Known Member
Your moms like my wife..they kill plants for fun!! My wife offered to help in the grow once..I laughed hystericaly(mustive been due to her mom and her killing my aloe plant that was 3ft in circumference)...


Well-Known Member
One of my jalapeno plants outside rejuvenated this past week..just veggin its dead tomorro after the snow tonight!


Well-Known Member
no my wife threw the damn phosphate in lol, silly women she meant well I scooped out as much soil that had been hammered with the phosphate but as you could see its still affecting my soil. Will take out the kiddie pool and mix up some more soil to accomplish maximum yield in tha gaaaaden!


Well-Known Member
Any tips for worm gardens? I might start one in my basement..ill be working breakfast at a restaurant and will have literally buckets of eggshells and coffee grounds if I want(part of my master plant to overgrow..earlier birds get more