please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say


Well-Known Member
was gifted a mandolin, so i recorded the guitar part of going to california.. and im trying to play the mandolin part over it lmao very difficult.
got monday and tuesday off.. gonna eat some cubes and relax.. the cambodians grew nice and fast and so did the tazmanian.. might eat some of each


Well-Known Member
What tek? How much per flush? Lotta new shroom growers around these parts and they are allways looking for knowledge,as I do also...


Well-Known Member
Who snorted fluff?
I'm pretty sure you can't cross shrooms...the organism is self drops spores to recreate gettin freaky deaky with the other shrooms..


Well-Known Member
In that documentary on tour with the dead. One of the band members sons I think. kid was 14 watching the drug dealer at the table packing up his stuff. well a medicine bottle Labeled C fell to the floor and the dealer did nit notice. The young man though, C stands for coke, but it meant crystal. He lived through it ... i think i heard the other end of this story from the kid too, i will go video hunting....

the one you posted... if i get a chance i will put the time in


Well-Known Member
Ya , I watched that whole documentary you posted... I started it and smoked a bowl then I was glued. Lol, thanks! The road hippies are crazy! some are cool and some seem fucked upon heroin and shit.....I like the hotel hippies, they seem to have their head on straight..., and the ones on the road with their young genius son..that was cool docu


Well-Known Member
Oh..that part in the movie...I thought someone had posted something else earlier I hadn't seen...I get confused every 4 mins so excuse


Well-Known Member
hey, what was the god the hippy kids in that docu were referencing. they were like "praise be to jurawla. "...or something like that.... I looked up pagan gods, hindu gods, could not find it


Well-Known Member
Id have to watch again..I seen so many docs about the real do know there was some weird ass cult thinking jerry was a god or some crazy shit..idk..


Well-Known Member
Some of those hippies are wrong though. There is social benefit in working a 9-5 job. You can gain humility, patience, people skills, socialization among other things working a solid 9-5 job. You can learn the skills needed to start your own business and be your own boss..... although, I get it, I get what they are saying.... but the reality is, they would not be peddling their wares (t-shirts, pottery, drugs, food) if it was not for the hippies that are professional 9-5ers with cash. .... a big happy circle ....don't be scared of work though kiddos, its good for ya. work 9 months and take a summer off , thats better...... lol, I am aiming for that middle ground of hippiness, I never want to get so spaced out that I worship gods and hate 9-5 work but I never want to get so caught up in society that I miss the good stuff in life. .....8 hours of work 8 hours of play 8 hours of sleep. its like magic.. most trips last about 8 hours too. thats no acciddent


Well-Known Member
Just like the 9-5er at the gas stations that sell outta food and gas because of tours? Or the 9to5ers at ticketbastards..or any other hundreds of other jobs impacted by heads..being the largest city in a state for a day has its effects in the economy and society..


Well-Known Member
Its a travelling city..everyone contributes..when ya got an extra 20$ buy a shirt or what not..and it goes around and around..


Well-Known Member
Some of those hippies are wrong though. There is social benefit in working a 9-5 job. You can gain humility, patience, people skills, socialization among other things working a solid 9-5 job. You can learn the skills needed to start your own business and be your own boss..... although, I get it, I get what they are saying.... but the reality is, they would not be peddling their wares (t-shirts, pottery, drugs, food) if it was not for the hippies that are professional 9-5ers with cash. .... a big happy circle ....don't be scared of work though kiddos, its good for ya. work 9 months and take a summer off , thats better...... lol, I am aiming for that middle ground of hippiness, I never want to get so spaced out that I worship gods and hate 9-5 work but I never want to get so caught up in society that I miss the good stuff in life. .....8 hours of work 8 hours of play 8 hours of sleep. its like magic.. most trips last about 8 hours too. thats no acciddent

It may be that way for lot kids but maybe you should go out to a gathering (rainbow gathering) or scope out a commune....theres black bear ranch which is great and alpha farm my wife kids and I spent quite a while can see where babylon is kinda kills the wife and I finally figured out a good routine...we think

go to a gathering...fill up on spirit
go back to babylon...spread the spirit
people respond really differently when its just "lovin ya brother/sister" or meeting them with a big hug
go to commune.....fill up on spirit
go back to babylon....spread the spirit
go to a gathering....fill up on spirit

I love the 'Welcome Home' moment....all my family....Im rambling now sorry lovin ya :hug:


Well-Known Member
I am jealous. DMTer you ever go to the Oregon State Fair? I had some family that use to go... I guess it is pretty awesome


Well-Known Member
Country fair

hahahahah many stories man I will get into them sometime

also many a pranksters balls.......just head down to eugene and say hi to glow and lsd :)

Oregon is where its at if you ask me

spent a lot of time traveling trying to find the best spot and it always leads back to oregon