The auction thing would be impossible. My hearing gets messed with bad when I'm twisted. I'll hear completely different words than what people are saying. If they repeat it a bunch of times I can finally piece it together. But not sure about an auctioneer lol. I can't even understand them sober, except when they say a this is a 'topic' thread..and I,like many of you,am high right now(I'm actually stoned as shit),I'm gonna discuss 'non reality'..the 'what ifs'...
Here is a 'what if..'
What if you were forced to decipher an auctioneer (those guys that spit real fire),while you were lost in a city and needed directions,and everyone spoke 'auctioneeriese'(it a new language)..
Or what if you smoked pot to get
Idk..I'm rambling and saw an auction on television..HA!