please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

Can't complain about a can find one on the internet..unless you're talking bout a book of acid..and the same could probably still be done...haha.
Unless something unspeakably tragic has happened I doubt its a physical lack of drugs.
There's always sokething to read. Pick an interesting topic and see where google leads you!
Unless something unspeakably tragic has happened I doubt its a physical lack of drugs.
There's always sokething to read. Pick an interesting topic and see where google leads you!

It isn't. X, mushrooms, tranqs, methaqualone, alcohol, nicotine, cafeine, hash.

No coffee - bad for me
Not interested in X by myself
Took a large dose of mushrooms last weekend
There is a certain cross tolerance between ludes and tranqs and my tolerance for the methaq has soared - I'm at about 900 mg and am not about to waste it on those levels.
Alcohol? I don't think the end result will be pleasant, and besides i've been drinking too much.

Hash - really? not an option.

so, I'm out of drugs.
No body likes a'm sure ill eventually get my hands on one..its funny,I'm pretty sure I won't like them,but I wanna try one for posterity..if I do like one,then it'll be all the more of an experience..
House was broken into yesterday....those fuckers got my stash on top of everything else...I just hope they put the 2cb I had up there nose and end up in a fuck of a situation...damn it sucks 2cb, MDMA, lsd, my nbome stash, amt, ketamine its all gone was not a good night even my fucking pipes and shit are least I had my computer with me at work and they didn't steal any of my kids stuff and my guitar is still there but damn...feeling a lil violated I should hide my stash a lil better what a learning experience
Shit that sucks! I hope they try to eat it all and then rail the bees when they're tripping and spend the rest of the experience rethinking their lives.
I caught the fucker that did that shit to me and I beat the fuck out of him! I'm not a violent man but I put 6 staples in his head and was looking at five years in jail and I'm glad I did every ounce of it..I never got in trouble, for he was running from a coke charge and would not show up to court for my ass whoopin I handed him..watching him cry like a little girl was sweet..I hope you have some sort of similar vengeance upon these fuckers that took your love.FUCK A THIEF.
Dude that sucks DMTER. Did the whole place get jacked or mainly your stash? If it's the latter, I'd start looking at an inside job.

Time to invest in some heavy duty ass locks. And/or a gun or other weapons depending on your wants.
weve kinda holed up up in the "we do grow thread" sincd you been gone dude..but i feel the same about all the acid going around? isnt that refreshing...bout goddamn time we got flooded
LSD is not flooding over here thats for sure. Only meth. Sucks because we have to hire seasonal employees this time of year..... I use to not allow anyone I suspected of tweaking.... now I gave up on that and it just all about 'well, hes twacked, but at least he is working' ... .hired a old friend of mine the other week but hes too far gone on it..l caught him going through equipment and tools when he was suppose to be doing work.... good ole meth.
tweakers will work,thats for sure,it just takes them awhile to finish the job,unless they got their meth bugs trained to