please help plants! *PICS* ph? nutes? what is it?


Well-Known Member
ok so my plants one by one are wilting and dying. i went from 12 to about 8 and one more seems to be wilting. i am going tonight to get a ph meter, but like i said, its happening one by one. i still have 7 plants that one of which has yellow tips, two the leaves are slightly pointing really straight up - like, and curling if you will. and a few i culled out because they wilted the point of no return. is this a ph problem? is it to much nutes? i have a high nutrient mix, but not to much i didnt think. but like i said, 6 of them are completely healthy, and i think that this culling is actually somewhat helpful, because it is proving to me who is strongest and who i should clone. i only have a 3x3x3' growroom with a 400W HPS. here is some pics of a healthy one, and 2 unhealthy ones that might go next. have to restart comp to load webcam will post in 5 min...could this be a ph prob? to much nutes? why are they wilting and dying? i do not overwater except for i think thats why one of them died. let me get these pics...


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are over feeding them. You really dont need to give nutes to plants that young to where the leaves turn brown and they wilt away. NO nutes and ph your water.


Well-Known Member

as you can see the first two are wilting or it to much ph? to low? what are the effects of each and what can i do to fix it?

next is the healthy one...which still has slight yellowing on the new leaves....inside part of plant...and one has yellow tips! is it nute burn? what is it? like i said i culled some because they wilted till they died....overwatering i presume....but whats with this?is it a ph problem?



Well-Known Member
see my problem is i use osmocote which is a soil feeding food. i dont use water nutes...however i have what i thought was the right amount of nutes in soil...i think im going to get some extra bags of peat moss and perlites and vermiculite and just add it to my mix already. i dont water feed nutes. however like i said some are completely healthy with just SLIGHT yellowing and then they seem ok. i am gonna go get a ph meter at lowes i hope they have the 7 dollar ones like online in the store. they say they do. should i check ph of soil or water or both? and what do i add to water to lower the soil's ph if its to high or low. when i transplanted i used bone meal and blood meal in the mix. i think this fucked with it


Well-Known Member
i would have to completely toss 35-40 dollars of soil because of that dam osmocote..or do you think i could spend another ten and add some peatmoss and perlite and even it out, lowering the nutes?


Well-Known Member
You said that you have a high nute mix. Does that refer to the soil or something you're adding? If you're adding it, stop now and flush! If it's the soil, all I know is that you'll probably have to hang on for the ride and do not over-water.

You also never mentioned how close your lights are to your plants or temps in your grow space. Do you have sufficient ventilation? A 400W HPS could cook a few plants in a 3X3X3 space in no time.

Give us a little more information.


Well-Known Member
i dont have a light until next week, they are outdoors on my roof/patio thing. i am thinkin of just letting these ride out until next week and just order some seeds, get me lights, and start fresh, its my bday next week, and i will have money and shit to do that with. so i am going to let these go until next week and just start fresh i think. im only 3 weeks into it. one has to have paitence. but anyways, on a diff note. i think im going to get a new bag of peat moss and perlite, check the ph, and transplants with no nutes. i think this is the best idea.


Well-Known Member
It does sound like the nutes in the soil are to rich for them at there age. If you have more seeds but dont want to throw away the soil perhaps start them off in rockwool until they are bigger and better able to handle the strength of the soil.


Well-Known Member
i think im going to order new seeds. i have no more. i am going to order dank new seeds (this strain was good but no dank) and grow them in peat moss and perlite only. i think this is the best idea.


Well-Known Member
It does sound like the nutes in the soil are to rich for them at there age. If you have more seeds but dont want to throw away the soil perhaps start them off in rockwool until they are bigger and better able to handle the strength of the soil.

good advice.. rockwool gives it a good base too. so it grows nice and straight...Pe@ce..


Well-Known Member
i would have to completely toss 35-40 dollars of soil because of that dam osmocote..or do you think i could spend another ten and add some peatmoss and perlite and even it out, lowering the nutes?

hey man I would dig up some regular good soil from some place or get some cheap unnuted soil, mix the two together to weaken it that way you don't waste money and get more soil. good luck


Well-Known Member
yea i think im just gonna do that shit. anyone know of a good seedbank to order from? dont have much $$$ and only want like 10 seeds...can fit about 6 nice sized in my room. would fem be way to go? or just order regular and hope for fem? whats the ratio from fem-reg. plus, dont fem get hermi quite a bit? i just want to know what would be best for my money. like i said im thinkin about attitude...what currency do they go by? can i order from them since its a diff in the midwest. im super pissed but i think this is the best idea. known genetics ya know? anyone ever get fem seeds that are 100% fem no hermi's? or should i just get regular seeds do you think ill get 6 fems out of ten seeds. only have like 30-40 bucks for order.


Well-Known Member
I FOUND A BAG OF seedling mix (perlite and peat moss) so i transplanted 5 plants to it and am hoping for the best. no nutes in the soil. this is what they need. i am hoping for the best and now only have 5 plants. but this might just be the thing that saves those 5


Well-Known Member
Hey again man, google the "attitude seedbank", they are great. they are the only guys I have ordered from and they sent the seeds quickly and stealthily. If you don't mind a bit of extra work, I would take reg seeds, or if you are planning on cloning also take reg seeds (good mother genetics). But all my fem. seeds are going strong so far too, so I can vouch for them as well. good luck! :weed:


Well-Known Member
oh and also with non-fem seeds they usually give you double as many as u would get fem.. so you may get more then 50% females.. bonus bud.. :weed:


Well-Known Member
oh and also with non-fem seeds they usually give you double as many as u would get fem.. so you may get more then 50% females.. bonus bud.. :weed:
so ur saying the regular seeds yield more? or are you saying theres more fem instead of hermi with reg seeds? i dont get it. yea im looking at attitude now im gonna order some here soon hopefully. just need to get like 40 bucks to do it. any idea for high yielding/high thc/short plant/ strains?


Well-Known Member
think about it as instead of getting 5 fem seeds. and also think about how many of them will hermie.
its better to order the non fems, it increases the chance of getting non fucked up females. kus instead of getting only 5 will most likely receive 10.. so that right there increases your chances. but the best thing about starting from reg seeds is. your getting the actual DNA of the plant, not some deformed hermie clones seeds, kus thats all fem seeds are pretty much... hope i helped .. Pe@ce..

and yea. some NY diesel. good indoors..